
上传日期:2020-01-08 18:05:16
上 传 者飞天
说明:  航天图像处理,目标检测,变化分析跟踪,变化检测
(Aerospace image processing, target detection, change analysis tracking;)

LICENSE (18092, 2020-01-05)
astrometry.m (45331, 2020-01-05)
astrometry.mat (8276067, 2020-01-05) (20620, 2020-01-05)
examples (0, 2020-01-05)
examples\M13-2018-05-19.jpg (274492, 2020-01-05)
examples\M13-solved.jpg (35995, 2020-01-05)
examples\M33-2018-08-15.jpg (127231, 2020-01-05)
examples\M33-solved.png (335146, 2020-01-05)
examples\astrometry.html (72995, 2020-01-05)
private (0, 2020-01-05)
private\convertdms.m (11097, 2020-01-05)
private\jsonopt.m (967, 2020-01-05)
private\loadjson.m (16682, 2020-01-05)
private\mergestruct.m (769, 2020-01-05)
private\pr_gnomonic.m (1703, 2020-01-05)
private\pr_ignomonic.m (1127, 2020-01-05)
private\read_fits.m (1695, 2020-01-05)
private\sky2xy_tan.m (2664, 2020-01-05)
private\str2struct.m (4618, 2020-01-05)
private\struct2jdata.m (3509, 2020-01-05)
private\varargin2struct.m (1099, 2020-01-05)
private\xy2sky_tan.m (2391, 2020-01-05)

# matlab-astrometry astrometry: A Matlab class to annotate astrophotography images (identify objects/astrometry) Version: 19.08. Download at ![Image of Astrometry]( Purpose ======= This Matlab class allows to use the software, either installed locally, or through internet connection, in order to solve (annotate) astrophotography images. Table of Contents - [Syntax/Usage](#syntax-usage) - [Going further](#going-further) - [Using results](#using-results) - [Improving the plate-solve efficiency](#improving-efficiency) - [Examples](#examples) - [Methods](#methods) - [Installation](#installation) - [Credits](#credits) Syntax/Usage ============ First navigate to the matlab-astrometry directory or type: ```matlab addpath /path/to/matlab-astrometry ``` Then use: **as = astrometry;** Create a solver, but does not solve. Use annotation(as, file) or web(as, file) afterwards. **as = astrometry(file, ...); image(as);** Solve the given astrophotography image with local or web method. Then plot the result. Additional arguments may include name/value pairs (see example below): - ra: approximate RA coordinate (e.g. deg or 'hh:mm:ss') - dec: approximate DEC coordinate (e.g. deg or 'deg:mm:ss') - radius: approximate field size (in deg) - scale-low: lower estimate of the field coverage (in [deg], e.g. 0.1) - scale-high: upper estimate of the field coverage (in [deg], e.g. 180) These two syntaxes will try first any local installation, and if failed, the service. **image(as)** Plot the astrometry solution. The identified objects are indicated in green for stars, cyan circle for extended deep sky objects, and cyan squares for localized deep sky objects. Each indicated object has a contextual menu which gives more information (right click). The central coordinate of the field is shown in red. Going further ============= **as = LOAD(as, dir); IMAGE(as);** Read an existing set of files stored in a given directory. The directory may contain WCS, CORR, RDLS, JSON, and image. Then plot the result. This allows to get previous data files, or obtained externally, and label them. The 'as' astrometry object must have been used to solve or import astrometry data. **[x,y] = SKY2XY(as, ra, dec)** Convert a RA/DEC set of coordinates (in [deg] or 'hh:mm:ss'/'deg::mm:ss') into pixel coordinates on the image. The 'as' astrometry object must have been used to solve or import astrometry data. **[ra, dec] = XY2SKY(as, x,y)** **[ra, dec] = XY2SKY(as, x,y, 'string')** Convert pixel coordinates on the image into a RA/DEC set of coordinates (in [deg]). When given a 'string' argument, the result is given in 'hh:mm:ss'/'deg:mm:ss'. The 'as' astrometry object must have been used to solve or import astrometry data. **f = FINDOBJ(as,'object name')** Return information about a named object (star, deep sky object) from the data base. Example: astrometry.findobj('M33') **OCAL(as, file, ...);** Explicitly use the local 'solve-field' installation. See above for the additional arguments. **WEB(as, file, ...);** Explicitly use the web service. See above for the additional arguments. Using results ============= Once an image has been solved with the 'as' object, you can use the astrometry results. - **as.result.RA** and **as.result.Dec** provide the center coordinates of the field (in [deg]), while **as.result.RA_hms** and **as.result.Dec_dms** provide the 'HH:MM:SS' and 'Deg:MM:SS' coordinates. - The field rotation wrt sky is stored in **as.result.rotation**. - The pixel scale is given in [arcmin/pixel] as **as.result.pixel_scale**. - The field extension is given with its bounds as **as.result.RA_min**, **as.result.RA_max**, **as.result.Dec_min**, and **as.result.Dec_min**. - The constellation name is stored in **as.result.Constellation**. Improving the plate-solve efficiency ==================================== To facilitate the plate-solve/annotation of images, you may: - specify the field size with additional arguments such as: `astrometry(..., 'scale-low', 0.5, 'scale-high',2)` - provide an initial guess for the location, and its range, such as: `astrometry('examples/M33-2018-05-19.jpg','ra','01:33:51','dec','30:39:35','radius', 2)` - add more star data bases (e.g. 2MASS over Tycho2). Examples ======== ```matlab as=astrometry('examples/M33-2018-08-15.jpg','scale-low', 0.5, 'scale-high',2); image(as); % once done ``` You will then get, in about 30 sec, the image: ![Image of Astrometry]( Methods ======= - findobj find a given object in catalogs. - getstatus return the astrometry status (success, failed) - image show the solve-plate image with annotations - load load astrometry files (WCS,FITS) from a directory - local loads an image and identifies its objects using local solve-field - plot show the solve-plate image with annotations. Same as image. - sky2xy convert RA,Dec coordinates to x,y pixels on image - solve solve an image field. Plot further results with IMAGE method. - stop ends any current annotation and reset the object. - visible return/display all visible objects on image - waitfor waits for completion of the annotation - web loads an image and identifies its objects using web service - xy2sky convert pixel image coordinates to RA,Dec Installation ============ **Local installation (recommended)** On Linux systems, install the '' package, as well as the 'tycho2' data base. On Debian-class systems, this is achieved with: ```bash sudo apt install astrometry-data-tycho2 sextractor ``` On other systems, you will most probably need to compile it. See: RedHat/Arch/MacOSX have specific installation instructions. If you have images spanning on very tiny areas (e.g. much smaller than a degree), you will most probably need to install the '2MASS' data base. **Using the web service** You will need Python to be installed, and to have a 'NOVA astrometry API' key. Enter the API_KEY when prompt, or set it with: ```matlab as = astrometry; as.api_key = 'blah-blah'; as.web(file, ...) ``` **Matlab files** First navigate to the matlab-astrometry directory or type: ```matlab addpath /path/to/matlab-astrometry ``` Credits ======= **sky2xy** and **xy2sky** from E. Ofek (c) E. Farhi, 2019. GPL2.


