
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-05-29 23:17:35
上 传 者gongzuozhong
说明:  Game游戏的源代码Probe,用vc6做的,比较老,对理解vc和游戏框架比较好
(gameprobe source code,writen by visual c++ 6.0)

TableFrame.cpp (7186, 2002-08-05)
Hotkey (0, 2003-12-09)
Hotkey\Debug (0, 2003-12-09)
Hotkey\Hotkey.cpp (2748, 2002-08-05)
Hotkey\hotkey.def (262, 2002-08-02)
Hotkey\Hotkey.dsp (4420, 2002-08-02)
Hotkey\Hotkey.h (801, 2002-08-05)
Hotkey\Hotkey.plg (1168, 2002-08-05)
Hotkey\Release (0, 2003-12-09)
Hotkey\StdAfx.cpp (293, 2002-08-02)
Hotkey\StdAfx.h (825, 2002-08-02)
Release (0, 2003-12-09)
res (0, 2003-12-09)
res\bitmap1.bmp (3382, 2002-08-01)
res\bmp00001.bmp (3382, 2002-08-01)
res\FINDER.ICO (3774, 1996-05-05)
res\GameProbe.ico (1078, 2002-07-29)
res\GameProbe.rc2 (401, 2002-07-29)
res\hand.cur (326, 2002-08-01)
res\toolbar1.bmp (718, 2002-08-03)
SearchEngine (0, 2003-12-09)
SearchEngine\FileArray.cpp (2982, 2002-08-03)
SearchEngine\FileArray.h (1321, 2002-08-03)
SearchEngine\FileSearch.cpp (562, 2002-07-27)
SearchEngine\FileSearch.h (566, 2002-07-27)
SearchEngine\Fixer.cpp (525, 2002-08-03)
SearchEngine\Fixer.h (1203, 2002-08-05)
SearchEngine\MemFixer.cpp (1014, 2002-08-05)
SearchEngine\MemFixer.h (698, 2002-07-30)
SearchEngine\MemSearch.cpp (4263, 2002-08-03)
SearchEngine\MemSearch.h (801, 2002-07-29)
SearchEngine\ProcessMem.cpp (3626, 2002-08-01)
SearchEngine\ProcessMem.h (1223, 2002-07-27)
SearchEngine\Search.cpp (3085, 2003-04-12)
SearchEngine\Search.h (1564, 2003-04-12)
SearchEngine\SearchDefs.h (683, 2002-08-04)
SearchEngine\Value.cpp (2778, 2002-08-05)
SearchEngine\Value.h (1277, 2002-08-05)
customcombo.cpp (5172, 2002-08-05)
... ...

======================================================================== DYNAMIC LINK LIBRARY : Hotkey ======================================================================== AppWizard has created this Hotkey DLL for you. This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that make up your Hotkey application. Hotkey.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. Hotkey.cpp This is the main DLL source file. Hotkey.h This file contains your DLL exports. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other standard files: StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named Hotkey.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Other notes: AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you should add to or customize. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


