TSPA Multi-baseline Phase Unwrapping Method

上传日期:2020-05-19 11:52:08
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说明:  多基线SAR,InSAR相位解缠代码,Matlab版本,对应论文:Robust Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping for Multibaseline SAR Interferograms: A Two-Stage Programming Approach ,含数据、代码及验证结果
(Multi baseline SAR, InSAR phase unwrapping code, matlab version, corresponding paper: robot two dimensional phase unwrapping for multibaseline SAR interferograms: a two stage programming approach, including data, code and verification results)

xishu_mnFast.m (271, 2018-03-01)
Demo_TestData.mat (631079, 2018-03-08)
out.mat (278782, 2018-03-08)
Alg1_MCF1.m (994, 2018-03-06)
Alg2_MCF2.m (892, 2018-03-06)
Alg3_L2norm.m (681, 2018-03-06)
b_dk.m (171, 2018-03-08)
config.m (15409, 2018-03-08)
CumSumMap22.m (748, 2018-03-08)
DataLoadnCheck.m (9816, 2018-03-08)
Demo_config.m (15414, 2018-03-08)
Demo_main.m (3698, 2018-03-08)
errX_2base_1.m (516, 2018-03-06)
errX_2base_2.m (528, 2018-03-03)
errY_2base_1.m (518, 2018-03-06)
errY_2base_2.m (538, 2018-03-03)
Esti_dkX_Mbase1.m (13739, 2018-03-08)
Esti_dkX_Mbase2.m (13752, 2018-03-08)
Esti_dkY_Mbase1.m (13730, 2018-03-08)
Esti_dkY_Mbase2.m (13548, 2018-03-08)
Esti_Res_Mbaseline1.m (1308, 2018-03-08)
Esti_Res_Mbaseline2.m (1306, 2018-03-08)
L2normMap.m (104, 2018-03-06)
LS_dk_mtlb.m (593, 2018-02-03)
main.m (3693, 2018-03-08)
MCFresN_Glb_aeq.m (2622, 2018-03-08)
MCFyuMap.m (278, 2018-03-06)
network_mcf.m (1230, 2018-03-06)
SaveVariable.m (897, 2018-03-06)
searchList1.m (3381, 2018-03-08)

%% ======================================================= TSPA (A Two-Stage Programming Approach based Multi-baseline Phase Unwrapping Method) This is the serial MATLAB code for the TSPA multi-baseline phase unwrapping method. There are three unwrapping models can be chosen. Ten interferograms with different normal baseline lengths can be simultaneously processed by this code at most. For the detailed information about the input, output and parameters of this code, please refer to the config.m and readme files in the code. Author: Yang Lan (lanyangxd@hotmail.com) Hanwen Yu (yuhanwen@gmail.com) Release Version1.0 Release date: March 08, 2018 For details about using TSPA please see the files config.m and ReadMe.txt. See also: Hanwen Yu and Yang Lan. Robust two-dimensional phase unwrapping for multibaseline SAR interferograms: A two-stage programming approach. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(9):5217 ¨C 5225, Sep 2016. %% Contents ================================================ 1. How to use the program 2. Description of the config file 3. Example 4. Solution of phase unwrapping 5. Demo 6. Reference %% 1. How to use the program===================================== step1: Write the input file name, variable name and parameters in the file config.m. step2: Run the file main.m. step3: The variable "unwrapPhase" is the solution of phase unwrapping. Note: All data input and parameter settings are done in the file config.m, and other .m file do not need to be modified. %% 2. Description of the config file==================================== *Before modifying the config file, please read the variable instruction in the file carefully. *Each variable and parameter has setting instructions and examples. *Before running the program, please check all the variables and parameters in the config file to ensure that they are consistent and set correctly. *Example 1: InputFileName=['xxx.mat']; InputWrapPhase=['A']; Because xxx.mat is the .mat file of input data, it should contain a variable A that is the wrapping phase matrix. *Example 2: InputWrapPhase=['A']; NumBaseLine=5; If the size of A is m*n*p, p should equal to 5 because p is equal to the number of baselines. * When you run main.m, the file DataLoadnCheck.m will check the input data and parameter and display the error message. Reading the file DataLoadnCheck.m may help you quickly locate the error, but modifying this file may create potential problems. %% 3. Example ================================================ Because all the parameters have been described in detail in the config file, here is an example for user reference. -------------------------- Example Format------------------------------------------------------- * Parameter setting *** Description -------------------------- Example --------------------------------------------------------------- * InputFileName=['xxx.mat']; *** xxx.mat is .mat file containing variables ppp, bbb and ccc. * InputWrapPhase=['ppp']; *** ppp (double or single) is the variable name of wrapping phase matrix in xxx.mat. The size of ppp is 40*30*4. * NumBaseLine=4 *** The number of baselines is 4. * ifMeanBaseline=0; *** Use the matrix to save baseline length information. * InputBaseLine=['bbb']; *** bbb(double or single) is the variable name of the baseline length matrix in xxx.mat. The size of bbb is 40*30*4. * ifWeighted=0; *** Do not use weight coefficient to help phase unwrapping. *WeightedCoefficient=['ccc'] *** ccc (double or single) is the variable name of the weight coefficient matrix in xxx.mat Because of ifWeighted=0, ccc is an empty matrix. *SearchRange=[1,1,2,1]; *** The searching range of ambiguity number gradient of the 3rd baseline is -2~+2, and the searching ranges of ambiguity number gradient of all other three baselines are -1~+1. *UnwrapFlag=[1,1,0,0]; *** Output the phase unwrapping solution of 1st baseline and 2nd baseline. *chooseAlg=1; *** Use algorithm 1 ( base on residual ) to solve MCF. *ifsaveSolution=1; *** The solution of phase unwrapping¨variable unwrapPhase will be save as the .mat file. *OutputFileName=['out.mat']; *** The solution of phase unwrapping¨variable unwrapPhase will be save as the file out.mat. * ifshowEstiDk=10; *** The messages "...finised colum: jj " (jj=10, 20, 30 )are showed on the screen so that the user can see the progress of the program. *MatlabVersion=0; *** MATALB2016b or earlier versions is used to run the TSPA program. %% 4. Solution of phase unwrapping ======================================== * The variable unwrapPhase is the cell array store the unwrapping phase . If you set ifsaveSolution=1 and OutputFileName=['out.mat'], the file out.mat will be generated in the current directory. %% 5. Demo ======================================================== There are three files, named Demo_main.m, Demo_config.m and Demo_TestData.mat, which can be used as the code tutorial example. Program Demo_main can be run directly. The SAR images employed in demo are acquired by the ALOS PALSAR. %% 6. Reference ========================================================= [1] Hanwen Yu and Yang Lan. Robust two-dimensional phase unwrapping for multibaseline SAR interferograms: A two-stage programming approach. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(9):5217 ¨C 5225, Sep 2016.


