
上传日期:2019-04-01 21:45:23
上 传 者大牛12345
说明:  Jcow是一个基于PHP&MYSQL的社交软件,用于建立社交网站。 此版本是LITE版,有5会员限制并且无好友添加功能,适用于家庭和小团体的交流,或者学习之用。
(Jcow is a PHP&MYSQL-based social software for building social networking sites. This version is LITE version, with 5 membership restrictions and no friends to add features, suitable for family and small group communication, or learning purposes.)

fastquery.php (1827, 2016-10-16)
files (0, 2018-05-22)
files\.DS_Store (14340, 2018-12-15)
files\common_css (0, 2018-05-23)
files\common_css\add.png (7041, 2014-11-18)
files\common_css\bg_bottom.png (487, 2009-11-04)
files\common_css\bg_top.png (485, 2009-11-04)
files\common_css\button_bg.gif (162, 2012-09-08)
files\common_css\button_bg_left.gif (386, 2010-03-08)
files\common_css\button_bg_right.gif (712, 2010-03-08)
files\common_css\clean_logo.png (952, 2010-03-05)
files\common_css\ex.gif (350, 2009-09-11)
files\common_css\facebook-button.png (1248, 2012-10-11)
files\common_css\fade.png (371, 2010-07-05)
files\common_css\glass.png (296, 2012-10-09)
files\common_css\gplus-button.png (913, 2012-10-11)
files\common_css\ico.gif (246, 2010-02-05)
files\common_css\menu_bg_on.gif (185, 2009-11-03)
files\common_css\nav_bg.png (275, 2010-01-16)
files\common_css\pager_icon.png (260, 2009-11-04)
files\common_css\pinterest-button.png (1170, 2012-10-11)
files\common_css\poll_l.gif (184, 2009-07-09)
files\common_css\poll_m.gif (120, 2009-07-09)
files\common_css\poll_r.gif (184, 2009-07-09)
files\common_css\post_left.gif (91, 2009-07-09)
files\common_css\post_operation_bg.gif (112, 2009-11-27)
files\common_css\row1_bg.gif (123, 2010-02-25)
files\common_css\search.png (774, 2009-10-20)
files\common_css\search_box_bg.gif (316, 2010-03-29)
files\common_css\sharebox_arrow.png (257, 2010-12-18)
files\common_css\sharebox_arrow_bg.gif (44, 2010-12-18)
files\common_css\sidebar_block_bottom.png (307, 2009-11-04)
files\common_css\sidebar_block_top.png (320, 2009-11-04)
files\common_css\style.css (35868, 2018-12-16)
files\common_css\table_line1_bg.gif (188, 2010-02-25)
files\common_css\table_line2_bg.gif (116, 2009-11-27)
files\common_css\tabmenu_bg.gif (64, 2009-11-20)
files\common_css\tab_bg.gif (170, 2010-05-18)
files\common_css\tb_bg.gif (44, 2010-01-03)
files\common_css\Thumbs.db (34304, 2010-04-13)
... ...

GalleryView - jQuery Content Gallery Plugin Author: Jack Anderson INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE --------------------------------- 1) Place galleryview-x.x folder somewhere in your website directory structure (you can rename this folder if desired) 2) Include script tags for the desired version of the script (uncompressed, packed) and for the included jQuery Times plugin file 3) Include a reference to the galleryview.css stylesheet in your document 4) Create an unordered list in your HTML with the content you wish to be displayed in your gallery (see below for more information on markup options 5) Call the GalleryView plugin with the function call below: $('#id_of_list').galleryView() To override default option values, include them in JSON format in the call to the plugin, like so: $('#id_of_list').galleryView({ gallery_width: 800, gallery_height: 600, frame_width: 120, frame_height: 90, pause_on_hover: true }); Refer to the uncompressed javascript to see a full list of options, their effects on the plugin and their default values. HTML MARKUP REQUIREMENTS --------------------------------- Below, I will show you the markup required to produce various types of galleries. After the first example, I will exclude the UL wrapper and only show the HTML necessary for a single panel and/or frame. 1) Basic slideshow (no captions/overlay/HTML content) This is the simplest gallery one can have. With all the default options set, the following actions occur within the plugin (among other things): - a copy of the image is created within a "panel" DIV - the filmstrip image is scaled and cropped to fit within the dimensions of the frame (set frame_scale to 'nocrop' to retain aspect ratio) - the panel image is scaled to fit within the gallery, but retains its own aspect ratio (set panel_scale to 'crop' to crop panel images) When GalleryView is done processing the UL above, the DOM actually looks like this: There is a separate 'panel' DIV and 'frame' LI for each image in the original list. By default, the filmstrip will appear below the panels. The number of frames visible will be determined by the size of the panels. If there is enough space in the gallery to fit all the filmstrip frames, the filmstrip will be centered within the gallery. If there are too many frames, the additional frames will be hidden from view initially, appearing as the filmstrip slides to the left with each transition. Panel and frame dimensions are set via plugin options, as is the location of the filmstrip. It can be set to appear below, above, or to either side of the panels. To create a filmstrip-only gallery, no markup change is required, simply set the show_panels option to false. Alternatively, set show_filmstrip to false for a panel-only gallery. 2) Slideshow with frame captions
  • image
  • In this gallery, the title attribute of each image is used to create a caption under each frame. Note that GalleryView does not utilize the alt attribute. 3) Slideshow with panel overlays
  • image

    Pretty Picture

    Some more information about this photo, perhaps with a link to another page.

  • For this gallery, the contents of the 'panel-overlay' DIV will display on top of the panel image, its position determined by the 'overlay_position' option. The 'overlay_opacity' option controls how transparent the overlay is. The color and height of the overlays are set in the included CSS file. A panel overlay can contain any HTML content desired, but it is preferable to stick to headings and paragraphs. 4) Slideshow with HTML panel content
  • image

    A News Article

    Lorem ipsum dolor amet...

    More content...

  • When a 'panel-content' DIV exists, the image provided is no longer used for the panel, but only the filmstrip. Any HTML content can exist within a panel of this type, but it is important to remember that the panels do not scroll, and any overflow is hidden, so size your panels appropriately with the panel_width and panel_height options. A useful implementation of this gallery type would be if you do not want to use the same image for the panel and filmstrip. For instance, if you want to use a specific portion of a large image for the filmstrip frame, you would create two images, one for your panel and one for your filmstrip, then create the HTML as so:
  • image
    big image
  • That should hopefully be enough to get you started on the right track. Feel free to experiment and find me on twitter (@jackwanders) if you have any questions or comments. Enjoy!


