
上传日期:2020-01-17 16:55:17
上 传 者xzh666
说明:  AS608指纹识别, 包含录入与读取 arduino指纹开发必备库,可用于各种安全场景
(As608 fingerprint identification, including input and reading Arduino fingerprint development essential library, which can be used in various security scenarios)

.travis.yml (764, 2019-09-14)
Adafruit_Fingerprint.cpp (13904, 2019-09-14)
Adafruit_Fingerprint.h (5140, 2019-09-14)
documentation (0, 2019-09-14)
documentation\ZFM-20_Fingerprint_Module.pdf (2526320, 2019-09-14)
documentation\fingerprint_en.pdf (23847, 2019-09-14)
examples (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\Leo_passthru (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\Leo_passthru\.uno.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\Leo_passthru\Leo_passthru.ino (457, 2019-09-14)
examples\blank (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\blank\blank.ino (278, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword\.due.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword\.esp32.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword\.m4.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword\.zero.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\changepassword\changepassword.ino (1948, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete\.due.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete\.esp32.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete\.m4.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete\.zero.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\delete\delete.ino (2608, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase\.due.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase\.esp32.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase\.m4.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase\.zero.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\emptyDatabase\emptyDatabase.ino (1806, 2019-09-14)
examples\enroll (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\enroll\.due.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
examples\enroll\.esp32.test.skip (0, 2019-09-14)
... ...

# Adafruit Fingerprint Sensor Library [![Build Status](]( Secure your project with biometrics - this all-in-one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. These modules are typically used in safes - there's a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding and searching. Connect to any microcontroller or system with TTL serial, and send packets of data to take photos, detect prints, hash and search. You can also enroll new fingers directly - up to 162 finger prints can be stored in the onboard FLASH memory. There's a red LED in the lens that lights up during a photo so you know its working. Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit Fingerprint sensor * Pick one up today in the adafruit shop! These sensors use TTL Serial to communicate, 2 pins are required to interface Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries. BSD license, check license.txt for more information All text above must be included in any redistribution


