
上传日期:2019-03-28 00:54:48
上 传 者benmahmoud
说明:  Laravel Blog code source

laravel-blog (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.cloud (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.cloud\docker (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.cloud\docker\Dockerfile (896, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.cloud\nginx (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.cloud\nginx\nginx.conf (602, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.dockerignore (151, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.editorconfig (213, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.env.example (756, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.env.testing (160, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.env.travis (144, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.php_cs (773, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\.travis.yml (547, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\LICENSE (1073, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Broadcasting (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Broadcasting\PostChannel.php (259, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Concern (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Concern\Likeable.php (1167, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Console (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Console\Kernel.php (974, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Events (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Events\CommentPosted.php (1140, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Exceptions (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Exceptions\Handler.php (1058, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Helpers (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Helpers\date.php (350, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\CommentController.php (1388, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\MediaLibraryController.php (1684, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\PostController.php (2213, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\PostThumbnailController.php (446, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\ShowDashboard.php (539, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Admin\UserController.php (1375, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Api (0, 2019-03-05)
laravel-blog\app\Http\Controllers\Api\V1 (0, 2019-03-05)
... ...

# Laravel 5.8 blog [![Build Status](]( [![Donate](]( The purpose of this repository is to show good development practices on [Laravel]( as well as to present cases of use of the framework's features like: - [Authentication]( - API - Token authentication - [API Resources]( - Versioning - [Blade]( - [Broadcasting]( - [Cache]( - [Email Verification]( - [Filesystem]( - [Helpers]( - [Horizon]( - [Localization]( - [Mail]( - [Migrations]( - [Policies]( - [Providers]( - [Requests]( - [Seeding & Factories]( - [Testing]( Beside Laravel, this project uses other tools like: - [Bootstrap 4]( - [PHP-CS-Fixer]( - [Travis CI]( - [Font Awesome]( - [Vue.js]( - [axios]( - [Redis]( - [spatie/laravel-medialibrary]( - Many more to discover. ## Some screenshots You can find some screenshots of the application on : []( ## Installation Development environment requirements : - [Docker]( >= 17.06 CE - [Docker Compose]( Setting up your development environment on your local machine : ```bash $ git clone $ cd laravel-blog $ cp .env.example .env $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server composer install $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan key:generate $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan horizon:install $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan telescope:install $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan storage:link $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node yarn $ docker-compose up -d ``` Now you can access the application via [http://localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000). **There is no need to run ```php artisan serve```. PHP is already running in a dedicated container.** ## Before starting You need to run the migrations with the seeds : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan migrate --seed ``` This will create a new user that you can use to sign in : ```yml email: darthvader@deathstar.ds password: 4nak1n ``` And then, compile the assets : ```bash $ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node yarn dev ``` Starting job for newsletter : ```bash $ docker-compose run blog-server php artisan tinker > PrepareNewsletterSubscriptionEmail::dispatch(); ``` ## Useful commands Seeding the database : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan db:seed ``` Running tests : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server ./vendor/bin/phpunit --cache-result --order-by=defects --stop-on-defect ``` Running php-cs-fixer : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server ./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php_cs --verbose --dry-run --diff ``` Generating backup : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Backup\BackupServiceProvider" $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan backup:run ``` Generating fake data : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan db:seed --class=DevDatabaseSeeder ``` Discover package ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan package:discover ``` In development environnement, rebuild the database : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm blog-server php artisan migrate:fresh --seed ``` ## Accessing the API Clients can access to the REST API. API requests require authentication via token. You can create a new token in your user profile. Then, you can use this token either as url parameter or in Authorization header : ```bash # Url parameter GET # Authorization Header curl --header "Authorization: Bearer your_private_token_here" ``` API are prefixed by ```api``` and the API version number like so ```v1```. Do not forget to set the ```X-Requested-With``` header to ```XMLHttpRequest```. Otherwise, Laravel won't recognize the call as an AJAX request. To list all the available routes for API : ```bash $ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps blog-server php artisan route:list --path=api ``` ## More details More details are available or to come on [Guillaume Briday's blog]( (French). ## Contributing Do not hesitate to contribute to the project by adapting or adding features ! Bug reports or pull requests are welcome. ## License This project is released under the [MIT]( license.


