
上传日期:2020-03-21 22:56:52
上 传 者6782905
说明:  Matlab代码已经过轻微修改,可以在现代版本的Matlab上运行。
(The matlab code has been slightly modified to run on a modern version of MATLAB.)

matlab\arrow.m (594, 2017-10-22)
matlab\arrowb.m (439, 2017-10-22)
matlab\arrowg.m (595, 2017-10-22)
matlab\axxbc.m (1422, 2017-10-22)
matlab\cjordan.m (751, 2017-10-22)
matlab\commutant.m (1237, 2017-10-22)
matlab\CovEst_blw.m (1343, 2017-10-22)
matlab\CovEst_kl.m (267, 2017-10-22)
matlab\CovEst_Q.m (357, 2017-10-22)
matlab\CovEst_QQh.m (459, 2017-10-22)
matlab\CovEst_transp.m (833, 2017-10-22)
matlab\cvec.m (815, 2017-10-22)
matlab\Demo.m (10794, 2017-10-22)
matlab\DemoData.mat (1789, 2017-10-22)
matlab\Demo_maxent.m (748, 2017-10-22)
matlab\dlsim_complex.m (1354, 2017-10-22)
matlab\dlsim_real.m (1149, 2017-10-22)
matlab\envlp.m (1124, 2017-10-22)
matlab\esprit.m (749, 2017-10-22)
matlab\freqselect.m (848, 2017-10-22)
matlab\L1AR.m (2434, 2017-10-22)
matlab\MA_decomp.m (1897, 2017-10-22)
matlab\me.m (2320, 2017-10-22)
matlab\mjordan.m (709, 2017-10-22)
matlab\music.m (1047, 2017-10-22)
matlab\rjordan.m (1232, 2017-10-22)
matlab\rsigma.m (546, 2017-10-22)
matlab\SCovEst_Q.m (411, 2017-10-22)
matlab\SCovEst_QQh.m (492, 2017-10-22)
matlab\sm.m (2037, 2017-10-22)
matlab\suptitle.m (2651, 2017-10-22)
matlab\Tmean.m (532, 2017-10-22)
matlab\ToepProj.m (233, 2017-10-22)
matlab (0, 2017-10-22)

This is a package of high-resoltion spectral estimation tools based on state-covariance. It includes basic routines and some command for specializd plotting. We provide a brief introduction for the routines. cjordan --- generates a controllable pair for input-to-state filter with complex valued input rjordan --- generates a controllable pair for input-to-state filter with real valued input mjordan --- a multi-dimensional version with Jordan block-matrix dlsim_real --- computes state statistics with real valued input dlsim_complex --- computes state statistics with complex valued input commutant --- projects the state stattistics into the state-covariance space me --- maximum entropy method for spectral estimation sm --- subspace method envlp --- spectral envelop music --- MUSIC spectral estimation method esprit --- ESPRIT method MA_decomp --- decomposes a Toeplitz matrix into additive of a moving average covariance and a singular one


