上传日期:2020-03-29 20:36:50
上 传 者大漠孤烟李
说明:  这是一个实现锁相环的程序 已经仿真成功 可以运行
(The test is to finish a locked circle coding.It has been generated successfully.)

PLL\db\.cmp.kpt (202, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\logic_util_heursitic.dat (880, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(0).cnf.cdb (944, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(0).cnf.hdb (686, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(1).cnf.cdb (1937, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(1).cnf.hdb (1243, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(2).cnf.cdb (1777, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(2).cnf.hdb (1083, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(3).cnf.cdb (1379, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.(3).cnf.hdb (976, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.asm.qmsg (2469, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.asm.rdb (1381, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.asm_labs.ddb (6376, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cbx.xml (202, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.bpm (784, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.cdb (4542, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.hdb (12311, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.idb (1073, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.logdb (8248, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp.rdb (22260, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cmp_merge.kpt (207, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ff_1200mv_n40c_fast.hsd (750530, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ii_1200mv_125c_slow.hsd (749487, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ii_1200mv_85c_slow.hsd (749552, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.cycloneive_io_sim_cache.45um_ii_1200mv_n40c_slow.hsd (747061, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.db_info (140, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.eda.qmsg (7127, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (31967, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.hier_info (2015, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.hif (2782, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.ipinfo (380, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.lpc.html (812, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.lpc.rdb (493, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\PLL.lpc.txt (1952, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (129, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (681, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (2863, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (11414, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (205, 2020-03-29)
PLL\db\ (4, 2020-03-29)
... ...

This folder contains data for incremental compilation. The compiled_partitions sub-folder contains previous compilation results for each partition. As long as this folder is preserved, incremental compilation results from earlier compiles can be re-used. To perform a clean compilation from source files for all partitions, both the db and incremental_db folder should be removed. The imported_partitions sub-folder contains the last imported QXP for each imported partition. As long as this folder is preserved, imported partitions will be automatically re-imported when the db or incremental_db/compiled_partitions folders are removed.


