
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-06-15 15:54:25
上 传 者log id1945
说明:  这是一个模仿气体分子简谐振动系统的c++程序,程序中设定了500个分子,如图中黑点所示。可以自行增加或减少分子数,通过宏定义来实现。程序根据物理模型设计远则吸引近则相斥的数学模型,计算量很大,运行可能较慢,减少分子数就会成倍减少运算量,动态效果就更好。运用巨型机,可以实现上千万分子的运算,在代码中加入声源可以仿出声波可视化,在代码中加入机翼的机制可以仿出风洞模型。由于微机精度和运算速度有限可能会因误差造成与现实不符的运动状态。
(This is a parody of gas molecules harmonic vibration system c++ program, the program set of 500 molecules, as shown by the black dots shown. Free to increase or decrease the number of molecules to achieve through the macro definition. According to the physical model design process is far attracted about the repulsion of the mathematical model of a large amount of running may slow, reducing the number of molecules will be doubly reduced computation, the dynamic effect will be greater. The use of supercomputers, can achieve tens of millions of molecular computing, in the code source can imitate the sound visualization, in the code for the mechanism of the wing out of the wind tunnel model for imitation. Because the limited computer precision and speed of operation may be unrealistic due to errors caused by the movement and the state.)

500气体分子扰动系统 (0, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.cpp (7399, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.dsp (4442, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.dsw (546, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.ncb (33792, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.opt (48640, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\500气体分子扰动系统.plg (963, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug (0, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\500气体分子扰动系统.exe (544837, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\500气体分子扰动系统.ilk (816208, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\500气体分子扰动系统.obj (169535, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\500气体分子扰动系统.pch (5589836, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\500气体分子扰动系统.pdb (1106944, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\vc60.idb (189440, 2011-05-15)
500气体分子扰动系统\Debug\vc60.pdb (135168, 2011-05-15)


