上传日期:2020-05-07 16:01:15
上 传 者GHao
说明:  输入: trainX训练数据 训练标签 testX测试数据 测试标签 模型参数模型参数 输出: 测试准确率 训练时间 测试时间 模型训练模型
(Inputs: trainX Training data trainY Training labels testX Testing data testY Testing labels ModelParameters Model parameters Outputs: TestAcc Testing Accuracy TrainingTime Time taken for training TestingTime Time taken for testing Model Trained model)

RF\axis_parallel_cut.m (895, 2016-10-21)
RF\cartree_predict.m (968, 2016-10-21)
RF\cartree_train.m (3439, 2020-04-04)
RF\getargs.m (3471, 2016-08-01)
RF\gini_impurity.m (2389, 2016-10-21)
RF\RF.m (558, 2020-04-05)
RF\RF_predict.m (1492, 2020-04-04)
RF\RF_train.m (733, 2020-04-04)
RF\TEST_RF.m (2553, 2020-04-05)
RF\weighted_hist.m (589, 2016-10-21)
RF (0, 2020-04-21)

# Random Forests This set of codes implements Random Forests algorithm to classify data. You should do some research on your own to understand the basic priciples on how Random Forests Works. To get started, you should refer to 'TEST_RF.m'. #### Parameters nTree: Number of trees (Needs to be positive integer) mtry: Number of features in a subset (Needs to be positive integer) #### Usage The main function to train and test Random Forests is: """ [TestAcc,TrainingTime,TestingTime,Model] = RF(trainX,trainY,testX,testY,ModelParameters); """ Inputs: trainX Training data trainY Training labels testX Testing data testY Testing labels ModelParameters Model parameters Outputs: TestAcc Testing Accuracy TrainingTime Time taken for training TestingTime Time taken for testing Model Trained model


