
上传日期:2019-01-28 13:27:07
上 传 者gzxiaosuhua
说明:  开源的银行卡识程序工程,JAVA,CARD.IO开源核心
(Open Source Bank Card Recognition Procedure Engineering)

MycardScan\acknowledgements.md (941, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi\libcardioDecider.so (17584, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioDecider.so (17592, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioRecognizer.so (695616, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioRecognizer_tegra2.so (679232, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi-v7a\libopencv_core.so (1575868, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\armeabi-v7a\libopencv_imgproc.so (1262396, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\card.io.jar (112136, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\mips\libcardioDecider.so (71400, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\libs\x86\libcardioDecider.so (9328, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\LICENSE.md (1197, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\release_notes.md (7511, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\.classpath (475, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\.project (850, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\.settings\org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs (177, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\AndroidManifest.xml (1248, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\ant.properties (746, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\AndroidManifest.xml (1248, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\BuildConfig.class (345, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\MyScanActivity.class (3585, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\R$attr.class (340, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\R$id.class (426, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\R$layout.class (394, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes\org\my\scanExample\R.class (427, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\classes.dex (157608, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\dexedLibs\card.io-3495f30896367731130b5bdbb60ea53f.jar (71386, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\jarlist.cache (120, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\MyScanActivity.apk (2328181, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\proguard.txt (420, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\bin\resources.ap_ (2383, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\build.xml (3366, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\gen\org\my\scanExample\BuildConfig.java (160, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\gen\org\my\scanExample\R.java (548, 2015-01-04)
MycardScan\SampleApp\libs\armeabi\libcardioDecider.so (17584, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioDecider.so (17592, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioRecognizer.so (695616, 2014-12-12)
MycardScan\SampleApp\libs\armeabi-v7a\libcardioRecognizer_tegra2.so (679232, 2014-12-12)
... ...

card.io SDK for Android ======================== [card.io](https://www.card.io/) provides fast, easy credit card scanning in mobile apps. Stay up to date --------------- Please be sure to keep your app up to date with the latest version of the SDK. All releases follow [semantic versioning](http://semver.org/). You can receive updates about new versions via a few different channels: * Follow [@cardio](https://twitter.com/cardio) (also great to send us feedback) * Subscribe to our [card-io-sdk-announce](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/card-io-sdk-announce) list. * "Watch" this GitHub repository Also be sure to check and post to the [Stack Overflow card.io tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/card.io). Instructions ------------ The card.io Android SDK is a single card.io.jar file and two native libraries. The information in this guide is enough to get started. For additional details, see our **[javadoc](http://card-io.github.io/card.io-Android-SDK/)**. *(Note: in the past, developers needed to sign up at the [card.io site](https://www.card.io) and obtain an* `app token`. *This is no longer required.)* ### Requirements for card scanning * Rear-facing camera. * Android SDK version 8 (Android 2.2) or later. * ARMv7 processor. A manual entry fallback mode is provided for devices that do not meet these requirements. ### Instructions 1. Get the latest SDK by cloning this repo or [downloading an archive of the most recent tag](https://github.com/card-io/card.io-Android-SDK/tags). 2. Extract the card.io SDK 1. Unzip the tag archive into your project directory or copy `libs/*` into your projects `libs/` directory. - Gradle users with android-gradle-plugin version `0.7.2+` should put `card.io.jar` in `libs/` and the subfolders containing `*.so` files into `src/main/jniLibs` - Note that the subdirectories containing `.so` files are important and should not be changed. Note that the path for each of these files is important and should not be changed. 2. If using Eclipse, right-click libs/card.io.jar then select "Build Path" → "Add to Build Path". 3. Edit AndroidManifest.xml. We're going to add a few additional items in here: 1. Ensure your minimum SDK level is 8 or above. You should have an element like this in ``: ```xml ``` 2. Also in your `` element, make sure the following permissions and features are present: ```xml ``` 3. Within the `` element, add activity entries: ```xml ``` 4. Before you build in release mode, make sure to adjust your proguard configuration by adding the following to `proguard.cnf`: ``` -keep class io.card.** -keepclassmembers class io.card.** { *; } ``` ### Sample code First, we'll assume that you're going to launch the scanner from a button, and that you've set the button's onClick handler in the layout XML via `android:onClick="onScanPress"`. Then, add the method as: ```java public void onScanPress(View v) { Intent scanIntent = new Intent(this, CardIOActivity.class); // customize these values to suit your needs. scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_EXPIRY, true); // default: true scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_CVV, false); // default: false scanIntent.putExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_REQUIRE_POSTAL_CODE, false); // default: false // MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE is arbitrary and is only used within this activity. startActivityForResult(scanIntent, MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE); } ``` Next, we'll override `onActivityResult` to get the scan result. ```java @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == MY_SCAN_REQUEST_CODE) { String resultDisplayStr; if (data != null && data.hasExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT)) { CreditCard scanResult = data.getParcelableExtra(CardIOActivity.EXTRA_SCAN_RESULT); // Never log a raw card number. Avoid displaying it, but if necessary use getFormattedCardNumber() resultDisplayStr = "Card Number: " + scanResult.getRedactedCardNumber() + "\n"; // Do something with the raw number, e.g.: // myService.setCardNumber( scanResult.cardNumber ); if (scanResult.isExpiryValid()) { resultDisplayStr += "Expiration Date: " + scanResult.expiryMonth + "/" + scanResult.expiryYear + "\n"; } if (scanResult.cvv != null) { // Never log or display a CVV resultDisplayStr += "CVV has " + scanResult.cvv.length() + " digits.\n"; } if (scanResult.postalCode != null) { resultDisplayStr += "Postal Code: " + scanResult.postalCode + "\n"; } } else { resultDisplayStr = "Scan was canceled."; } // do something with resultDisplayStr, maybe display it in a textView // resultTextView.setText(resultStr); } // else handle other activity results } ``` ### Hints & Tips * [Javadocs](http://card-io.github.io/card.io-Android-SDK/) are provided in this repo for a complete reference. * card.io errors and warnings will be logged to the "card.io" tag. * The card.io zip bundle is designed to be unzipped in to the your project directory. * **You should not attempt to change this directory structure.** * In particular, Android looks for files matching `libs/card.io.jar` and `libs/{processor}/*.so`. * If upgrading the card.io SDK, first remove all card.io libraries so that you don't accidentally ship obsolete or unnecessary libraries. The bundled libraries may change. * Processing images can be memory intensive. * [Memory Analysis for Android Applications](http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/03/memory-analysis-for-android.html) provides some useful information about how to track and reduce your app's memory useage. * card.io recommends the use of [SSL pinning](http://blog.thoughtcrime.org/authenticity-is-broken-in-ssl-but-your-app-ha) when transmitting sensitive information to protect against man-in-the-middle attacks.


