
上传日期:2020-01-16 17:17:39
上 传 者方法啊啊
说明:  验证码识别,谷歌的识别方法,准确率很高,很好用
(Verification code identification, Google's identification method, with high accuracy)

ImageToTextTutorial.csproj (3863, 2018-11-16)
Program.cs (4764, 2018-11-16)
Properties (0, 2018-11-16)
Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs (1502, 2018-11-16)
Test Accuracy Util.cs (3317, 2018-11-16)
img (0, 2018-11-16)
img\ComSci.Png (628483, 2018-11-16)
img\Potter.LowQuality.tiff (321942, 2018-11-16)
img\Potter.tiff (3118958, 2018-11-16)
img\Screenshot.png (144208, 2018-11-16)
img\arabic.gif (8005, 2018-11-16)
packages.config (222, 2018-11-16)
txt (0, 2018-11-16)
txt\Example1.txt (272, 2018-11-16)
txt\Example2.txt (2215, 2018-11-16)
txt\Example3.txt (21, 2018-11-16)

# Image to Text in C# This repository contains sample C# source code referenced in the tutorial documentation for **IronOCR**. ## Dependancies The Iron OCR library for .Net ``` PM > Install-Package IronOcr ``` ## Example 1 Example 1 explores the **AutoOcr** Class an shows that OCR can be performed in a single line of C# code in a .Net Project This technique works for OCR on Images, Screenshots, Scans, Photographs and PDF documents. ## Example 2 Example 2 shows the **AdvancedOcr** Class. It also demonstrated IronOCR key feature - it is highly successful in performing OCR on low quality input images and documents. Even with skew, rotation. text distortion and digital noise, there is only a 0.9% drop in OCR accuracy and no major loss of speed for OCR. ## Example 3 Example 3 shows how to use a **System.Drawing.Rectangle** to perform OCR on a specified region ("crop-region") of a document. ## Example 4 Example 4 shows the use af an [OCR language pack]( to read Arabic text in C#. ``` PM> Install-Package IronOcr.Languages.Arabic ``` ### Other International OCR Languages 22 OCR languages are supported including: * Arabic * ChineseSimplified * ChineseTraditional * Czech * Danish * Finnish * French * German * Greek * Hebrew * Hungarian * Italian * Japanese * Korean * Norwegian * Polish * Portuguese * Russian * Spanish * Swedish * Thai * Turkish


