
上传日期:2020-01-05 05:46:26
上 传 者Tecnoelectricas
说明:  La lavandera lavava la bafttttt

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# Arduino, ESP8266, STM32, ESP32 and others uRTCLib Master status: [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Naguissa/uRTCLib.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Naguissa/uRTCLib) ## What is this repository for? ## Really tiny library to basic RTC functionality on Arduino, ESP8266, STM32, ESP32 and other microcontrollers. DS1307, DS3231 and DS3232 RTCs are supported (and compatibles) Supported features: * SQuare Wave Generator * Fixed output pin for DS1307 * RAM for DS1307 and DS3232 * temperature sensor for DS3231 and DS3232 * Alarms (1 and 2) for DS3231 and DS3232 EEPROM support has been moved to https://github.com/Naguissa/uEEPROMLib ## How do I get set up? ## You can get it from Arduino libraries directly, searching by uRTCLib. For manual installation: * Get the ZIP. * Rename to uRTCLib.zip * Install library on Arduino ## Documentation ## You can find all documentation opening /doc/index.html Due GitHub limitations HTML documentation is not avaliable online, you need to download the zip. ## Examples ## Included on example folder, available on Arduino IDE. ## Important notes ## - Check .h file to see all constants and per-model limitations - Alarm pin is normaly HIGH and turns LOW when active. - When using alarms, you need to clear the alarm flag manually using alarmClearFlag(). If not done alarm maintains its LOW state. - When using alarms SQWG is turned off. When using SQWG alarms are turned off. They're mutually excluding. ## Who do I talk to? ## * [Naguissa](https://github.com/Naguissa) * https://www.foroelectro.net/librerias-arduino-ide-f29/rtclib-arduino-libreria-simple-y-eficaz-para-rtc-y-t95.html * https://www.naguissa.com ## Contribute ## Any code contribution, report or comment are always welcome. Don't hesitate to use GitHub for that. You can make a donation via PayPal: https://paypal.me/foroelectro Thanks for your support. Contributors hall of fame: https://www.foroelectro.net/hall-of-fame-f32/contributors-contribuyentes-t271.html


