01.runing light water

上传日期:2019-07-08 09:45:25
上 传 者4542292
说明:  stm32f103寄存器版本的流水灯操作,使用直接下载即可使用
(The stm32f103 register version of the running light operation, can be used with direct download)

01.runing light water\app\IRQ_Channels.dep (64618, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\IRQ_Channels.ewd (86818, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\IRQ_Channels.ewp (54943, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\IRQ_Channels.ewt (136979, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\IRQ_Channels.eww (166, 2009-01-22)
01.runing light water\app\main.c (1290, 2016-03-12)
01.runing light water\app\platform_config.h (2234, 2009-01-22)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.crun (351, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.cspy.bat (1371, 2016-04-17)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.dbgdt (8619, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.dni (6951, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.STM3210E-EVAL.cspy.bat (1830, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.STM3210E-EVAL.driver.xcl (258, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.STM3210E-EVAL.general.xcl (386, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.wsdt (3491, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels.wspos (51, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\settings\IRQ_Channels_STM3210E-EVAL.jlink (263, 2010-09-17)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210B-EVAL\Obj\cortexm3_macro.o (2512, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210B-EVAL\Obj\IRQ_Channels.pbd (3368, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Exe\IRQ_Channels.srec (8802, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Exe\STM3210E-EVAL.sim (8267, 2013-06-09)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\A3977.o (12196, 2014-03-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\A3977.pbi (643, 2014-12-01)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\adc.o (15276, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\ads1255.o (35688, 2015-01-13)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\APR.o (31180, 2013-08-09)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\can.o (9076, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\cortexm3_macro.o (0, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\dac.o (14776, 2016-02-26)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\dac8832.o (7628, 2015-01-13)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\DS18b20.o (24888, 2014-03-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\DS18b20.pbi (647, 2014-12-01)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\gpio.o (23861, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\gpio.pbi (280729, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\gpio.pbi.xcl (10555, 2019-06-11)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\heat.o (33900, 2013-08-09)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\IRQ_Channels.pbd (652691, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\IRQ_Channels.pbd.browse (652691, 2019-07-05)
01.runing light water\app\STM3210E-EVAL\Obj\IRQ_Channels.pbd.linf (3019, 2019-07-05)
... ...

/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : readme.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0.3 * Date : 09/22/2008 * Description : Description of the NVIC IRQ Channels Example. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ Example description =================== This example demontrates the use of the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) IRQ Channels configuration: - Configuration of 3 TIM (TIM2..TIM4)timers to generate an interrupt on each counter update event. - The three timers are linked to their correspondant Update IRQ channel. - Assignment of a ascendant IRQ priority for each IRQ channel : TIM2 has a preemption priority of 0 and TIM4 has a preemption priority of 2. - In each interrupt routine: - TIM2 toggles a LED1 each 1s - TIM3 toggles a LED2 each 2s - TIM4 toggles a LED3 each 3s Directory contents ================== stm32f10x_conf.h Library Configuration file stm32f10x_it.c Interrupt handlers stm32f10x_it.h Interrupt handlers header file main.c Main program Hardware environment ==================== This example runs on STMicroelectronics STM3210B-EVAL and STM3210E-EVAL evaluation boards and can be easily tailored to any other hardware. To select the STMicroelectronics evaluation board used to run the example, uncomment the corresponding line in platform_config.h file. + STM3210B-EVAL - Use LD1, LD2 and LD3 leds connected respectively to PC.06, PC.07 and PC.08 + STM3210E-EVAL - Use LD1, LD2 and LD3 leds connected respectively to PF.06, PF0.7 and PF.08 How to use it ============= In order to make the program work, you must do the following : - Create a project and setup all your toolchain's start-up files - Compile the directory content files and required Library files : + stm32f10x_lib.c + stm32f10x_gpio.c + stm32f10x_rcc.c + stm32f10x_nvic.c + stm32f10x_tim.c + stm32f10x_flash.c - Link all compiled files and load your image into target memory - Run the example ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2008 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******


