
上传日期:2019-06-03 13:15:05
上 传 者jierjihong
说明:  OpenCVSharp适用于C#,相当于OpenCV的封装
(OpenCVSharp is suitable for C equivalent to OpenCV encapsulation)

net20\OpenCvSharp.dll (827904, 2019-04-17)
net20\OpenCvSharp.dll.config (148, 2017-06-27)
net20\OpenCvSharp.Blob.dll (39424, 2019-04-17)
net40\OpenCvSharp.dll (824832, 2019-04-17)
net40\OpenCvSharp.dll.config (148, 2017-06-27)
net40\OpenCvSharp.Blob.dll (39424, 2019-04-17)
net40\OpenCvSharp.Extensions.dll (25088, 2019-04-17)
net40\OpenCvSharp.UserInterface.dll (12800, 2019-04-17)
net461\OpenCvSharp.dll (826368, 2019-04-17)
net461\OpenCvSharp.dll.config (148, 2017-06-27)
net461\OpenCvSharp.Blob.dll (39424, 2019-04-17)
net461\OpenCvSharp.Extensions.dll (25088, 2019-04-17)
net461\OpenCvSharp.UserInterface.dll (12800, 2019-04-17)
netstandard2.0\OpenCvSharp.dll (825856, 2019-04-17)
netstandard2.0\OpenCvSharp.dll.config (148, 2017-06-27)
netstandard2.0\OpenCvSharp.Blob.dll (39424, 2019-04-17)
netstandard2.0\OpenCvSharp.Extensions.dll (17920, 2019-04-17)
XmlDoc-English\OpenCvSharp.xml (2051860, 2019-04-17)
XmlDoc-English\OpenCvSharp.Blob.xml (55857, 2019-04-17)
XmlDoc-English\OpenCvSharp.Extensions.xml (13964, 2019-04-17)
XmlDoc-English\OpenCvSharp.UserInterface.xml (8968, 2019-04-17)
XmlDoc-Japanese\OpenCvSharp.xml (2113748, 2019-04-17)
OpenCvSharpExtern.dll (37835776, 2019-04-17)
DebuggerVisualizers\OpenCvSharp.DebuggerVisualizers.dll (8704, 2019-04-17)
LICENSE (1535, 2019-03-26)

# OpenCvSharp [![Build status](]( [![GitHub license](]( Cross platform wrapper of OpenCV for .NET Framework. Old versions of OpenCvSharp are maintained in [opencvsharp_2410]( ## Installation ### NuGet | Package | Description | Link | |---------|-------------|------| |**OpenCvSharp4**| OpenCvSharp core libraries | [![NuGet version](]( | |**OpenCvSharp4.Windows**| All-in-one package for Windows - same as [OpenCvSharp3-AnyCPU]( | [![NuGet version](]( | |****| Native bindings for Windows x***/x86 | [![NuGet version](]( | |**OpenCvSharp4.runtime.ubuntu.18.04-x*****| Native bindings for Ubuntu 18.04 x*** | [![NuGet version](***.svg)](***) | |(beta packages)| Development Build Package | | Native binding (OpenCvSharpExtern.dll / is required to work OpenCvSharp. To use OpenCvSharp, you should add both `OpenCvSharp4` and `OpenCvSharp4.runtime.*` packages to your project. Currently, native bindings for Windows and Ubuntu 18.04 are released. Packages named OpenCvSharp3-* and OpenCvSharp-* are deprecated. - [OpenCvSharp3-AnyCPU]( - [OpenCvSharp3-WithoutDll]( - [OpenCvSharp-AnyCPU]( - [OpenCvSharp-WithoutDll]( ### Windows Add `OpenCvSharp4` and `` NuGet packages to your project. You can use `OpenCvSharp4.Windows` instead. ### Ubuntu 18.04 Add `OpenCvSharp4` and `OpenCvSharp4.runtime.ubuntu.18.04.x***` NuGet packages to your project ``` dotnet new console -n ConsoleApp01 cd ConsoleApp01 dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4 dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4.runtime.ubuntu.18.04-x*** # -- edit Program.cs --- # dotnet run ``` ### Downloads If you do not use NuGet, get DLL files from the [release page]( ## Requirements * [OpenCV 4.0.1]( with [opencv_contrib]( * (Windows)[Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package]( * [.NET Framework 2.0]( or later / [.NET Core 2.0]( / [Mono]( OpenCvSharp may not work on UWP and Unity platform. Please consider using [OpenCV for Unity](!/content/21088) ## Documents ## Usage For more details, see **[samples](** and **[Wiki](** pages. ```C# // Edge detection by Canny algorithm using OpenCvSharp; class Program { static void Main() { Mat src = new Mat("lenna.png", ImreadModes.Grayscale); // Mat src = Cv2.ImRead("lenna.png", ImreadModes.Grayscale); Mat dst = new Mat(); Cv2.Canny(src, dst, 50, 200); using (new Window("src image", src)) using (new Window("dst image", dst)) { Cv2.WaitKey(); } } } ``` ## Features * OpenCvSharp is modeled on the native OpenCV C/C++ API style as much as possible. * Many classes of OpenCvSharp implement IDisposable. There is no need to manage unsafe resources. * OpenCvSharp does not force object-oriented programming style on you. You can also call native-style OpenCV functions. * OpenCvSharp provides functions for converting from Mat/IplImage into Bitmap(GDI+) or WriteableBitmap(WPF). * OpenCvSharp can work on [Mono]( It can run on any platform which [Mono]( supports (e.g. Linux). ## OpenCvSharp Build Instructions ### Windows - Install Visual Studio 2017 or later - VC++ features are required. - Get all submodules ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` - Build OpenCvSharp - Open `OpenCvSharp.sln` and build ### Ubuntu 18.04 - Build OpenCV with opencv_contrib. - - Install .NET Core SDK. - Get OpenCvSharp source files ``` git clone cd opencvsharp git fetch --all --tags --prune && git checkout ${OPENCVSHARP_VERSION} ``` - Build native wrapper `OpenCvSharpExtern` ``` cd opencvsharp/src mkdir build cd build cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${YOUR_OPENCV_INSTALL_PATH} .. make -j make install ``` You should add reference to `opencvsharp/src/build/OpenCvSharpExtern/` ``` export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/home/shimat/opencvsharp/src/build/OpenCvSharpExtern" ``` - Add `OpenCvSharp4` NuGet package to your project ``` dotnet new console -n ConsoleApp01 cd ConsoleApp01 dotnet add package OpenCvSharp4 # -- edit Program.cs --- # dotnet run ``` ### Older Ubuntu Refer to the [Dockerfile]( and [Wiki pages]( ## License Licensed under the [BSD 3-Clause License]( ## Donations If you find the OpenCvSharp library useful and would like to show your gratitude by donating, here are some donation options. Thank you. Type | Address ------ | ------- **BTC** (Bitcoin) | 3EWhyNe3xzNNrbUgk4nXAVEkaWdpGncotc **BCH** (Bitcoin Cash) | 3EWhyNe3xzNNrbUgk4nXAVEkaWdpGncotc **ETH** (Ethereum) | 0x8a6089d60812ec88822d81bc6c65ba4ae63ea269 **LTC** (Litecoin) | LLpmBjjVGZf93MEohEZpkADMpnyqAS3iQC


