
上传日期:2019-05-05 20:28:06
上 传 者lkd
说明:  Effect of Dopamine using RL

BehDataAnalysis.m (8310, 2017-06-24)
BehDataLoad.m (3693, 2017-06-24)
BehFilterAnalysis.m (4084, 2017-06-24)
BehGraphs.m (5970, 2017-06-24)
BehWinStayAnalysis.m (4131, 2017-06-24)
BetweenExptsGraphs.m (5479, 2017-06-24)
CreateFakeData.m (3914, 2017-06-24)
DataFiles.m (2615, 2017-06-24)
DataNames.m (3201, 2017-06-24)
DataSort.m (2625, 2017-06-24)
DataSortF2.m (3321, 2017-06-24)
DataSortNP8020.m (3630, 2017-06-24)
DataSortNPF28020.m (7729, 2017-06-24)
F1BehDataAnalysis.m (6538, 2017-06-24)
F1BehGraphs.m (4686, 2017-06-24)
F1BehLoad.m (1618, 2017-06-24)
F2BehDataAnalysis.m (9205, 2017-06-24)
F2BehGraphs.m (3711, 2017-06-24)
F2BehLoad.m (1284, 2017-06-24)
FDataFiles.m (1339, 2017-06-24)
FormatForSPSS.m (6826, 2017-06-24)
FormatForSPSSF1F2.m (8436, 2017-06-24)
LICENSE (1070, 2017-06-24)
MDataSort.m (1954, 2017-06-24)
QLearn1Lr.m (2458, 2017-06-24)
QLearn2Lr.m (2884, 2017-06-24)
QLearnNestedAuto.m (3361, 2017-06-24)
QLearnNestedPerPp.m (9295, 2017-06-24)
QLearnNestedTest.m (4005, 2017-06-24)
SEM.m (478, 2017-06-24)
WinStayLoseShift.m (4036, 2017-06-24)
condSep.m (205, 2017-06-24)
effectofdopamine.txt (3978, 2019-05-05)

# Effects-of-dopamine-on-RL-consolidation-in-PD The code for analysis and model fitting used in the paper "Effects of dopamine on reinforcement learning and consolidation in Parkinson's disease". % README.txt % This code contains the analysis used for the paper "Effects of dopamine on reinforcement learning and consolidation in Parkinson's disease". % We do not have ethical approval to share participants' data, so we have % also included a script to generate random data to show how the scripts run. % You will need to copy all of the files into one folder, and run them from % there. % Some of the figures have been disabled as they use functions developed and % licensed by someone else. I have put links to those functions in the scripts % but the analysis will run with or without those parts. % Below is a brief description of the set up, and the list of files you % should run in which order %% Data % There are three experiments in the paper, and they are sometimes referred to by different % names. % Experiment 1 often has no moniker, and so files without F1 or F2 in the % title are for experiment 1. % Experiment 2 is referred to as F1 in the files. % Experiment 3 is referred to as F2 in the files. % Experiment 1 has 4 sessions, one for each of 4 medication conditions, % that all PD patients complete. Healthy Controls complete one session. % Each session has a different version of the modified Probabilistic % Selection Task (PST) run (versions A-D). The files are in the format: % P101AL1.txt (1st learning block) - version A % P101AL2.txt (2nd learning block) % P101AL3.txt (3rd learning block) % P101AM1.txt (1st memory test = 0 minutes delay) % P101AM2.txt (2nd memory test = 30 minutes delay) % P101AM3.txt (3rd memory test = 24 hours delay) % P101AN1.txt (novel pairs test = 24 hours delay) % P101BL1.txt (1st learning block) - version B % and so on for versions B, C and D. % the day1, day2 and bothDays variables set the conditions for each % session. % Controls complete one session, and do not have version numbers in their % file names. % Experiment 2 has the same 3 learning blocks, and then novel pairs test % given immediately after learning, so there are no memory tests, and only % 2 sessions for PD patients, one ON and OFF meds, and 1 session for % controls. % Experiment 3 had a variable number of learning blocks, dependent on their % performance compared to thresholds, so are all saved in one learning % file: % P131AL1.txt % and then a novel pairs test given immediately afterwards: % P131AN1.txt % PD patients were tested ON and OFF meds (2 sessions), and controls did 1 % session. % The CreateFakeData.m file will generate random data that fits the format % of the data analysed in the study. %% files to run % Here are the orders to run the files in: %% create fake data %if you don't have data in the format specified, this will create fake %random data to test the scripts CreateFakeData %% Experiment 1 analysis DataFiles;%gets file names, sets metadata BehDataAnalysis%loads up data, processes it BehGraphs%draw figures in paper BehFilterAnalysis%run filtering analysis and draw those figures %% Experiment 2 FDataFiles%get file names for experiments 2 and 3 F1BehDataAnalysis%load up data & analyse F1BehGraphs%draw figures %% Experiment 3 analysis FDataFiles%get file names and metadata for experiments 2 and 3 F2BehDataAnalysis%load up data & analyse F2BehGraphs%draw figures %% all 3 experiments BetweenExptsGraphs % get analysed data from each experiment, combine, figures BehWinStayAnalysis %run win-stay lose-shift analysis on each experiment, draw figure %% Model fitting % These scripts fit Q-learning models with 1 or 2 learning rates to the % behavioural data for patients, with the same parameters for all % medication conditions, and with separate learning rates for ON and OFF % conditions during learning. QLearnNestedAuto QLearnNestedTest


