
上传日期:2011-07-05 14:44:57
上 传 者俊豪_666
说明:  一个模拟键盘的界面的Javascript小程序
(An analog keyboard interface applet JS)

1-vkboard (0, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\compressed (0, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\compressed\vkboardc.js (44000, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\6-test-fly-anonym.html (14204, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\1-edit-simple.html (5278, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\4-test-change.html (14319, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\vkboard.js (63351, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\5-test-fly.html (13419, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\7-test-any-css.html (16422, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\8-test-scale.html (15643, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\macron.txt (462, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\2-edit-full.html (13423, 2008-03-26)
1-vkboard\3-edit-translator.html (18399, 2008-03-26)
2-vkboard_slim (0, 2008-03-26)
2-vkboard_slim\compressed (0, 2008-03-26)
2-vkboard_slim\compressed\vkboardsc.js (44158, 2008-03-26)
2-vkboard_slim\edit-full.html (12964, 2008-03-26)
2-vkboard_slim\vkboards.js (63604, 2008-03-26)
3-numpad_full (0, 2008-03-26)
3-numpad_full\compressed (0, 2008-03-26)
3-numpad_full\compressed\vnumpadc.js (9537, 2008-03-26)
3-numpad_full\edit_full.html (8460, 2008-03-26)
3-numpad_full\vnumpad.js (15564, 2008-03-26)
4-numpad_atm (0, 2008-03-26)
4-numpad_atm\compressed (0, 2008-03-26)
4-numpad_atm\compressed\vatmpadc.js (8841, 2008-03-26)
4-numpad_atm\vatmpad.js (14329, 2008-03-26)
4-numpad_atm\edit_full.html (8461, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack (0, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european (0, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\czech-alt (0, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\czech-alt\cz.js (2697, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\czech-alt\name.js (22, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\serbo-croatian (0, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\serbo-croatian\serbo-croatian.js (2344, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\serbo-croatian\name.js (24, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\danish-159 (0, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\danish-159\name.js (15, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\danish-159\da.js (2043, 2008-03-26)
5-layout_pack\european\danish-281 (0, 2008-03-26)
... ...

1. There are four keyboard variants available: 1) "1-vkboard" - primary script. Full keyboard is simulated; 2) "2-vkboard_slim" - the same, but has a special configuration of the language menu, useful if you're short of space; 3) "3-numpad_full" - numeric pad part of the keyboard. Useful for online calculators; 4) "4-numpad_atm" - stripped numpad: numbers and Enter key only. 2. For each variant, two versions of script are available: 1) "vkboard.js"/"vkboards.js"/"vnumpad.js"/"vatmpad.js" is the original script; if you wish to change the script, or just want to learn how it works, this is the file for you to look at; 2) "vkboardc.js"/"vkboardsc.js"/"vnumpadc.js"/"vatmpadc.js" (in the "compressed" folder) is the compressed version of script (30.5%/30.5%/39.8%/39.5% smaller than the original); this is the file you should use on the web. 3. "5-layout_pack" folder contains 24 additional layouts for full/slim variants of the keyboard. Please see "readme.txt" file within the "5-layout_pack" folder for more details. 4. Latest version of this script can be found at: http://www.codeproject.com/jscript/jvk.asp If you wish to look at my other projects, please visit: http://www.codeproject.com/script/articles/list_articles.asp?userid=1044***8 5. Virtual Keyboard is an open-source script distributed under zlib/libpng license: http://opensource.org/licenses/zlib-license.php Parts of the cursor positioning scripts in the sample pages are taken from DocumentSelection library: http://debugger.ru/projects/browserextensions/documentselection , are copyright Ilya Lebedev and are distributed under the LGPL license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html 6. You donations keep Virtual Keyboard project running! Prease see "donate.txt" for more details. 7. If you wish to report a bug, express your opinion or ask a question, feel free to e-mail me: dmitrykhudorozhkov@yahoo.com Remote job offers are welcome.


