
上传日期:2020-04-20 20:11:50
上 传 者大师兄_LZN
说明:  播放视频,使用websocket,java,js,html
(Playing video, using websocket, Java, JS, HTML)

lib\ffmpeg.js (1541, 2020-03-04)
lib\raspivid.js (847, 2020-03-04)
lib\remotetcpfeed.js (540, 2020-03-04)
lib\static.js (951, 2020-03-04)
lib\_server.js (1935, 2020-03-04)
LICENSE (1060, 2020-03-04)
package.json (497, 2020-03-04)
public\index.html (826, 2020-04-20)
public\index_ww.html (1042, 2020-03-04)
samples\admiral.264 (9378028, 2020-03-04)
samples\out.h264 (4218542, 2020-03-04)
server-ffmpeg.js (564, 2020-03-04)
server-rpi.js (526, 2020-03-04)
server-static.js (732, 2020-03-04)
server-tcp.js (651, 2020-03-04)
vendor\.npmignore (45, 2020-03-04)
vendor\AUTHORS (576, 2020-03-04)
vendor\broadway\Decoder.js (290257, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\FilterWebGLCanvas.js (2012, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\Program.js (901, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\Script.js (938, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\Shader.js (1005, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\Texture.js (1786, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\WebGLCanvas.js (7721, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\YUVCanvas.js (1666, 2020-03-04)
vendor\canvas\YUVWebGLCanvas.js (3217, 2020-03-04)
vendor\dist\http-live-player-worker.js (410339, 2020-03-04)
vendor\dist\http-live-player.js (409544, 2020-03-04)
vendor\LICENSE (1519, 2020-03-04)
vendor\package.json (1315, 2020-03-04)
vendor\utils\assert.js (171, 2020-03-04)
vendor\utils\error.js (121, 2020-03-04)
vendor\utils\glUtils.js (2607, 2020-03-04)
vendor\utils\inherit.js (517, 2020-03-04)
vendor\utils\Size.js (400, 2020-03-04)
... ...

# Motivation This is a very simple h2*** video player (that can run on live stream) for your browser. You might use this with raspicam raw h2*** stream. This is a player around [Broadway](https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway) Decoder, with very simple API. NAL unit (h2*** frames) are split on the server side, transported using websocket, and sent to the decoded (with frame dropping, if necessary) [![Version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/h2***-live-player.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/h2***-live-player) [![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) # History * I was targetting a real-time camera video feedback (no audio/surveillance cam) in the browser * There is no solution for "real time" mp4 video creation / playback (ffmpeg, mp4box.js, mp4parser - _boxing_ _takes_ _time_) * Media Source Extension is a dead end (mp4 boxing is far too hard to re-create on the client side) * [Broadway](https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway) provide the crazy emscripten/asm build of a h2*** decoder accelerated by webGL canvas * Here is all the glue we need, enjoy ;-) # Installation/demo ``` git clone git@github.com:131/h2***-live-player.git player cd player npm install node server-rpi.js # run on a rpi for a webcam demo node server-static.js # for sample video (static) file delivery node server-tcp.js # for a remote tcp (rpi video feed) sample node server-ffmpeg # usefull on win32 to debug the live feed (use ffmpeg & your directshow device / webcam) # browse to for a demo player ``` # Recommendations * Broadway h2*** Decoder can only work with **h2*** baseline profile** * [**Use a SANE birate**](https://www.dr-lex.be/info-stuff/videocalc.html) * Browserify FTW * Once you understand how to integrate the server-side, feel free to use [h2***-live-player](https://www.npmjs.com/package/h2***-live-player) npm package in your client side app (see vendor/) * Use [uws](https://github.com/uWebSockets/uWebSockets) (instead of ws) as websocket server # Credits * [131](mailto:131.js@cloudyks.org) * [Broadway](https://github.com/mbebenita/Broadway) * [urbenlegend/WebStreamer](https://github.com/urbenlegend/WebStreamer) # Keywords / shout box raspberry, mp4box, h2***, nal, raspivid, mse, media source extension, iso, raspicam, bitrate, realtime, video, mp4, ffmpeg, websocket, ws, socket.io "Let's have a beer and talk in Paris"


