
上传日期:2019-09-30 18:42:07
上 传 者彭胖胖
说明:  这是一个无线传感器网络协议,适用于初学者的路由协议
(This is a wireless sensor network protocol, suitable for beginners routing protocol)

convert.bat (24, 2015-09-21)
converter.jar (901957, 2015-09-21)
csv.ini (421, 2015-09-21)
download.bat (100, 2015-09-17)
download.jar (710342, 2015-09-17)
structs.ini (384, 2015-09-17)

CSVProcess ReadMe The CVSProcess reads the parameters from a configuration file. The only argument we have to provide is the path of that configuration file. If we run CVSProcess without any given argument, then it will looking for "csv.ini" at the running directory. Form of the parameters: Only one parameters per lines are allowed. nameofparameter(case insensitive) = value eg.: insertGlobal=true or nameofparameter(case insensitive)="value" eg.: separator=" " The following parameters can be in the configuration file. We only have to write those which we want to modify. The parameters which are missing from the configuration file will be set to the default value. separator String(character) value, separator of the values of different columns in output files, default is ";" nodeIdSeparator String(character) value, separator of header id from node id in header of output files ,default is ":" maxerror Integer value, determines the threshold in detecting disruptions in local timeline ,default value is 120 timeformat String value, determines the time display format, default is "yyyy.MM.dd/HH:mm:ss.SSS" confFile String value, path of the used structure's configuration file, default is "structs.ini" csvExt String value, extension of output files, when there are more files, default is ".csv" startTime Long value [min, any long value], determines the starting time of the merging in the global file, default is "min" endTime Long value [max, any long value], determines the ending time of the merging in the global file, default is "max" timeWindow Long value, determines the length of the average calculation in millisecundums, default is 900000 timeType String value [start,end,middle], determines whether the starting, ending or middle of the time period should be displayed at the averages, default is start If we have different structures in our data set, we can process them separately. To do so we have to set some structure related parameters. After the global parameters we have to place structure keyword and the name of that structure. The parameters of the structure can follow this line. We can repeat it with every structure. eg.:structure data localColumn Integer value, indicates the column of the local time, no default value, this is field is mandatory globalColumn Integer value, indicates the column of the global time, no default value, this is field is mandatory dataColumns List of Integer values separated by ',' ,shows which are the data columns, no default value, this is field is mandatory outputFileName String value, prefix of the structure's output file, default is "global" insertGlobal Boolean value [true,false], determines whether we want to insert the global time column into the output file, default value is "true" avgOutputFileName String value, the prefix of the output file of the averages, default is "avgfile" Every structure must be closed, by the endofstruct keyword.


