
上传日期:2020-03-12 17:50:33
上 传 者delighttao
说明:  增强学习全系列实例与教程,适合新手入门与自学。
(reinforcement learning a full series of examples and tutorials)

LICENCE (1055, 2018-12-27)
RL_cover.jpg (69700, 2018-12-27)
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contents\10_A3C\ (9199, 2018-12-27)
contents\11_Dyna_Q (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\11_Dyna_Q\ (2915, 2018-12-27)
contents\11_Dyna_Q\ (3898, 2018-12-27)
contents\11_Dyna_Q\ (1500, 2018-12-27)
contents\12_Proximal_Policy_Optimization (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\12_Proximal_Policy_Optimization\ (8270, 2018-12-27)
contents\12_Proximal_Policy_Optimization\ (8808, 2018-12-27)
contents\12_Proximal_Policy_Optimization\ (6458, 2018-12-27)
contents\1_command_line_reinforcement_learning (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\1_command_line_reinforcement_learning\ (3444, 2018-12-27)
contents\2_Q_Learning_maze (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\2_Q_Learning_maze\ (1851, 2018-12-27)
contents\2_Q_Learning_maze\ (4307, 2018-12-27)
contents\2_Q_Learning_maze\ (1388, 2018-12-27)
contents\3_Sarsa_maze (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\3_Sarsa_maze\ (2711, 2018-12-27)
contents\3_Sarsa_maze\ (4012, 2018-12-27)
contents\3_Sarsa_maze\ (1510, 2018-12-27)
contents\4_Sarsa_lambda_maze (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\4_Sarsa_lambda_maze\ (3177, 2018-12-27)
contents\4_Sarsa_lambda_maze\ (4013, 2018-12-27)
contents\4_Sarsa_lambda_maze\ (1602, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.1_Double_DQN (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.1_Double_DQN\ (6678, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.1_Double_DQN\ (2133, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.2_Prioritized_Replay_DQN (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.2_Prioritized_Replay_DQN\ (11823, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.2_Prioritized_Replay_DQN\ (2113, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.3_Dueling_DQN (0, 2018-12-27)
contents\5.3_Dueling_DQN\ (6714, 2018-12-27)
... ...

# Reinforcement Learning Methods and Tutorials In these tutorials for reinforcement learning, it covers from the basic RL algorithms to advanced algorithms developed recent years. **If you speak Chinese, visit [莫烦 Python]( or my [Youtube channel]( for more.** **As many requests about making these tutorials available in English, please find them in this playlist:** ([]( # Table of Contents * Tutorials * [Simple entry example]( * [Q-learning]( * [Sarsa]( * [Sarsa(lambda)]( * [Deep Q Network (DQN)]( * [Using OpenAI Gym]( * [Double DQN]( * [DQN with Prioitized Experience Replay]( * [Dueling DQN]( * [Policy Gradients]( * [Actor-Critic]( * [Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG)]( * [A3C]( * [Dyna-Q]( * [Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)]( * [Curiosity Model](/contents/Curiosity_Model), [Random Network Distillation (RND)](/contents/Curiosity_Model/ * [Some of my experiments]( * [2D Car]( * [Robot arm]( * [BipedalWalker]( * [LunarLander]( # Some RL Networks ### [Deep Q Network]( ### [Double DQN]( ### [Dueling DQN]( ### [Actor Critic]( ### [Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient]( ### [A3C]( ### [Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)]( ### [Curiosity Model](/contents/Curiosity_Model) # Donation *If this does help you, please consider donating to support me for better tutorials. Any contribution is greatly appreciated!*


