
上传日期:2020-05-28 02:49:34
上 传 者westerthetester
说明:  This is FivePD mod, completely useless

controls.lua (1185, 2020-05-04)
example images\controls.lua.PNG (9838, 2020-04-24)
example images\__resource.lua.PNG (4569, 2020-04-24)
example images (0, 2020-04-24)

-- Version 1.6 -- FivePD menu disabler for controllers -- Created by Franky#0544 (Discord user) -- INFO This script will stop the menu's from opening up when using a controller to drive. It will only work if you have not changed any keybinds using game settings OR in the FivePD computer. -- INSTALLATION 1. Extract "controls.lua" into your main FivePD folder (see example: https://i.imgur.com/3U7Rq2r.png). 2. In your "__resource.lua" file, add >> 'controls.lua', << to the top of the "client_scripts" brackets (see example: https://i.imgur.com/PZuIC2B.png). a. Ensure you copy and paste the ^^ above ^^ - you have to include the quotations AND the comma. 3. Restart your server. -- UPDATING 1. Extract and overwrite the "controls.lua" file into your main FivePD folder. 2. Restart your server. -- 1.5 UPDATE The FivePD 1.5 update added a new G menu which was bound to keyboard [g], or controller [dpad left]. The instructions to update to FivePD version 1.5 told you to copy the entire fivepd folder - which replaced your __resources.lua file. You need to add >> 'controls.lua', << again to your "client_scripts". Also ensure you copy the updated controls.lua file in the fivepd folder - again, see the FAQ's for an example. Any issues, Discord me and I will help you: Franky#0544 -- NOTE Your controller will still work normally, this script just stops FivePD's menu opening when using the controller. Any issues with installation or anything, use Discord: Franky#0544 -- CHANGELOG 1.6 > Updated controls.lua to add the other button to ensure the script carries on working after MDT/CAD is opened. 1.5 > Updated controls.lua to match FivePD updated control (new G menu). 1.4 > Updated controls.lua to include LB button (stops the ped vehicle menu from opening up when next to a vehicle). 1.3 > Updated controls.lua to include Y button (so you don't accidentally disable ALPR getting out a vehicle) and Right Stick (to disable MDT using controller - can still be accessed by pressing [B] on the keyboard). 1.3 > Updated Readme.txt file to change installation step 2, to stop confusion. 1.2 > Updated controls.lua to include A button (a fix for when you attempt to run using a controller). 1.1 > Updated Readme.txt file. 1.0 > Script release.


