matlab文件 dll文件和C#程序

上传日期:2020-02-29 15:06:40
上 传 者苏三说尘世美
说明:  matlab文件 dll文件和C#程序,;利用动态链接库实现C#调用MATLAB
(Matlab file DLL file and C program, using dynamic link library to realize c calling matlab)

示例文档 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\A (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution\MyAppInstaller_web.exe (1485824, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution_files_only (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution_files_only\MyMatlab.dll (35328, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution_files_only\MyMatlabNative.dll (35328, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_redistribution_files_only\MyMatlab_overview.html (30841, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\A\for_testing\mccExcludedFiles.log (102, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\myline.cs (15969, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\mylineNative.cs (16076, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\MyMatlab.dll (35328, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\MyMatlab.xml (16022, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\MyMatlabNative.dll (35328, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\MyMatlabNative.xml (15307, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\MyMatlab_overview.html (30841, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\for_testing\requiredMCRProducts.txt (18, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\A\PackagingLog.html (1646, 2019-02-21)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\.suo (45568, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\Server (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\Server\sqlite3 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\Server\sqlite3\db.lock (0, 2018-02-09)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\Server\sqlite3\storage.ide (577536, 2018-02-11)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\sqlite3 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\.vs\WindowsFormsApp1\v15\sqlite3\storage.ide (581632, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1 (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1.sln (1147, 2018-02-09)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1\bin (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1\bin\Debug (0, 2019-02-22)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1\bin\Debug\MWArray.dll (98304, 2010-08-03)
示例文档\C#&matalbDemo\C#&matalbDemo\WindowsFormsApp1\bin\Debug\MWArray.xml (247115, 2010-08-03)
... ...

MyMatlab MATLAB .NET Assembly (.NET Component) 1. Prerequisites for Deployment Verify that version 9.5 (R2018b) of the MATLAB Runtime is installed. If not, you can run the MATLAB Runtime installer. To find its location, enter >>mcrinstaller at the MATLAB prompt. NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run the MATLAB Runtime installer. Alternatively, download and install the Windows version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2018b from the following link on the MathWorks website: For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see "Distribute Applications" in the MATLAB Compiler SDK documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center. 2. Files to Deploy and Package -MyMatlab.dll -contains the generated component using MWArray API. -MyMatlabNative.dll -contains the generated component using native API. -This readme file Note: if end users are unable to download the MATLAB Runtime using the instructions in the previous section, include it when building your component by clicking the "Runtime included in package" link in the Deployment Tool. Auto-generated Documentation Templates: MWArray.xml - This file contains the code comments for the MWArray data conversion classes and their methods. This file can be found in either the component distrib directory or in *\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win***\v4.0 MyMatlab_overview.html - HTML overview documentation file for the generated component. It contains the requirements for accessing the component and for generating arguments using the MWArray class hierarchy. MyMatlab.xml - This file contains the code comments for the MyMatlab component classes and methods. Using a third party documentation tool, this file can be combined with either or both of the previous files to generate online documentation for the MyMatlab component. 3. Resources To learn more about: See: =================================================================== MWArray classes *\help\toolbox\ dotnetbuilder\MWArrayAPI\ MWArrayAPI.chm Examples of .NET Web Applications Web Deployment in the MATLAB .NET Assembly documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center 4. Definitions For information on deployment terminology, go to and select MATLAB Compiler > Getting Started > About Application Deployment > Deployment Product Terms in the MathWorks Documentation Center. * NOTE: is the directory where the MATLAB Runtime is installed on the target machine. is the directory where MATLAB is installed on the target machine.


