
上传日期:2020-04-08 04:18:07
上 传 者mrvoxie
说明:  Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6

Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6 (0, 2020-04-08)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\data (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\data\ByteCodeNames_list.dat (2698, 2009-12-02)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\data\make_license.exe (188416, 2010-02-11)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\data\php_functions_list.dat (7460, 2009-10-13)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\history.txt (775, 2012-04-06)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\install_ZlibTool_ocx.cmd (371, 2010-01-15)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\IoncubeDecoder.txt (2797, 2012-04-06)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\Ioncube_Decoder.vbp (2017, 2012-04-06)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\Ironcube_Decoder.exe (233472, 2012-04-06)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\1_Operators (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\1_Operators\test1.php (1349, 2009-11-30)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\2_For (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\2_For\test1.log (9356, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\2_For\test1.php (769, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\2_For\test1_Decoded.php (91, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\2_For\test1_org.php (157, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\3_If (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\3_If\test1.log (8962, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\3_If\test1.php (753, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\3_If\test1_Decoded.php (88, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\3_If\test1_org.php (163, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\4_While (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\4_While\test1.log (9297, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\4_While\test1.php (765, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\4_While\test1_Decoded.php (88, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\4_While\test1_org.php (167, 2009-12-01)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\ByteCodeNames_list_php4.txt (3330, 2009-12-02)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\operators1-38.txt (161, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\2_SrvRestrictionsItems-f948cb26.log (88406, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\2_SrvRestrictionsItems-f948cb26.php (4131, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\2_SrvRestrictionsItems-f948cb26_Decoded.php (415, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\2_SrvRestrictionsItems-f948cb26_Decoded.txt (1022, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\IC_body.bin (9509, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\IC_Header.bin (270, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\php5-samples\PHP5-2_SrvRestrictionsItems\UnBase64-Raw.bin (2385, 2009-12-04)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\src (0, 2010-09-16)
Ioncube_Decoder_V18_VB6\src\base64 (0, 2010-09-16)
... ...

The README file for Visual Basic Blowfish functions This is a Visual Basic version of Bruce Schneier's Blowfish algorithm as detailed in "Applied Cryptography", 2nd edition, 1996 It has been tested in VB6 and Access VBA. Use at your own risk. Version 6. Published 20 November 2003. History at end. '************************* COPYRIGHT NOTICE************************* ' This code was originally written in Visual Basic by David Ireland ' and is copyright (c) 2000-8 D.I. Management Services Pty Limited, ' all rights reserved. ' You are free to use this code as part of your own applications ' provided you keep this copyright notice intact and acknowledge ' its authorship with the words: ' "Contains cryptography software by David Ireland of ' DI Management Services Pty Ltd ." ' If you use it as part of a web site, please include a link ' to our site in the form ' Cryptography ' Software Code ' This code may only be used as part of an application. It may ' not be reproduced or distributed separately by any means without ' the express written permission of the author. ' David Ireland and DI Management Services Pty Limited make no ' representations concerning either the merchantability of this ' software or the suitability of this software for any particular ' purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied ' warranty of any kind. ' Please forward comments or bug reports to . ' The latest version of this source code can be downloaded from ' . '****************** END OF COPYRIGHT NOTICE************************* There are 11 VB modules and two VB projects. The main modules are: 1. basBlowfishByteFns: the (new) main wrapper fns you will call in your programs 2. basBlowfishFileFns: wrapper functions for file encryption 3. basBlowfish: the actual Blowfish algorithm in Visual Basic 4. basBlfArrays: the blowfish S and P arrays 5. basUnsignedWord: utilities for unsigned word operations 6. basConvert: conversion utilities for byte-strings-hex-word 7. basFileAPI: wrapper fns to read and write files using Windows API functions (these work better than VB's standard Open and Put fns). 8. basRadix***: functions to encode binary strings to base*** format and vice versa (aka radix***, Transfer Encoding, Printable Encoding). These modules that contain test functions: 9. basTestBlowfish: examples of Blowfish use and a test suite 10. basTestRadix***: examples of base***/radix*** encoding and decoding 11. basAPITimer: Timer functions by Litwin, Getz, Gilbert. Two VB Projects: Blowfish.vbp: Demo of simple Blowfish encryption BlowfishEx.vbp: Extended demo showing ECB and CBC modes Plus three text files to use in testing the file encryption functions: hello.txt, nowis.txt, sonnets.txt. To use: Add the files to your VB project or import them into modules in Access. Main ECB functions for variable length data ------------------------------------------- blf_BytesEnc(abData): Enciphers byte array abData with current key and padding blf_BytesDec(abData): Deciphers byte array abData with current key and padding blf_BytesRaw(abData, bEncrypt): En/Deciphers abData without padding blf_FileEnc(sFileIn, sFileOut): Enciphers file with name sFileIn with current key and writes output to new file sFileOut blf_FileDec(sFileIn, sFileOut): Deciphers file with name sFileIn with current key and writes output to new file sFileOut To set the current key, call blf_KeyInit(aKey()) where aKey() is the key as an array of Bytes. CBC Functions ------------- blf_BytesEncCBC blf_BytesDecCBC blf_BytesEncRawCBC blf_BytesDecRawCBC blf_FileEncCBC blf_FileDecCBC Note that the FilexCBC functions require the Initialisation Vector as a hex string, but the BytesxCBC functions require it as a byte array. This is for historical reasons. Padding ------- The padding technique is as described in PKCS#5/RFC2630/RFC3370. If you don't want padding, use the 'Raw' versions. PadBytes(abData): Returns padded byte array. UnpadBytes(abData): Returns unpadded byte array. Basic functions in basBlowfish ------------------------------------ blf_KeyInit(abKey): Sets current key with contents of abKey blf_Key: [redundant] blf_Initialise(aKey, nKeyBytes): Sets current key of nKeyBytes length. blf_EncryptBytes(aBytes): Encrypts 8-byte block with current key. blf_DecryptBytes(aBytes): Decrypts 8-byte block with current key. Class Modules: It is a trivial exercise to convert these functions to class modules. Please feel free to do so, but please keep the copyright notice intact if you do. Modification history -------------------- 20 October 2000: Version 1 first published. ============================================= 16 November 2000: Version 2: Added new module basBlowfishCBC with CBC variants of main wrapper functions. Changed En(De)CryptBytes fns from private to public Changed name of bu_Str2Bytes to bu_HexStr2Bytes Ditto bu_Str2Words to bu_HexStr2Words Added new byte utility fns: bu_XorBytes bu_CopyBytes bu_Bytes2String bu_String2Bytes Added CBC tests to basTestBlowfish ============================================= 28 December 2000: Version 3: Added Radix*** functions and improved functionality of demo form. Improved (!) legalise in copyright notice. New base***/radix*** functions are: EncodeStr*** - encodes string of binary chars to radix *** format. - does not add CRLFs or any other formatting. DecodeStr*** - decodes radix*** chars back to binary string. - ignores any non-radix*** characters. ============================================= 20 January 2001: Version 3a: Minor bug fix to demo project form frmBlowfish.frm. If ciphertext ends with an acsii zero and is then stored directly in a VB text box, the text box truncates the trailing zeroes. Changed code behind form to store ciphertext in a string instead. Thanks to Jim McCusker of for this fix. ============================================== 12 May 2001: Version 4: Various minor improvements. Thanks to Doug J Ward for his suggestions and advice on improving the speed of some of the byte operations and for much improved ShiftLeft and ShiftRight functions used in basRadix***. Thanks also to Robert Garofalo for pointing out an error in the max length of the blowfish key and a fix in error handling. ============================================== 27 January 2002: Version 5: Major re-write. Improved internal Blowfish word manipulation functions. Major speed improvements to string encryption functions (with many thanks to Robert Garofalo for suggestions incorporated here). Replaced old-style byte conversion routines in basByteUtils with dynamic array versions in basConvert ============================================== 20 November 2003: Version 6: Replaced deprecated 'String' functions with 'Byte' versions. Added 'Byte' functions and error handling to basRadix***. Updated basConvert with error handling. ==============================================


