
上传日期:2020-02-03 16:41:31
上 传 者龙将军
说明:  你很可能从某种途径听说过 Go 语言。它越来越受欢迎,并且有充分的理由可以证明。 Go 快速、简单,有强大的社区支持。学习这门语言最令人兴奋的一点是它的并发模型。 Go 的并发原语使创建多线程并发程序变得简单而有趣。我将通过插图介绍 Go 的并发原语,希望能点透相关概念以方便后续学习。本文是写给 Go 语言编程新手以及准备开始学习 Go 并发原语 (goroutines 和 channels) 的同学。 云时代,并发和集群化,是服务标配,
(In the cloud age, concurrency and clustering are standard services)

.travis.yml (68, 2020-01-30)
hello_world.go (73, 2020-01-30)
hour01 (0, 2020-01-30)
hour01\example01.go (73, 2020-01-30)
hour02 (0, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example01.go (134, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example02.js (78, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example03.js (85, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example04.go (148, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example05.go (72, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example06.go (98, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example07.go (219, 2020-01-30)
hour02\example08.go (195, 2020-01-30)
hour03 (0, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example01.go (90, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example02.go (93, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example03.go (82, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example04.go (108, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example05.go (120, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example06.go (137, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example07.go (143, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example08.go (80, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example09.go (108, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example10.go (315, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example11.go (86, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example12.go (156, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example13.go (157, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example14.go (112, 2020-01-30)
hour03\example15.go (147, 2020-01-30)
hour04 (0, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example01.go (152, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example02.go (196, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example03.go (242, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example04.go (132, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example05.go (324, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example06.go (128, 2020-01-30)
hour04\example07.go (219, 2020-01-30)
... ...

# Golang Book Examples [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/shapeshed/golang-book-examples.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/shapeshed/golang-book-examples) ## [1. Getting Started][1] * Introducing Go * Installing Go * Setting Up Your Environment * Writing Your First Go Program: Hello World ## [2. Understanding Types][2] * What Is a Data Type? * Differentiating Between Static and Dynamic Typing * Implementing Booleans * Understanding Numeric Types * Checking the Type of a Variable * Converting Between Types ## [3. Understanding Variables][3] * What Is a Variable? * Declaring Shorthand Variables * Understanding Variables and Zero Values * Writing a Short Variable Declaration * Styles of Variable Declaration ## [4. Using Functions in Go][4] * What Is a Function? * Defining Variadic Functions * Using Named Return Values * Using Recursive Functions * Passing Functions as Values ## [5. Using Control Flow][5] * Using the if Statement * Using the else Statement * Using the else if Statement * Using Comparison Operators * Using Arithmetic Operators * Using Logical Operators * Using the switch Statement * Looping with the for Statement * Using the defer Statement ## [6. Working with Arrays, Slices, Maps][6] * Working with Arrays * Working with Slices * Working with Maps ## [7. Using Structs and Pointers][7] * What Is a Struct * Initializing a Struct * Nesting Structs * Creating Default Values for Structs * Comparing Structs * Understanding Public and Private Values * Differentiating Between Point and Value References ## [8. Creating Methods And Interfaces][8] * Using Methods * Creating Method Sets * Working with Methods and Pointers * Using Interfaces ## [9. Working with Strings][9] * Creating String Literals * Understanding Rune Literals * Concatenating Strings ## [10. Error Handling][10] * Handling Errors and Idiomatic Go * Understanding the Error Type * Creating Errors * Formatting Errors * Returning an Error from a Function * Errors and Usability * Don't panic ## [11. Working with Goroutines][11] * Understanding Concurrency * Concurrency Versus Parallelism * Understanding Concurrency Through a Web Browser * Blocking and Non-Blocking Code * Handling Concurrent Operations with Goroutines * Using Goroutines to Manage Latency * Defining Goroutines ## [12. Introducing Channels][12] * Using Channels * Using Buffered Channels * Blocking and Flow Control * Using Channels as Function Arguments * Employing the select Statement * Quitting Channels ## [13. Packages][13] * Importing Packages * Understanding Package Usage * Using Third-Party Packages * Installing a Third-Party Package * Managing Third-Party Dependencies ## [14. Naming Conventions in Go][14] * Formatting Code in Go * Using gofmt * Configuring Text Editors * Naming Conventions * Using golint * Using godoc * Automating Workflow ## [15. Testing and Performance][15] * Testing: The Most Important Aspect of Software Development * testing Package * Running Table Tests * Benchmarking in Go * Providing Test Coverage ## [16. Debugging][16] * Logging * Printing Data * Using the fmt Package * Using Delve * Using gdb ## [17. Using Command Line Programs][17] * Operating with Inputs and Outputs * Accessing Raw Command-Line Arguments * Parsing Command-Line Flags * Working with Types * Customizing Help Text * Creating Subcommands * POSIX Compliance * Installing and Sharing Command-Line Programs ## [18. Creating HTTP Servers][18] * Announcing Your Presence with the "Hello World" Web Server * Examing Requests and Responses * Working with Handler Functions * Handling 404s * Setting a Header * Responding to Different Types of Requests * Receiving Data from GET and POST Requests ## [19. Creating HTTP Clients with Go][19] * Understanding HTTP * Making a GET Request * Making a POST Request * Gaining Further Control over HTTP Requests * Debugging HTTP Requests * Dealing With Timeouts ## [20. Working with JSON][20] * Introducing JSON * Using JSON APIs * Using JSON with Go * Decoding JSON * Mapping Data Types * Working with JSON Received over HTTP ## [21. Working With files][21] * The Importance of Files * Reading and Writing Files with the ioutil Package * Writing to a File * Listing a Directory * Copying a File * Deleting Files * Using Files to Manage Configuration ## [22. Introducing Regular Expressions][22] * Defining Regular Expressions * Getting Familiar with Regular Expression Syntax * How To Validate Data Using Regular Expressions * Using Regular Expressions for Validation * Using Regular Expressions to Transform Data * Parsing Data with Regular Expressions ## [23. Time][23] * Programming the Element of Time * Putting Your Program to Sleep * Setting a Timeout * Using a Ticker * Representing Time in a String format * Working with Time structs * Adding and Subtracting Time * Comparing Different Time Structs ## [24. Deployment][24] * Understanding targets * Reducing the Size of Binaries * Using Docker * Downling Binary Files * Using go get * Releasing Code with Package Managers ## [25. Creating a RESTful JSON API][25] * Managing Dependencies with dep * Creating a HTTP Server with httprouter * Scaffolding a REST API * Testing HTTP Routes * Serving JSON * Adding Data Persistence ## [26. Creating a TCP Chat Server][26] * What is TCP? * Using telnet * Using the net Package * Creating a Simple Chat Server * Managing Client Connections * Enabling Messaging Between Clients * Preventing Echoes [1]: hour01 [2]: hour02 [3]: hour03 [4]: hour04 [5]: hour05 [6]: hour06 [7]: hour07 [8]: hour08 [9]: hour09 [10]: hour10 [11]: hour11 [12]: hour12 [13]: hour13 [14]: hour14 [15]: hour15 [16]: hour16 [17]: hour17 [18]: hour18 [19]: hour19 [20]: hour20 [21]: hour21 [22]: hour22 [23]: hour23 [24]: hour24 [25]: hour25 [26]: hour26


