
上传日期:2019-01-01 03:06:22
上 传 者mouhagaye
说明:  python vocal assistant

jarvis (0, 2018-08-23)
... ...

# Jarvis [![Version-shield]](CHANGELOG.md) ![Build-shield] [![Plugins-shield]](http://openjarvis.com/top-plugins) [![Banner]](http://openjarvis.com/) > Overview & full documentation available on http://openjarvis.com/ Jarvis.sh is a lightweight configurable multi-lang voice assistant Meant for home automation running on [slow computers](http://openjarvis.com/content/prerequisites) (ex: Raspberry Pi) Installs automatically [voice recognition](http://openjarvis.com/content/stt) & [speech synthesis](http://openjarvis.com/content/tts) egines of your choice Highly extendable thanks to a wide catalog of [community plugins](http://openjarvis.com/plugins) Languages supported (for voice recognition and speech synthesis): :fr: :gb: :us: :es: :it: :de: ### Installation See [Requirements](http://openjarvis.com/content/prerequisites). ```shell $> git clone https://github.com/alexylem/jarvis.git $> cd jarvis/ $> ./jarvis.sh -i ``` >More info on the site [installation page](http://openjarvis.com/content/installation). ### Usage ``` $> jarvis ``` ![App-menu] [![Asciinema]](https://asciinema.org/a/3rydfvf0wmmdxydqyx0nuivvg) ### Command-line options ```shell $> jarvis -h Main options are accessible through the application menu -b run in background (no menu, continues after terminal is closed) -c overrides conversation mode setting (true/false) -i install and setup wizard -h display this help -j output in JSON (for APIs) -k directly start in keyboard mode -l directly listen for one command (ex: launch from physical button) -m mute mode (overrides settings) -n directly start jarvis without menu -p install plugin, ex: jarvis -p https://github.com/alexylem/jarvis-time -q quit jarvis if running in background -r uninstall jarvis and its dependencies -s just say something and exit, ex: jarvis -s 'hello world' -u force update Jarvis and plugins (ex: use in cron) -v troubleshooting mode -w no colors in output -x execute order, ex: jarvis -x "switch on lights" ``` ### Support http://openjarvis.com/content/support ### License [![License-shield]](LICENSE.md) [Banner]: /imgs/banners/jarvis_banner.png "Simple configurable multi-lang assistant" [English]: /imgs/flags/us.png "English" [French]: /imgs/flags/fr.png "French" [App-menu]: http://openjarvis.com/sites/default/files/paste_1476635110.png [Asciinema]: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11017174/25974079/4e840f70-36a7-11e7-9f7d-9d4f50311033.png [Changelog File]: CHANGELOG.md [Contributing File]: CONTRIBUTING.md [License File]: LICENSE.md [Build-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/build-passing-brightgreen.svg [Version-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/version-18.01.03-blue.svg [License-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-yellow.svg [Plugins-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/plugins-81+-orange.svg


