
上传日期:2019-05-02 09:01:12
上 传 者hanziG
说明:  能够实现基本门电路,与门,非门,异或门,与非门,或门,与或非门,并且用例化的方式实现
(The basic gate circuits, and gates, non-gates, exclusive or gates, and non-gates, or gates, and non-gates can be implemented in a case-by-case manner.)

1 (0, 2019-03-30)
1\and (0, 2019-03-30)
1\and\alice.v (83, 2019-03-29)
1\and\alice.v.bak (83, 2019-03-29)
1\and\alice_tb.v (182, 2019-03-29)
1\and\and.qpf (1270, 2019-03-29)
1\and\and.qsf (3874, 2019-03-29)
1\and\and.qws (1264, 2019-03-30)
1\and\and.v.bak (82, 2019-03-29)
1\and\and_nativelink_simulation.rpt (966, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db (0, 2019-03-30)
1\and\db\and.(0).cnf.cdb (663, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.(0).cnf.hdb (552, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.asm.qmsg (2471, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.asm.rdb (1387, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.asm_labs.ddb (6728, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cbx.xml (85, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.bpm (490, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.cdb (3248, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.hdb (10414, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.idb (1213, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.kpt (202, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.logdb (8129, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp.rdb (17983, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cmp_merge.kpt (207, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ff_1200mv_0c_fast.hsd (746342, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ss_1200mv_0c_slow.hsd (745244, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ss_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd (740239, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.db_info (140, 2019-03-30)
1\and\db\and.eda.qmsg (4729, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\ (17257, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.hier_info (68, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.hif (419, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.ipinfo (163, 2019-03-30)
1\and\db\and.lpc.html (372, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.lpc.rdb (399, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\and.lpc.txt (1060, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\ (123, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\ (468, 2019-03-29)
1\and\db\ (2085, 2019-03-29)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


