
上传日期:2020-02-10 20:56:47
上 传 者私家家码农
说明:  2.42寸OLED技术资料,包括数据手册和源代码例程
(source code for 2.42 OLED)

LICENSE (35147, 2019-12-12)
Makefile (11486, 2019-12-12)
bigchars.JPG (1057230, 2019-12-12)
font.c (5389, 2019-12-12)
font.h (293, 2019-12-12)
i2c.c (4309, 2019-12-12)
i2c.h (1181, 2019-12-12)
lcd.c (18662, 2019-12-12)
lcd.h (6186, 2019-12-12)
main.c (593, 2019-12-12)
oled.jpg (1110372, 2019-12-12)

# OLED for AVR mikrocontrollers Library for oled-displays with SSD1306, SSD1309 or SH1106 display-controller connected with I2C or SPI at an AVR Atmel Atmega like Atmega328P. This library allows you to display text or/and graphic at oled-display. The library need less than 2 kilobytes flash-memory and 3 bytes sram in textmode, in graphicmode library need less than 3 kilobytes flash-memory and 1027 bytes static sram so you can use oled-displays e.g with Atmega48PA (only with textmode). Library is only tested with 128x*** Pixel display, lower resolution not tested but should work too. If you want to use your own I2C library you have to fit i2c-function at lcd-library. Settings for I2C-bus have to set at i2c.h Settings for display have to set at lcd.h If you want to use characters like e.g. a set your compiler input-charset to utf-8 and your compiler exec-charset to iso-8859-15 (look at makefile line 115). Testcondition: Display: SSD1306 OLED, Compiler Optimizelevel: -Os, μC: Atmega328p @ 8 MHz internal RC Memory:
Modul Flash Static RAM
I2C-Core 234 Bytes 0 Bytes
FONT ***4 Bytes 0 Bytes
OLED (Text-Mode) 1449 Bytes 3 Bytes
OLED (Graphic-Mode) 2403 Bytes 1027 Bytes
Speed (print 20 charaters (1 line) in normal size to display):
Mode Time I2C-Speed RAM
OLED (Text-Mode) 4.411 ms 400 kHz
OLED (Text-Mode) 15.384 ms 100 kHz
OLED (Graphic-Mode) 26.603 ms 400 kHz
OLED (Graphic-Mode) 96.294 ms 100 kHz
example: ```c //****main.c****// #include "lcd.h" int main(void){ lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); // init lcd and turn on lcd_puts("Hello World"); // put string from RAM to display (TEXTMODE) or buffer (GRAPHICMODE) lcd_gotoxy(0,2); // set cursor to first column at line 3 lcd_puts_p(PSTR("String from flash")); // puts string form flash to display (TEXTMODE) or buffer (GRAPHICMODE) #if defined GRAPHICMODE lcd_drawCircle(***,32,7,WHITE); // draw circle to buffer lcd_display(); // send buffer to display #endif for(;;){ //main loop } return 0; } ``` example for chars with double height: ```c //****main.c****// #include "lcd.h" int main(void){ lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); lcd_clrscr(); lcd_set_contrast(0x00); lcd_gotoxy(4,1); lcd_puts("Normal Size"); lcd_charMode(DOUBLESIZE); lcd_gotoxy(0,4); lcd_puts(" Double \r\n Size"); lcd_charMode(NORMALSIZE); #ifdef GRAPHICMODE lcd_display(); #endif for(;;){ //main loop } return 0; } ```


