
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2019-04-21 16:48:25
上 传 者湘伦
说明:  某列车调度站的铁道联接结构如图所示。其中,A为入口,B为出口,S为中转盲端。所有铁道均为单轨单向式:列车行驶的方向只能是从A到S,再从S到B;也可以不在S中驻留,直接从A驶向B;另外,不允许超车。因为车厢可在S中驻留,所以它们从B端驶出的次序,可能与从A端驶入的次序不同。不过S的容量有限,同时驻留的车厢不得超过m节。设某列车由编号依次为{a1, a2, ..., an}的n节车厢组成。调度员希望知道,按照以上交通规则,这些车厢能否以{1, 2, ..., n}的次序,重新排列后从B端驶出。
(In this station A is the entrance for each train and B is the exit S is the transfer end. All single tracks are one-way which means that the train can enter the station from A to S and pull out from S to B Note that the overtaking is not allowed Because the compartments can reside in S the order that they pull out at B may differ from that they enter at A However because of the limited capacity of S no more that m compartments can reside at S simultaneously Assume that a train consist of n compartments labeled 1 2 n A dispatcher wants to know whether these compartments can pull out at B in the order of a1 a2 an a sequence If can in what order he should operate it)

Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\.suo (34304, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\Browse.VC.db (1576960, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\a8089b478df9616\Դ.ipch (2424832, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\d22f942b75d6640f\239D217D4F1AF1F7650BC499ABF7ED5391C46AFA.ipch (2359296, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.exe (45056, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.ilk (350472, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.log (103, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.pdb (569344, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\CL.command.1.tlog (596, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\ (2396, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\CL.write.1.tlog (376, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\link.command.1.tlog (1122, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\ (2538, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\link.write.1.tlog (414, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog\Project1.lastbuildstate (214, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\vc142.idb (35840, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\vc142.pdb (77824, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Դ.obj (12066, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Project1.sln (1436, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Project1.vcxproj (6119, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Project1.vcxproj.filters (948, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Project1.vcxproj.user (168, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Դ.cpp (1375, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\a8089b478df9616 (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch\AutoPCH\d22f942b75d6640f (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch\AutoPCH (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16\ipch (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1\v16 (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs\Project1 (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug\Project1.tlog (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\.vs (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1\Debug (0, 2019-04-21)
Project1 (0, 2019-04-21)


