
上传日期:2019-07-10 19:16:47
上 传 者跳梁小丑-1988
说明:  GlobalPlatform 核心功能 jar包
(GlobalPlatform core jar package)

spotbugs.xml (1056, 2019-06-29)
__MACOSX (0, 2019-07-10)
._spotbugs.xml (212, 2019-06-29)
misc (0, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc (0, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\smartcardio (0, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\smartcardio\package-list (18, 2019-06-29)
misc (0, 2019-07-10)
misc\javadoc (0, 2019-07-10)
misc\javadoc\smartcardio (0, 2019-07-10)
misc\javadoc\smartcardio\._package-list (212, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\._smartcardio (212, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\api (0, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\api\package-list (4234, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\api (0, 2019-07-10)
misc\javadoc\api\._package-list (212, 2019-06-29)
misc\javadoc\._api (212, 2019-06-29)
misc\._javadoc (212, 2019-06-29)
._misc (212, 2019-06-29)
testdata (0, 2019-06-29)
testdata\sce60.dump (811, 2019-06-29)
testdata (0, 2019-07-10)
testdata\._sce60.dump (212, 2019-06-29)
._testdata (212, 2019-06-29)
pcsc (0, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\pom.xml (1045, 2019-06-29)
pcsc (0, 2019-07-10)
pcsc\._pom.xml (212, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src (0, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src\test (0, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src\test\java (0, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src\test\java\TestReaderSelection.java (1514, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src (0, 2019-07-10)
pcsc\src\test (0, 2019-07-10)
pcsc\src\test\java (0, 2019-07-10)
pcsc\src\test\java\._TestReaderSelection.java (212, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src\test\._java (212, 2019-06-29)
pcsc\src\._test (212, 2019-06-29)
... ...

# apdu4j · [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/martinpaljak/apdu4j.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/martinpaljak/apdu4j) [![Coverity status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/36***/badge.svg?flat=1)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/36***/) [![Maven Central](https://maven-badges.herokuapp.com/maven-central/com.github.martinpaljak/apdu4j/badge.svg)](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.martinpaljak/apdu4j) [![Javadocs](https://www.javadoc.io/badge/com.github.martinpaljak/apdu4j.svg?color=blue)](https://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.github.martinpaljak/apdu4j) [![Release]( https://img.shields.io/github/release/martinpaljak/apdu4j/all.svg)]( https://github.com/martinpaljak/apdu4j/releases) [![MIT licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://github.com/martinpaljak/apdu4j/blob/master/LICENSE) Command line tool and library of useful Java classes for working with smart cards and smart card readers via [JSR268](https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=268) (commonly known as [javax.smartcardio](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/security/smartcardio/spec/javax/smartcardio/package-summary.html)). While focus is on desktop PC/SC readers, some code can be re-used with arbitrary "APDU-command-response-ish" interfaces, either as [CommandAPDU](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/security/smartcardio/spec/javax/smartcardio/CommandAPDU.html)/[ResponseAPDU](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/security/smartcardio/spec/javax/smartcardio/ResponseAPDU.html) pairs or plain byte arrays. ## Features * PinPad support (PC/SC v2 part 10 / CCID) * Fixes all the stupid things with Java on non-windows platforms: OSX, Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, FreeBSD. * Java tools for convenient APDU logging, PIN handling and more * Bundles [jnasmartcardio][jnasmartcardio] in the command line tool for easy testing with a sane `javax.smartcardio` implementation with reader locking * Easy to use [`RemoteTerminal`](https://martinpaljak.github.io/apdu4j/apdu4j/remote/RemoteTerminal.html) for building central services * Combine with [GlobalPlatformPro](https://github.com/martinpaljak/GlobalPlatformPro) for flexible central provisioning #### Jump to ... * [Download](#get-it-now) * [Usage from command line](#usage-from-command-line) * [Usage from Java](#usage-from-java) * [Similar and related projects](#similar-and-related-projects) * [Contact](#contact) ### Get it now! * Download latest pre-built .JAR or .EXE from [release area](https://github.com/martinpaljak/apdu4j/releases) * Or fetch from github and build it yourself, it is really easy (more instructions in [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md)): ```shell git clone https://github.com/martinpaljak/apdu4j cd apdu4j mvn package ant ``` ### Usage from command line * Before you begin: * You can run the command line utility anywhere where Java runs, like this: java -jar apdu4j.jar * But it is easier to add an alias or use a wrapper. * On Linux add an alias to the shell like this: alias sc="java -jar $(PWD)/apdu4j.jar" # Now you can avoid typing java -jar and sc works from any folder sc -h * On Windows just use pre-packaged `apdu4j.exe` like this or rename it: apdu4j.exe -h * Display all options: sc -h * List readers: sc -l Will produce something like [ ] Gemalto Ezio Shield 01 00 [*] ACS ACR 38U-CCID 02 00 The presence of a card or token is indicated with the asterisk * Be verbose: sc -l -v Will produce: # Using jnasmartcardio.Smartcardio - JNA2PCSC version 0.2 # Found 4 terminals [X] [ ] Yubico Yubikey 4 U2F+CCID 3BF81300008131FE15597562696B657934D4 [ ] [VMD] Gemalto Ezio Shield 01 00 [*] [ ] ACS ACR 38U-CCID 02 00 3BF91300008131FE454A434F503234325233A2 [ ] [ ] ACS ACR 38U-CCID 03 00 In addition to the ATR of the inserted card below the reader, PinPad features of the terminal are shown: V - PIN verification, M - PIN modification, D - display. X instead of the asterisk indicates a reader used exclusively by some other application. * Take you directly to the [online ATR database](http://smartcard-atr.appspot.com/) sc -l -v -w * Use a virtual smart card reader provider (format for `-p` is `jar:class:args`, where `args` part can be URL-encoded): sc -p some.jar:com.example.VirtualTerminalProvider:tcp%3A%2F%2F192.168.1.1%3A7000 -lv * Send the APDU `00A40C0000` to the card: sc -a 00A40C0000 * The same with forced T=0 protocol (similar for T=1): sc -t0 -a 00A40C0000 * The same, with an additional APDU, while dumping everything to `card.dump` sc -t0 -a 00A40C0000 -a 80:01:04:00:00 -dump card.dump * SunPCSC - use specific PC/SC library: sc -lib /usr/local/lib/pcsclite.so -l * SunPCSC - don't issue `GET RESPONSE` commands: sc -no-get-response -a 00A4040000 -v * Show APDU-s sent to the card (using `LoggingCardTerminal`): add `-debug` or `-d` to your command * Be verbose: add `-verbose` or `-v` to your command ### Usage from Java Include the dependency ```xml com.github.martinpaljak apdu4j 17.11.26 ``` More information can be found from [Javadocs](https://martinpaljak.github.io/apdu4j), which are always improving. Before anything make sure you set the necessary properties to make javax.smartcardio work without tuning: ```java import apdu4j.TerminalManager; TerminalManager.fixPlatformPaths(); ``` #### LoggingCardTerminal * Show a debugging trace (like `-d`) of PC/SC calls and exhanged APDU-s with timing on System.out: ```java import apdu4j.LogginCardTerminal; TerminalFactory f = TerminalFactory.getDefault(); CardReader r = f.terminals().terminal("Your Smart Card Reader Name"); reader = LoggingCardTerminal.getInstance(reader); // Now use javax.smartcardio as you normally do ``` * This will give you output similar to: ``` SCardConnect("SCM Microsystems Inc. SCR 355 00 00", T=*) -> T=1, 3BFC1800008131804590674***A00680804000000000E SCardBeginTransaction("SCM Microsystems Inc. SCR 355 00 00") A>> T=1 (4+0000) 00A40400 00 A<< (0018+2) (17ms) 6F108408A000000003000000A5049F6501FF 9000 A>> T=1 (4+0000) 80CA9F7F 00 A<< (0000+2) (11ms) 6A88 ``` * Dump all APDU communication with a card to a file: ```java import apdu4j.LogginCardTerminal; TerminalFactory tf = TerminalFactory.getDefault(); CardReader r = tf.terminals().terminal("Your Smart Card Reader Name"); FileOutputStream o = new FileOutputStream(new File("card.dump")); reader = LoggingCardTerminal.getInstance(reader, o); // Now use javax.smartcardio as you normally do ``` * This will make a dump file similar to this: ``` # Generated on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:10:35 +0200 by apdu4j # Using SCM Microsystems Inc. SCR 355 00 00 # ATR: 3BFE1800008031FE4553434536302D43443038312D6E46A9 # PROTOCOL: T=1 # # Sent 00A4040000 # Received in 24ms 6F108408A000000003000000A5049F6501FF9000 # Sent 80500000084D080A4D1C5EBC92 # Received in 70ms 00001248950019F738700103002421796B41BB3B7014659BFC8A54B2479000 ``` #### APDUReplayProvider This is a [TerminalFactory][TerminalFactory] that presents a single reader that will reply to commands from a session stored with [LoggingCardTerminal](#loggingcardterminal). This allows to test certain code in a way that doesn't require physical readers or tokens. ```java import apdu4j.providers.APDUReplayProvider; FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(new File("card.dump")); TerminalFactory tf = TerminalFactory.getInstance("PC/SC", f, new APDUReplayProvider()); // Now use javax.smartcardio as you normally do // There is only one terminal exposed ``` ### Similar and related projects * SCUBA (LGPL) - http://scuba.sourceforge.net/ * :| written in Java * :( no command line utility * :) has *Provider*-s for weird hardware * jnasmartcardio (CC0) - https://github.com/jnasmartcardio/jnasmartcardio * :| written in Java * :) provides a "better" wrapper for system PC/SC service with JNA as a *Provider* * :) used by apdu4j * OpenCard Framework (OPEN CARD CONSORTIUM SOURCE LICENSE) - http://www.openscdp.org/ocf/ * :| written in Java * :( really old (pre-2000, comparable to CT-API) * :( no command line utility * intarsys smartcard-io (BSD) - https://github.com/intarsys/smartcard-io * :| written in Java * :| similar to jnasmartcardio (alternative native *Provider*) * OpenSC (opensc-tool, LGPL) - https://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC * :| written in C * :| related to rest of OpenSC, but allows to send APDU-s from command line with ```opensc-tool -s XX:XX:XX:XX``` * Countless other apdu/script tools * :| written in different languages * :| use different input formats and script files * :| just FYI ### History and motivation When working with [GlobalPlatformPro](https://github.com/martinpaljak/GlobalPlatformPro) and [JavaCard](http://javacard.pro)-s, some low level code wanted to sneak into projects where it did not belong, so it made sense to capture it into a separate library. Also, while command line tools for accessing readers on APDU (PC/SC) level existed for C, nothing was available for doing the same via Java stack, thus the need for a DWIM command line tool. ### Included/used open source projects * [JOpt Simple](http://pholser.github.io/jopt-simple/) for parsing command line (MIT) * [Launch4j](http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/) for generating .exe (BSD/MIT) * [jnasmartcardio][jnasmartcardio] for PC/SC access (CC0 / public domain) ### License * [MIT](./LICENSE) ### Contact * martin@martinpaljak.net [TerminalFactory]: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/jre/api/security/smartcardio/spec/javax/smartcardio/TerminalFactory.html [jnasmartcardio]: https://github.com/jnasmartcardio/jnasmartcardio


