
上传日期:2019-06-22 20:20:18
上 传 者sh-1993
说明:  Raspberry Pi上的图像流,使用ROS(机器人操作系统)通过以太网和wifi网络从...
(Images were transferred and streamed in video using ROS(Robot Operating System) over ethernet and wifi networks from RaspBerry Pi 3B+ to workstation for processing)

CMakeLists.txt (7289, 2019-06-23)
LICENSE (35149, 2019-06-23)
src (0, 2019-06-23)
src\Publisher.cpp (1486, 2019-06-23)
src\Subscriber.cpp (1611, 2019-06-23)

# Networking with ROS on RaspBerry PI 3B+ Images were transferred and streamed in video using ROS(Robot Operating System) over ethernet and wifi networks from RaspBerry Pi 3B+ to workstation for processing. ## Steps to get networking done in your system ### Dependencies 1. Install ROS Kinetic [Link]( 2. Install ROS on Raspbian [Link]( 3. Install OpenCV on your system as well as on RaspBerry Pi [Link]( 4. Install cv_bridge 5. Install arp-scan on your system 6. Install openssh-server on your system as well as on RaspBerry Pi and enable ssh on both the systems ### Now you are ready to use this repo Clone the repo to your desired directory on your system ``` $ cd {Your directory} $ git clone ``` Make a catkin workspace, if you already don't have it ``` $ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src $ cd catkin_ws/ $ catkin_make $ cd catkin_ws/src/ $ catkin_create_pkg networking rospy roscpp std_msgs OpenCV cv_bridge image_transport ``` Now copy the publisher and subscriber file to your networking directory just created in catkin_ws/src ``` $ cd $ cd {Your directory}/Networking/src $ cp Publisher.cpp Subscriber.cpp /home/{user}/catkin_ws/src/networking/src/ ``` Now change your CMakeLists.txt in networking folder by adding these lines at the end of the file ``` include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_executable(Publisher src/Publisher.cpp) target_link_libraries(Publisher ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(Subscriber src/Subscriber.cpp) target_link_libraries(Subscriber ${OpenCV_LIBRARIES} ${catkin_LIBRARIES}) ``` You can check the CMakeLists.txt for reference Now make the package ``` $ cd ~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make $ source devel/setup.bash ``` #### Repeat the exact same process of using the repo on Raspberry Pi Now you are ready for the networking part ### Through Ethernet cable Connect the Raspberry Pi to your System and do execute the following on terminal ``` sudo arp-scan --interface=eth0 --localnet ``` You will get a IP Address similar to 10.42.XX.XX Copy the IP Address and use it to ssh into the RaspBerry Pi ``` sudo ssh pi@10.42.XX.XX ``` Now we have two choices: 1. Run roscore on RaspBerry Pi 2. Run roscore on OffBoard System Let's take the first case where roscore is running on RaspBerry Pi Open a terminal on RaspBerry Pi and do the following ``` export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://10.42.XX.XX(IP of Raspberry Pi):11311 export ROS_IP=10.42.XX.XX(IP of RaspBerry Pi) roscore ``` In another terminal on RaspBerry Pi ``` export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://10.42.XX.XX(IP of Raspberry Pi):11311 export ROS_IP=10.42.XX.XX(IP of RaspBerry Pi) rosrun networking Publisher ``` Now you need to setup your system to subscribe the messages Open a terminal on your system and do ``` ifconfig ``` Note the IP Address of your system of the format 10.42.YY.YY In the same terminal execute ``` export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://10.42.XX.XX(IP of Raspberry Pi):11311 export ROS_IP=10.42.YY.YY(IP of your system) rosrun networking Subscriber ``` If everything goes well, a window will pop up showing the video from the camera of RaspBerry Pi The second case can also be done just by reversing the operations of roscore on the machines.


