
上传日期:2019-05-11 10:53:10
上 传 者仔仔无敌
说明:  能够显示旋转3D模型的openGL程序,鼠标拖动可以旋转。
(OpenGL Program for Displaying Rotating 3D Models)

shadingScene.sln (903, 2017-09-30)
Debug\shadingScene.exe (792064, 2018-04-04)
Debug\shadingScene.ilk (1894192, 2018-04-04)
Debug\shadingScene.pdb (1788928, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\bunny.obj (8336340, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\Debug\cl.command.1.tlog (3890, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\ (84520, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\CL.write.1.tlog (4030, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\Geometry.obj (188789, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\Debug\ (2, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\link-cvtres.write.1.tlog (2, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\ (2, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\link-rc.write.1.tlog (2, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\link.command.1.tlog (2426, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\ (4988, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\ (2, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\link.write.1.tlog (1536, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\LoadShaders.obj (155132, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\Debug\main.obj (243406, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\model.obj (580653, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\Debug\shadingScene.lastbuildstate (100, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\shadingScene.log (1808, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\trackball.obj (169225, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\Debug\vc110.idb (756736, 2018-04-04)
shadingScene\Debug\vc110.pdb (471040, 2017-10-02)
shadingScene\Geometry.cpp (6438, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\Geometry.h (5262, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\kitten.obj (113174, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\LoadShaders.cpp (3319, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\LoadShaders.h (1188, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\main.cpp (10823, 2017-10-02)
shadingScene\model.cpp (3506, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\model.h (491, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\shadingScene.vcxproj (4635, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\shadingScene.vcxproj.filters (1897, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\shadingScene.vcxproj.user (378, 2017-09-30)
shadingScene\trackball.cpp (3555, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\trackball.h (873, 2015-11-07)
shadingScene\triangles.frag (1097, 2015-11-07)
... ...

# GLSLDemo A GLSL demo under MSVC 2013. ## Functionalities This code loads a WaveFront .obj models and manipulates it. The basic operations are as follow: * Left mouse + drag: Roate. * Middle mouse + drag: Translate. * Right mouse + drag: Zoom. * 's' key: smooth/flat mode siwthc. * 'd' key: wireframe on/of. ## Environment & Dependencies This code has been tested under MSVC 2013 under Windows 7/8.1 and should work on other Windows platforms. Freeglut and glew are used for the modern extensions of OpenGL on Windows, and they are shaped with the code in the format of static libs. ## Others This code refers *the OpenGL Programming Guide (8-th edition)*


