
上传日期:2019-06-12 03:31:15
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  剩余注意力网络,剩余注意力网络的一个重要实现。cifar上的最佳acc为10-97.78%。
(ResidualAttentionNetwork,A Gluon implement of Residual Attention Network. Best acc on cifar10-97.78%.)

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# Residual Attention Network [![GitHub](](./LICENSE) ![Status]( [![](]( ![ToDo]( A Gluon implement of Residual Attention Network This code is refered to this project ## Cifar-10 Kaggle ![4](kaggle/0.9778.png) ## [GluonCV]( Project site: I have contribute this project to GluonCV.Now you can easily use pre-trained model in few days. Usage: ```python from gluoncv.model_zoo.residual_attentionnet import * ``` Include which you can use: ```python __all__ = ['ResidualAttentionModel', 'cifar_ResidualAttentionModel', 'residualattentionnet56', 'cifar_residualattentionnet56', 'residualattentionnet92', 'cifar_residualattentionnet92', 'residualattentionnet128', 'cifar_residualattentionnet452', 'residualattentionnet1***', 'residualattentionnet200', 'residualattentionnet236', 'residualattentionnet452'] ``` ## Prerequisites Python3.6, Numpy, mxnet - I use maxnet-cu90 --pre but if not is just ok - If you want to train you need a recent NVIDIA GPU ## Results - [x] cifar-10: Acc-95.41(**Top-1 err 4.59**) with Attention-92(higher than paper top-1 err 4.99) - [x] cifar-10: Acc-95.68(**Top-1 err 4.32**) with Attention-92(use MSRAPrelu init) - [x] cifar-10: Acc-97.14(**Top-1 err 2.86**) with Attention-92, using [gluoncv-tricks]( - BS 256, - +mixup, - +LR warmup, - +No bias decay. - +Cosine decay. - +Cutout - [x] cifar-10: Acc-97.57(**Top-1 err 2.43**) with Attention-452, using [gluoncv-tricks]( - BS 128, - +mixup, - +LR warmup, - +No bias decay. - +Cosine decay. - +Cutout - [x] Network scale control: I add 'p,t,r,m' to control network scale.(Gluon-CV) - I add 'p,t,r,m.' control which origin paper proposed.Now you can use Attentnon 56/92/128/1***/200/236/452 in Gluon-cv.But I won't update to this project.Because I can't train them and if I add, the paprm I have trained won't use any more. - [x] ImageNet: Attention56 achieves (21.03 5.47) top1/top5 error on ImageNet.Better than paper.(21.76 5.9).(Gluon-cv) ## How to train & test For training cifar10, just run For only testing cifar10, you can simply run below script. ```python import mxnet as mx from mxnet import gluon, image from train_cifar import test from model.residual_attention_network import ResidualAttentionModel_92_32input_update def trans_test(data, label): im = data.astype(np.float32) / 255. auglist = image.CreateAugmenter(data_shape=(3, 32, 32), mean=mx.nd.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406]), std=mx.nd.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])) for aug in auglist: im = aug(im) im = nd.transpose(im, (2, 0, 1)) return im, label ctx = mx.gpu() val_data =, transform=trans_test), batch_size=***) net = ResidualAttentionModel_92_32input_update() net.hybridize() net.load_parameters('cifar_param/test_iter225999_0.95410.param') test(net, ctx, val_data, 0) ``` ## Paper referenced Residual Attention Network for Image Classification (CVPR-2017 Spotlight) By Fei Wang, Mengqing Jiang, Chen Qian, Shuo Yang, Chen Li, Honggang Zhang, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang( ![1](imgs/Figure1.png) **Left**: an example shows the interaction between features and attention masks. **Right**: example images illustrating that different features have different corresponding attention masks in our network. The sky mask diminishes low-level background blue color features. The balloon instance mask highlights high-level balloon bottom part features.
![2](imgs/Figure2.png) Attention Network architecture.
![3](imgs/Figure3.png) The Attention-56 network outperforms ResNet-152 by a large margin with a 0.4% reduction on top-1 error and a 0.26% reduction on top-5 error. More importantly **Attention-56 network achieves better performance with only 52% parameters and 56% FLOPs compared with ResNet-152**, which suggests that the proposed attention mechanism can significantly improve network performance while reducing the model complexity.


