
上传日期:2019-06-12 09:41:12
上 传 者ellis_zju
说明:  simulation for 802.11 dcf csma

11b (0, 2019-03-21)
11b\CCKCODING.m (747, 2003-11-14)
11b\CREATE_DATA.m (8781, 2004-06-10)
11b\CREATE_DATA_ONLY.asv (5504, 2004-07-13)
11b\CREATE_DATA_ONLY.m (5500, 2004-07-13)
11b\DBPSK.m (492, 2003-11-14)
11b\DEB.m (616, 2003-11-12)
11b\DEQ.m (857, 2003-11-12)
11b\DQPSK.m (811, 2004-03-03)
11b\FWT.m (2720, 2003-11-12)
11b\ISI.m (437, 2003-11-12)
11b\RECEIVEBDFP_12.asv (73361, 2004-07-13)
11b\RECEIVEBDFP_12.m (73372, 2004-07-13)
11b\RECEIVEBDFP_test.m (1448, 2004-03-26)
11b\TESTDATA_HEX.m (4626, 2004-07-13)
11b\WRITETOFILE.m (1957, 2003-11-12)
11b\WRITETOFILE_CREATEDATA.m (1037, 2003-11-14)
11b\a_abs.m (526, 2004-04-05)
11b\adjust_rms.m (463, 2004-03-25)
11b\cck11.m (1717, 2003-11-14)
11b\cck55.m (1560, 2003-11-14)
11b\crc16.m (322, 2003-11-11)
11b\data_angle.m (1558, 2003-11-14)
11b\data_divider.m (3465, 2003-11-12)
11b\descramble.m (423, 2003-11-14)
11b\div.m (551, 2003-11-12)
11b\div6.m (769, 2004-04-05)
11b\header.m (816, 2003-11-12)
11b\multi_M1_26tap.m (974, 2003-11-10)
11b\multi_table.m (6146, 2003-11-10)
11b\note_a_abs.txt (221, 2004-03-27)
11b\num2fixpt.m (2331, 2003-11-12)
11b\preamble.m (411, 2003-11-12)
11b\resample11_40.m (1986, 2003-11-14)
11b\resample20_22.m (980, 2004-07-15)
11b\resample_40to22.m (2638, 2003-08-25)
11b\resample_test.asv (283, 2004-07-13)
11b\resample_test.m (17, 2004-07-13)
11b\result.txt (13955, 2004-07-13)
... ...

Guide to the IEEE802.11b simulation system by Matlab ---------------------------------------------------- 0. These programs are essentially from "1204_for_CCA_from1114", except that the dcoff funtion is added. 1. File list This zip file includes 34 files: 31 .m files and 3 .txt files, they are: a_abs.m adjust_rms.m CCK11.m CCK55.m CCKCODING.m crc16.m CREATE_DATA.m CREATE_DATA_ONLY.m data_angle.m data_divider.m DBPSK.m DEB.m DEQ.m descramble.m div.m DQPSK.m FWT.m header.m ISI.m multi_M1_26tap.m multi_table.m num2fixpt.m preamble.m RECEIVEBDFP_12.m scramble.m sincos.m smooth_k.m TESTDATA_HEX.m transmit.m WRITETOFILE.m WRITETOFILE_CREATEDATA.m readme.txt result.txt screen.txt 2. How to use CREATE_DATA.m is the main program, which can create transmitting data and give the receiving result of the receiver. You can set the data type by modifying the parameters in the beginning of the program, such as the PSDU data rate, PSDU length, SNR, multipath model, frequency shift, sample error, and so on. If only transmitting data are needed, you may run the program "CREATE_DATA_ONLY.m" for faster speed. If the received data are already exist, you may run the program "TESTDATA_HEX.m" for receiving only. Note that the data must be saved in a .txt file and in the HEX form, Be sure to designate the file path correctly. designated correctly in the program. 3. Test result The test result are saved in the file "result.txt", but more detailed result are saved in the file "screen.txt", which is synchronized with what you can see in the screen in case of accidental power break. 4. The programmes are good and valudated in 040225.


