
上传日期:2019-07-05 14:20:49
上 传 者lenghaohao
说明:  MCNp MCNP MCNP MCNP MCNCP some describe

Medical_Physics\Korean-Man (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Korean-Man\mcnp (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Korean-Man\mcnp\ktman2_mcnp (4036865, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Korean-Man\mcnpx (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Korean-Man\mcnpx\ (4017652, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Korean-Man\mcnpx\ktman2_mcnpx (19161, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Male_Pelvis (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\Male_Pelvis\pd (4229931, 2006-01-20)
Medical_Physics\Male_Pelvis\pd2 (1884510, 2006-01-20)
Medical_Physics\MCNP_MP_Geo_DataBase_April2008-LA-UR-08-2468-release.pdf (463721, 2008-04-16)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-MIT (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-MIT\mirdM (20505, 2005-10-03)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL\mirdo (36424, 2005-10-03)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children\Age01 (18644, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children\AGE05 (18622, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children\AGE10 (18641, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children\AGE15 (18770, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Children\NEWB (19179, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Female (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Female\AFEMALE (19289, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Male (0, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Male\AMALE (18250, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-ORNL-Male\mirdo (36424, 2008-03-31)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-UF-Revised (0, 2008-04-09)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-UF-Revised\RO00 (55944, 2006-01-14)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-UF-Revised\RO01 (57591, 2006-01-14)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-UF-Revised\RO05 (58422, 2006-01-14)
Medical_Physics\MIRD-UF-Revised\RO10 (55106, 2006-01-14)
... ...

Medical_Physics Directory README April 9, 2008 This directory contains several subdirectories with Medical Phyics / Health Physics related input decks for MCNP. These input decks have been made publicly available for anyone to use. Neither the U.S. Government, nor the University of California, nor Los Alamos National Laboratory, nor their respective authors makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the use of these input decks. If you would like to contribute an input deck that you have authored to this database, please email Below is a listing of directories of MCNP input decks: 1) MIRD-MIT: An analytical whole-body phantom based on the MCAT Phantom. Input deck developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Engineering Dept. 2) MIRD-ORNL-Male: An analytical whole-body male phantom based on the ORNL MIRD Phantom. Input deck developed in department of nuclear engineering, Hanyang University, Korea. 3) QUADOS: Contains several input decks from the European Medical Physics Code Intercomparison Input decks developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, X-5 4) Snyder_Head: Analytical and voxel models of head phantom. Input decks devleoped at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Engineering Dept. 5) Snyder_Head_wTumor: Analytical model of human head with explicit tumor represented. Input decks devleoped at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nuclear Engineering Dept. 6) Zubal_Head: Voxel model of human head with many different regions of brain. Input decks devleoped in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Ohio State University 7) Male_Pelvis: Voxel model of human male pelvis, based on CT images. Input deck developed by Mark Waytt. 8) VIP-MAN: Voxel model of human male head and torso (down to mid-lung) in 4mm cubes. Developed from the NIH Visible Man project by X. George Xu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue. Full body voxel phantom in .3mm x .3mm x 1mm available, see 9) MIRD-ORNL-Female: An analytical whole-body female phantom based on the ORNL MIRD Phantom Input Deck developed in University of Kragujevac, Serbia 10) MIRD-ORNL-Children: Analytical whole-body phantoms based on the ORNL MIRD Phantom Input Deck developed in University of Kragujevac, Serbia 11) UF_Pediatric_Phantoms: Voxel whole-body phantoms of male and female children. Input Decks developed at the University of Flordia by Choonik and Choonsik Lee. 12) Korean_Man: Voxel whole-body phantom of average korean man. Input Decks developed at the University of Flordia by Choonik and Choonsik Lee and Sang-Hyun Park , Jai-Ki Lee at the Department of Nuclear Engineerging, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea 13) MIRD-UF-Revised a revision to the MIRD-ORNL phantoms completed in 2006 with many more anatomical features and materials. Input decks developed at University of Florida by Eun Young Han


