
上传日期:2020-04-20 17:43:16
上 传 者krimo23000
说明:  mbed library for matlab exemple interfacing with serial port (rs232) matlab commuication with microcontroller (UART Communication) ex : import mbed.* mymbed= SerialRPC('COM5', 9600); myled = DigitalOut(mybed, LED1);

add_mbed_to_path.m (669, 2010-11-11)
+mbed\AnalogIn.m (4717, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\AnalogOut.m (4839, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\Contents.m (1416, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\DigitalIn.m (4900, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\DigitalOut.m (4793, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\HTTPRPC.m (4381, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\LED1.m (52, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\LED2.m (52, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\LED3.m (52, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\LED4.m (52, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\PinName.m (1525, 2010-11-08)
+mbed\PwmOut.m (7807, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\RPCConnection.m (1767, 2010-11-08)
+mbed\RPCFunction.m (1855, 2010-09-23)
+mbed\RPCVariable.m (2332, 2010-09-23)
+mbed\Serial.m (7874, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\SerialRPC.m (5904, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\TestRPC.m (3311, 2011-02-22)
+mbed\p10.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p11.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p12.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p13.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p14.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p15.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p16.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p17.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p18.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p19.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p20.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p21.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p22.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p23.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p24.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p25.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p26.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p27.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p28.m (51, 2010-11-01)
+mbed\p29.m (51, 2010-11-01)
... ...

MATLAB Interface to mbed 1. Add the mbed package (aka. namespace) to your MATLAB path The folder containing this README.txt file should also have a MATLAB function, add_mbed_to_path.m. Run this function: >> add_mbed_to_path 2. Make sure your mbed has the RPC server code. Go to this page: http://mbed.org/cookbook/Interfacing-Using-RPC and follow the instructions in the "RPC over Serial" section. 3. To access the mbed class or variable, you need to prefix the classname with "mbed.", e.g., mbed.SerialRPC or mbed.LED1. Use "import mbed.*" to avoid having to specify the namespace every time. BEFORE mymbed = mbed.SerialRPC('COM5',9600); ao = mbed.AnalogOut(mymbed, mbed.p18); AFTER import mbed.* mymbed = SerialRPC('COM5',9600); ao = AnalogOut(mymbed, p18); 4. To get help on the mbed classes, type the following >> help mbed Also see the mbed MATLAB web page: http://mbed.org/cookbook/Interfacing-with-Matlab ----


