
上传日期:2019-04-23 14:18:59
上 传 者kaykay1998
说明:  对点云数据进行三角剖分重构曲面,该软件包提供了基础C++资源JIGSAW; 定义基本的命令行界面和C-format API。一MATLAB/ OCTAVE基于脚本接口,包括一系列的文件的其他设备的I / O,网可视化和后处理操作,可以发现在这里。
(JIGSAW is a computational library for unstructured mesh generation and tessellation; designed to generate high-quality triangulations and polyhedral decompositions of general planar, surface and volumetric domains. JIGSAW includes refinement-based algorithms for the construction of new meshes, optimisation-driven techniques for the improvement of existing grids, as well as routines to assemble (restricted) Delaunay tessellations and Voronoi complexes.)

.travis.yml (444, 2018-05-10) (3216, 2018-05-10)
LICENSE (1082, 2018-05-10)
Makefile (879, 2018-05-10)
delaunay.h (3417, 2018-05-10)
edge.h (878, 2018-05-10)
main.cpp (2447, 2018-05-10)
numeric.h (843, 2018-05-10)
sample.png (15847, 2018-05-10)
tests (0, 2018-05-10)
tests\catch.hpp (443826, 2018-05-10)
tests\tests.cpp (2771, 2018-05-10)
triangle.h (2302, 2018-05-10)
vector2.h (1310, 2018-05-10)

# delaunay-triangulation [![Build Status](]( ## Pseudo-code algorithm Pseudo-code can be found on [Wikipedia](“Watson_algorithm) ``` function BowyerWatson (pointList) // pointList is a set of coordinates defining the points to be triangulated triangulation := empty triangle mesh data structure add super-triangle to triangulation // must be large enough to completely contain all the points in pointList for each point in pointList do // add all the points one at a time to the triangulation badTriangles := empty set for each triangle in triangulation do // first find all the triangles that are no longer valid due to the insertion if point is inside circumcircle of triangle add triangle to badTriangles polygon := empty set for each triangle in badTriangles do // find the boundary of the polygonal hole for each edge in triangle do if edge is not shared by any other triangles in badTriangles add edge to polygon for each triangle in badTriangles do // remove them from the data structure remove triangle from triangulation for each edge in polygon do // re-triangulate the polygonal hole newTri := form a triangle from edge to point add newTri to triangulation for each triangle in triangulation // done inserting points, now clean up if triangle contains a vertex from original super-triangle remove triangle from triangulation return triangulation ``` ## Sample ![alt text]( "Sample image (if you see this, then the image can't load or hasn't loaded yet)") From the [Wikipedia page of the algorithm]( ## Requirement You will need [SFML 2+]( to run the example, and C++11 to compile it. ## Usage To build it, you can type in : ```sh make ``` You may change the compiler on the makefile (using the CXX var) ```sh make CXX=g++ # to use the GCC compiler make CXX=clang++ # default compiler ``` The executable name is ``` delaunay ```, without arguments ```sh ./delaunay ``` Number of points to use to create triangulation can be given ```sh ./delaunay 50 ``` You can compile and run tests with the following commands ```sh make test ./tests_delaunay ``` You also can clear the executable and the build folder. ```sh make clean ```


