
上传日期:2019-03-04 16:53:38
上 传 者涅柔斯
说明:  dicomviewer阅片html5demo,扩展老旧pacs功能
(Dicomviewer reads html5demo to extend the old PACS function)

.babelrc (25, 2018-12-17)
.eslintignore (10, 2018-12-17)
.eslintrc.js (7328, 2018-12-17)
.jsdocrc (333, 2018-12-17)
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config\karma\karma-base.js (1498, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-chrome.js (355, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-coverage.js (396, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-coveralls.js (409, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-extend.js (344, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-firefox.js (204, 2018-12-17)
config\karma\karma-watch.js (334, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack (0, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\index.js (107, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\merge.js (509, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\plugins (0, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\plugins\banner.js (716, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\webpack-base.js (1044, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\webpack-dev.js (311, 2018-12-17)
config\webpack\webpack-prod.js (387, 2018-12-17)
dist (0, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstone.min.js (103609, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneMath.min.js (22603, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneTools.js (196845, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneWADOImageLoader.js (151515, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneWADOImageLoader.min.js (49935, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneWADOImageLoaderCodecs.js (1586089, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneWADOImageLoaderCodecs.min.js (1537814, 2018-12-17)
dist\cornerstoneWADOImageLoaderWebWorker.js (38541, 2018-12-17)
... ...

[![NPM version][npm-version-image]][npm-url] [![NPM downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url] [![MIT License][license-image]][license-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Coverage Status][coverage-image]][coverage-url] cornerstoneTools ================ `cornerstoneTools` is a library built on top of [cornerstone](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstone) that provides a set of common tools needed in medical imaging to work with images and stacks of images. * View [live examples](https://rawgithub.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/master/examples/index.html) of individual tools * Take a peek at a [simple image viewer](http://chafey.github.io/cornerstoneDemo/) built on cornerstone * Check out a [more fully featured solution](http://viewer.ohif.org/) maintained by [OHIF](http://ohif.org/) Features --------
WW/WC Tool Example Zoom Tool Example Pan Tool Example Length Tool Example
WW/WC Zoom Pan Length
Example / Source Example / Source Example / Source Example / Source
Rectangle ROI Tool Example Elliptical ROI Tool Example Pixel Probe Tool Example Angle Tool Example
Rectangle ROI Elliptical ROI Pixel Probe Angle
Example / Source Example / Source Example / Source Example / Source
Scroll Tool Example Cross reference lines Tool Example
Scroll Reference Lines Many More!
Example / Source Example / Source Click Here to See a Full List
**Other Features:** * Time Series Tools * Play * Scroll * Probe * Synchronization Tools * By image index * By image position * By zoom and pan * By ww/wc and inversion * Measurement Manager * Support for binding each tool to different mouse inputs: * Left mouse button * Middle mouse button * Right mouse button * Mouse Wheel * Support for touch based gestures * Drag * Pinch * Tool framework that can be used to simplify development of new tools that work in a consistent manner with the included tools * Provides API to access measurement data for serialization purposes (e.g. save measurements to database) Getting Started --------------- ### Install **Via NPM:** (preferred) _Latest stable release:_ - `npm install --save cornerstone-tools` _Pre-release, unstable, mostly for contributors:_ - `npm install --save cornerstone-tools@next` **Get a packaged source file:** [UNPKG](https://unpkg.com/#/) offers a quick/neat solution for grabbing versioned copies of the source. For example: `https://unpkg.com/@/path/to/desired-file.js` * For development, to get the latest minified source: * `` * For production, specify a package version: * `` ### Usage See the [live examples](https://rawgithub.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/master/examples/index.html) and [wiki](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/wiki) for documentation (Soon to be replaced by [tools.cornerstonejs.org](http://tools.cornerstonejs.org/)) on how to use this library **A common setup when using modules:** ````javascript // Load NPM packages import Hammer from 'hammerjs'; // npm install --save hammerjs import * as cornerstone from 'cornerstone-core'; // npm install --save cornerstone-core import * as cornerstoneTools from 'cornerstone-tools'; // Specify external dependencies cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstone = cornerstone; cornerstoneTools.external.Hammer = Hammer; ```` *Note: `cornerstoneTools.external`'s only need to be specified in `cornerstone-tools` versions 1.0.0+ **A common setup when using package source files:** ````javascript // Load Packaged Sources // Specify external dependencies cornerstoneTools.external.cornerstone = cornerstone; cornerstoneTools.external.Hammer = Hammer; ```` *Note: `cornerstoneTools.external`'s only need to be specified in `cornerstone-tools` versions 1.0.0+ Contributing ------------ We love contributions, and we have plenty of work queued up for all skill levels. If you have an idea, feel free to create a new topic on [our community discussion board](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cornerstone-platform), or comment on an existing [enhancement](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aenhancement), [up-for-grabs](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22up+for+grabs%22), [bug](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Abug), [documentation](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/labels/documentation) issue. A quick "here is how I intend to approach this problem", with sign-off from someone like @swederik, will go a long way toward increasing the chances your hard work will be merged :+1: **How To Contribute:** 1. Fork this repository 2. Clone the forked repository 3. Before committing code, create a branch-per-feature, or branch-per-bug 4. Create pull requests against `cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/master` **What To Contribute:** If you're looking to get your feet wet, start by: - Read existing [wiki documentation](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/wiki) as you implement your solution. Notice any holes? Fill them in. - Soon to be replaced by [tools.cornerstonejs.org](http://tools.cornerstonejs.org/) - Can't find an [example of a tool](https://rawgit.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/master/examples/index.html)? Or think an example can be improved? Improve it. - Creating your first tool and learned some lessons along the way? Add documentation to help others. Can't think of anything? Weigh in on and claim an [outstanding issue in the backlog](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/issues). Versioning ---------- cornerstoneTools will be maintained under the [Semantic Versioning Guidelines](http://semver.org) as much as possible. Releases will be numbered with the following format: `..` And constructed with the following guidelines: * Breaking backward compatibility bumps the major (and resets the minor and patch) - Information on how to navigate breaking changes will be included in our [Change Log](https://github.com/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/blob/master/changelog.md) * New additions, including new icons, without breaking backward compatibility bumps the minor (and resets the patch) * Bug fixes, changes to brand logos, and misc changes bumps the patch Build System ------------ This project uses webpack to build the software. **Requirements:** * [NodeJs](http://nodejs.org). **Common Tasks:** Update dependencies (after each pull): > npm install Running the build: > npm start Automatically running the build and unit tests after each source change: > npm run watch Backlog ------------ * Updating related handles while resizing (e.g. resize top left handle of a rect and update the bottom left and top right as it changes) * measurement calibration tool * Config object that allows tool appearance to be customized (e.g. line color, text color, handle size, shape, etc) * automatically disabling tools when the enabled element is disabled * reconsider the state management api, it is a bit clunky * add support for pointer events as an input source * Reference line renderer for first/last/active * key press input source - so user can interact with tools via keyboard (e.g. scroll stack image using arrow keys) [license-image]: http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat [license-url]: LICENSE [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/cornerstone-tools [npm-version-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/cornerstone-tools.svg?style=flat [npm-downloads-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/dm/cornerstone-tools.svg?style=flat [travis-url]: http://travis-ci.org/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools.svg?branch=master [coverage-url]: https://coveralls.io/github/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools?branch=master [coverage-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cornerstonejs/cornerstoneTools/badge.svg?branch=master


