
上传日期:2019-05-23 20:38:12
上 传 者Derazkola
说明:  C++ Primer 5 answers

.tools (0, 2019-05-18)
.tools\dir_handler.rb (507, 2019-05-18)
.tools\format.rb (1165, 2019-05-18)
.tools\insert_space_in_include.rb (569, 2019-05-18)
.tools\remove_blank_tails.rb (678, 2019-05-18)
.tools\remover.rb (1483, 2019-05-18)
.tools\test.txt (42, 2019-05-18)
.tools\uniform_comments_mark.rb (440, 2019-05-18)
LICENSE (6555, 2019-05-18)
ch01 (0, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_1.cpp (29, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_10.cpp (175, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_11.cpp (442, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_16.cpp (196, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_20.cpp (195, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_21.cpp (321, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_22.cpp (555, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_23.cpp (606, 2019-05-18)
ch01\ex1_9.cpp (275, 2019-05-18)
ch02 (0, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_34.cpp (647, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_35.cpp (537, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_4.cpp (389, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_42.h (1152, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_42_1.cpp (214, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_42_2.cpp (543, 2019-05-18)
ch02\ex2_42_3.cpp (786, 2019-05-18)
ch03 (0, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_10.cpp (443, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_14.cpp (294, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_15.cpp (347, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_16.cpp (2027, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_17.cpp (775, 2019-05-18)
ch03\ex3_18.cpp (81, 2019-05-18)
... ...

## C++ Primer 5 Answers(C++11/14) [![GitHub issues](https://img.shields.io/github/issues/Mooophy/Cpp-Primer.svg)](https://github.com/Mooophy/Cpp-Primer/issues) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-CC0-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Mooophy/Cpp-Primer/master/LICENSE) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/%E4%B8%AD%E6%96%87-%E8%AE%A8%E8%AE%BA%E5%8C%BA-yellowgreen.svg)](https://github.com/ReadingLab/Discussion-for-Cpp) [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/douban-%E5%B0%8F%E7%BB%84-green.svg)](http://www.douban.com/group/532124/) ### Compilers recommended * Windows: Visual Studio 2015+ * Linux: g++ 5.0+ ``` g++ -std=c++14 some_ex.cpp -o some_ex ``` * Mac: clang++ 3.7+ ``` clang++ -std=c++1y some_ex.cpp -o some_ex ``` ### Contents - [Chapter 1. Getting Started](ch01/README.md) - Part I: The Basics - [Chapter 2. Variables and Basic Types](ch02/README.md) - [Chapter 3. Strings, Vectors, and Arrays](ch03/README.md) - [Chapter 4. Expressions](ch04/README.md) - [Chapter 5. Statements](ch05/README.md) - [Chapter 6. Functions](ch06/README.md) - [Chapter 7. Classes](ch07/README.md) - Part II: The C++ Library - [Chapter 8. The IO Library](ch08/README.md) - [Chapter 9. Sequential Containers](ch09/README.md) - [Chapter 10. Generic Algorithms](ch10/README.md) - [Chapter 11. Associative Containers](ch11/README.md) - [Chapter 12. Dynamic Memory](ch12/README.md) - Part III: Tools for Class Authors - [Chapter 13. Copy Control](ch13/README.md) - [Chapter 14. Overloaded Operations and Conversions](ch14/README.md) - [Chapter 15. Object-Oriented Programming](ch15/README.md) - [Chapter 16. Templates and Generic Programming](ch16) - Part IV: Advanced Topics - [Chapter 17. Specialized Library Facilities](ch17) - [Chapter 18. Tools for Large Programs](ch18) - [Chapter 19. Specialized Tools and Techniques](ch19)


