
上传日期:2020-03-31 11:06:42
上 传 者格式化111
说明:  三维重构代码,放进去图片就可以重构,简单便捷
(three-dimensional reconstruction)

AddVrmlIndexedFaceSet.m (1269, 2017-11-22)
AddVrmlViewpoint.m (886, 2017-11-22)
AlignVectors.m (3064, 2017-11-22)
AntiSymmetricMatrixFromVector.m (803, 2017-11-22)
ApproxMergeScaleAndPos.m (3700, 2017-11-22)
ApproxOrthoViewVec.m (750, 2017-11-22)
Array2D.h (2588, 2017-11-22)
Augment.m (86, 2017-11-22)
CompileMirrorMex1.m (706, 2017-11-22)
ConvVh.m (1414, 2017-11-22)
ConvexPolyhedronFacesToDualPoints.m (1569, 2017-11-22)
CoordAdd.m (203, 2017-11-22)
DblMrrEpipoleLineErr.m (1019, 2017-11-22)
DblMrrEpipoleLineErrOPT.m (1327, 2017-11-22)
DblMrrEpipoles.m (3125, 2017-11-22)
DualPointFromThreePointsOnPlane.m (636, 2017-11-22)
EpiTangPoints.m (2695, 2017-11-22)
EvalPrint.m (426, 2017-11-22)
ExtractBoundaries.m (548, 2017-11-22)
FourErrorDistances.m (1000, 2017-11-22)
FraRateFromDiscountArrayMex_TestSuite.m (2314, 2017-11-22)
GetBoundaryMex.cpp (6872, 2017-11-22)
GetBoundaryMex.mexw32 (9728, 2017-11-22)
GetBoundaryMex.mexw64 (9728, 2017-11-22)
HomogeneousCoord.cpp (5586, 2017-11-22)
HomogeneousCoord.h (1877, 2017-11-22)
Horse1.jpg (75400, 2017-11-22)
Horse2.jpg (90459, 2017-11-22)
ImageToNormalisedImage.m (743, 2017-11-22)
IsPointInConvPoly.m (211, 2017-11-22)
Jug1.jpg (61320, 2017-11-22)
Jug1.png (11446, 2017-11-22)
Jug2.jpg (62416, 2017-11-22)
Jug2.png (13803, 2017-11-22)
LMFnlsq.m (17768, 2017-11-22)
LinearEuclideanTriangulation.m (1509, 2017-11-22)
Locust1.jpg (121668, 2017-11-22)
Locust1.png (9446, 2017-11-22)
Locust2.jpg (124339, 2017-11-22)
... ...

# VisualHullFromMirrors Code associated with the paper "Keith Forbes, Fred Nicolls, Gerhard de Jager and Anthon Voigt. Shape-from-Silhouette with Two Mirrors and an Uncalibrated Camera. In Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), May 2006." I have updated the double mirror Matlab code to work on more recent versions of Matlab. No toolboxes required. Seems to still work on Matlab R2017b (Windows). Run MirrorDemo4 from the Matlab command line. You can change the first few lines of MirrorDemo4.m to try different input image examples (jug, horse, locust). If the mex files for your operating system have not been created, you can run CompileMirrorMex1 to create them. (Send me the mex files and I'll include them for other users.) If you use this code and would like to cite a publication, then use my thesis: Keith Forbes. "Calibration, Recognition, and Shape from Silhouettes of Stones". PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, June 2007. Please email me with any comments or queries. Keith Forbes 22 Nov 2017


