
上传日期:2011-07-06 13:06:43
上 传 者yuwin136
说明:  no intro
(JGame is an open source 2D game engine that makes multiplatform development easier. It runs on the Java JRE 1.3+ platform with optional OpenGL (JOGL) enhancements, the J2ME (MIDP2.0/CLDC1.1) mobile platform, and the Android (2.1+) platform. There is also a Flash (Actionscript 3) version. It provides a very high-level framework, enabling "classic" type arcade games to be developed with a minimum of code and effort. It is based on sprites with automatic animation and collision detection, and a tile-based background with easy sprite-tile interaction facilities. Games are programmed at a fixed "virtual" resolution, but can be scaled to any screen resolution. The engine provides an enhanced graphics API, with a fallback to simpler and more efficient graphics on J2ME and plain JRE. The API also includes sound and persistent storage.)

JGame (0, 2011-04-26)
JGame\smallgames.jar (590367, 2011-04-26)
JGame\PubManMidlet.jar (55982, 2011-04-26)
JGame\skeleton (0, 2011-04-26)
JGame\skeleton\MyGame.java (2561, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\make-midp-mygame-preamble (167, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\icons24x24-d-tr.png (1361, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\make-jre-mygame-postamble (541, 2010-10-03)
JGame\skeleton\icons8x8-d-tr.png (956, 2010-09-20)
JGame\skeleton\res (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-mdpi (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-mdpi\icon.png (2574, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-ldpi (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-ldpi\icon.png (1723, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-hdpi (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\drawable-hdpi\icon.png (4147, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\values (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\values\strings.xml (108, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\layout (0, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\res\layout\main.xml (384, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\icons32x32-d-tr.png (1384, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\icons16x16-d-tr.png (1123, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\make-midp-mygame-postamble (1287, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\AndroidManifest.xml.preamble (207, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\media.tbl (6291, 2010-09-21)
JGame\skeleton\manifest_midp_mygame (109, 2010-09-20)
JGame\skeleton\gen-skeleton.sh (2450, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\build.properties (819, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\make-jre-mygame-preamble (80, 2010-10-03)
JGame\skeleton\make-android-mygame-preamble (148, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\AndroidManifest.xml.postamble (515, 2011-02-13)
JGame\skeleton\make-android-mygame-postamble (611, 2011-02-13)
JGame\Ogrotron.jar (380359, 2011-04-26)
JGame\dingbats.jnlp (777, 2010-04-11)
JGame\jgame-signed.jnlp (720, 2010-04-11)
JGame\MunchiesMidlet.jar (70979, 2011-04-26)
JGame\LICENSE (2119, 2011-04-05)
JGame\DungeonsOfHackMidlet.jar (60121, 2011-04-26)
JGame\CavernsOfFire-release.apk (1596831, 2011-04-26)
JGame\make-midp-spacerun.bat (1268, 2010-04-11)
... ...

--------------------------------------- JGame - a Java game engine for 2D games --------------------------------------- ----F U N D R A I S E R------------------------------------- Want to support JGame development? DONATE NOW at http://www.13thmonkey.org/~boris/jgame/ ------------------------------------------------------------ By: Boris van Schooten, schooten@cs.utwente.nl Website: www.13thmonkey.org/~boris/jgame/ Version: 3.5, 25 apr 2011 (20110425), JRE (personal computer) platforms: Java 1.3 or higher; 250Mhz+ with 2D graphics acceleration recommended for the example games. Tested on: Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Windows, MacOS X, Java 1.3.1, 1.4.2, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, Sun/Oracle JDK, OpenJDK JOGL (opengl) platforms: Java 1.4 or higher; 500Mhz+ with 32Mb 3D graphics acceleration recommended for the example games. Tested on: Linux, Windows, MacOS X, NetBSD Java 1.4.2, 1.5.0, 1.6.0 J2ME (MIDP, mobile) platforms: MIDP2.0/CLDC1.1 Tested on: WTK2.5.x emulator, Sagem My401C, My411X, Sony Ericsson K320i, T-Mobile Vairy Touch II, Samsung GT-B7610 (I am looking for more test platforms!) Android platforms: Eclair/2.1, Froyo/2.2 Tested on: emulator, Archos A28, HTC Desire Distribution license: Revised BSD license (see LICENSE) Description: JGame is a small 2D game engine that makes multiplatform development easier. It runs on the Java JRE 1.3+ platform, the J2ME (MIDP2.0/CLDC1.1) mobile platform, and the Android (2.1+) platform. It provides a very high-level framework, enabling "classic" type arcade games to be developed with a minimum of code and effort. It is based on sprites with automatic animation and collision detection, and a tile-based background with easy sprite-tile interaction facilities. Games are programmed at a fixed "virtual" resolution, but can be scaled to any screen resolution. Graphical enhancements are available through OpenGL and on the Android platform. Features: * Multiplatform. - Tested on various platforms. - Can easily be run as applet, from a jar, or as a webstart. - Games can be run on the J2ME and Android platforms without requiring changes in the code. - Games can be run both with and without 3D accelerated back-end, catering to both basic and high end platforms. So, graphics run efficiently on MIDP while OpenGL and Android platforms enable extra graphical effects. - You can program a game at one resolution, but it can be scaled to any desired resolution when run. Scaling preferences enable precise control of scaling under J2ME and Android. * Highly optimised. - Implementation ensures optimised and accelerated graphics for a variety of platforms without requiring extra packages; even works well on remote X11 displays. - Code is optimised for maximum speed and minimum object creations so it works well on slower machines such as mobiles. - Provides very efficient multidirectional scrolling on all platforms. * Easy handling of sprites and animations. - Built-in sprite animation - Load sprites, tiles, and colour fonts directly from sprite sheets. - Define images, animations, and sounds in a text file. * Tile-based background handling, with decorative backdrop. - Scrolling using a virtual screen / viewport model - Built-in playfield wrap-around facility - multilayer parallax backdrop and zooming/rotating view in OpenGL * Automatic collision detection with sprites and background tiles, and easy background tile interaction. * Channel-based sound system with sound enable/disable built in * Can run at both fixed frame rate and variable (video synchronised) frame rate; built-in facilities for making variable frame rate easier to use. * A state machine model for in-game sequences. * A local store API for saving user info / save games * A standard game state machine and some standard game objects are provided. * Standard highscore table functions are provided. * Debugging facilities, which include: visualising bounding boxes, printing debug messages next to an object on the playfield. * A web-based game generator for generating prototype games without any programming (under development). To do, fixes: * line number does not take into account lines skipped by readline * test drawPolygon more thoroughly * make local store suitable for multi-midlet suites (i.e. multiple stores) * make jgame canvas resizeable (currently only works on android) * refactor init() and other duplicate code * refactor common StdGame functions to superclass * ensure exit dialog always on top -> can only be done in java 1.5+ * ensure taskbar does not obscure playfield * file a bug report for the bugs in TextRenderer, which sometimes refuses to render whitespace and sometimes garbles the result completely. * file bug report about crashes in glBlendFunc * look at possibility of non-integer scroll and drawing/sprite offsets, and compatibility between them. In JOGL, even scaled offsets may be noninteger. * add a flip x/y function for OpenGL images * add image getsize, existsImage to JGEngine interface * sprite textures should have transparent 1-pixel border around them, otherwise strong magnification will not look right around the borders * fix scrolling bug on MacOS. I found that there is something wrong with the bounds of the copied bg areas. * fix scaling artifacts on MacOS. I found that graphics may get scaled to the wrong background colour so you get whitish borders around graphics. This may be a Macos bug; the behaviour is not always reproducible and sometimes plain erroneous. * more complete MIDP support: highscores, font size/style, debug facilities. * implement MIDP hideNotify/showNotify? * give error when setCanvasSettings or setScalingPreferences are set at the wrong point * There is no warning in dbgShowBoundingBoxes that a bbox is not defined * image maps are sometimes loaded every time an image is extracted? This may be caused by loadImage not loading the image into a buffered image, and the unbuffered image being uncached by the system. Check this out! * appletviewer may give security exceptions when loading a jar from the local filesystem * fix the ugly volatileimage code which doesn't work in applets by means of a conditional compile scheme * fix the font alignment problem which aligns vertically according to text height, making alignment dependent on the particular letters used. To do, new features: * dynamic depth sorting (by depth value) * implement canvas layer for drawing arbitrary persistent background * option to turn off automatic scaling * shorthands for handling sequences in the sprite table file * Port the gamegen concept to a more general non-PHP implementation. The basic work has been done, but is not yet presentable. * further extend the library of standard objects, and include them in the gamegen framework * animated tiles * add scaling to image definition operations * full multiple background layer support? * autodetect OpenGL / switch between OpenGL/AWT runtime --------------------- Running and compiling --------------------- The installation comes with pre-compiled classes and Jars. This section explains what they are and how to use them. JRE base classes ---------------- * jgame-jre.jar: Java 1.3 classes of JGame library (you can include the jar in your classpath) * jgame-jogl.jar: Java 1.4 classes of JGame, using the JOGL (OpenGL) extension (you can include the jar in your classpath) People using Java 1.2 have to recompile the classes (see also the notes below). If you want to use JOGL, you have to install it first. You need JOGL JSR 231. This is the new JOGL released by Sun (javax.media.opengl). There is also an older JOGL (net.java.games.jogl) which is not suitable. Download it from: https://jogl.dev.java.net/ It has no installer. You can just put the jars in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext, and the native code libraries in JAVA_HOME/jre/bin, though the README discourages this (version clashes may occur). An alternative is to set CLASSPATH to point to the Jars, and pass -Djava.library.path= to pass the location of the native libraries to Java. Or: java -cp PATH_TO_JOGL_AND_GLUEGEN_JAR -Djava.library.path=PATH_TO_NATIVE_LIBS YOUR_JOGL_APPLICATION To recompile the JRE base classes and jars (without JOGL): ./make-base (that will be .\make-base or just make-base on Windows) To recompile the JRE base classes and jars with JOGL backend (you must have JOGL installed): ./make-base-jogl (.\make-base-jogl or just make-base-jogl on Windows) JRE applications ---------------- * jgame-all.jar: all examples plus the launcher (without JOGL). Start using: java -jar jgame-all.jar You can run individual examples using: java -classpath jgame-all.jar:. examples. You can run the examples with OpenGL by putting the JGame-JOGL classes before the regular classes in the classpath, so that they get loaded first, like so: java -cp $CLASSPATH:jgame-jogl.jar:jgame-all.jar examples.Launcher (unix) java -cp %CLASSPATH%;jgame-jogl.jar;jgame-all.jar examples.Launcher (dos) Here, we assume that you use CLASSPATH to point to the JOGL base classes. This "class overriding trick" may not work in all cases. Alternatively, you can recompile the jars for JOGL. To recompile the JRE examples, tutorials, gamegen, and generate the example jars: ./make-base ./make-apps (creates the JRE version) ./make-base-jogl ./make-apps-jogl (creates the JOGL version) Ogrotron and cavens of fire have a new-style package tree. These can be created separately using: ./examples/ogrotron/make-jre ./examples/cavernsoffire/make-jre Note that the script must be called from the JGame root directory. Here's an overview of the individual example game classes: x examples.nebulaalpha.NebulaAlpha - minimal game using base classes only examples.Insecticide - example tile-based game using base classes only examples.ChainReaction - example mouse-based game using base classes examples.SpaceRun - minimal game using StdGame framework w/ defaults examples.SpaceRunII - minimal game using StdGame with customisation examples.SpaceRunIII - minimal game illustrating scrolling x examples.Munchies - example game using StdGame framework x examples.waterworld.WaterWorld - example game using StdGame framework x examples.Ramjet - example game using StdGame framework x examples.packetstorm.PacketStorm - example game using StdGame framework x examples.ogrotron.Ogrotron - example game using StdGame framework x examples.cavernsoffire.CavernsOfFire - example game using StdGame, scrolling x examples.matrixminer.MatrixMiner - uses StdGame and Std... objects examples.PubMan - uses StdGame and Std... objects examples.DungeonsOfHack - uses StdGame, Std... objects, scrolling examples.guardian.Guardian - uses StdGame, scrolling examples.dingbats.Dingbats - JOGL game (x) - game has (some) sound The desired screen size can be supplied as command line parameters to most of the applications. If no size is specified, full-screen is assumed. All applications can be quit by pressing Shift-Esc (this is a standard JGame feature). * jgame-gamegen.jar: the (web-based) game generator. For more information about this program see the subdirectory gamegen/ * smallgames.jar: the smaller games in one jar, for running as applets. * nebulaalpha.jar, matrixminer.jar, waterworld.jar, packetstorm.jar, guardian.jar, CavernsOfFire.jar, Ogrotron.jar: the larger games come in separate packages. Start with java -jar .jar * dingbats.jar: JOGL version of dingbats (is compiled by jgame-apps-jogl only). Can be webstarted using dingbats.jnlp. * html/: HTML for running the games as applets. Try: appletviewer html/applet--.html * tutorial/: a tutorial in 9 simple example applications, illustrating the different features of the game engine. The code is self-documenting. MIDP base classes ----------------- * classes-midp/: java 1.3 classes of the JGame API for MIDP. Note, to run a MIDP game you have to put all classes and resources in a single Jar, and provide a manifest file with the right data (see section "software development"). To recompile the MIDP base classes, you must set the WTK_HOME variable to point to your WTK install. Then you can use: ./make-midp-base MIDP applications ----------------- * Midlet.jar and .jad are the Midlet versions of some of the games. Ensure the WTK_HOME variable points to your WTK install. To recompile the MIDP examples and generate the JARs and JADs: ./make-midp-spacerun ./make-midp-pubman ./make-midp-munchies ./make-midp-dungeonsofhack ./make-midp-matrixminer ./examples/cavernsoffire/make-midp (new style package tree) ./examples/ogrotron/make-midp (new style package tree) In DOS, you have to ensure the MIDlet-Jar-Size attribute in the jad is set to the new jar size. This can be done by using the dir output found in the jad. In unix, this is done automatically. The Jars can be shrunk by almost a factor 2 by using proguard (or another code optimiser). A script doshrinkjar.bat is provided to perform shrinking with proguard (tested with 3.9 or 4.1). Usage is: ./doshrinkjar [jar-to-shrink-without-file-extension] [manifest-file] The shrunk jar is written in classes-midp-shrunk. You have to have proguard installed, and specify the path to proguard in the shell variable PROGUARD_HOME. You can compile and shrink all midlets in one go: ./make-midp-apps The shrunk midlets are compiled into classes-midp-shrunk. You can run the midlets in the WTK emulator (called runmidlet or emulator), or download the game to your mobile. Runmidlet is a wrapper around emulator. I recommend emulator because it shows System.out and System.err. Run it using: emulator -Xdescriptor:YourMidlet.jad The easiest way to download the jar to your phone is usually downloading from the internet, but this usually costs money. Almost all mobiles also enable applications to be downloaded directly from the PC. However, in some cases this may be something of a challenge (this may involve, for example, writing the jars into a hidden directory). Some mobiles use a data cable for this, some use bluetooth or IRda to transfer files. My own mobile uses a regular USB mass storage interface. When downloading from the internet, you typically get the Jad, which then automatically starts download of the Jar. When downloading from your PC you may require either Jad+Jar or just the Jar. Android applications -------------------- * -release.apk are the Android versions of some of the games. Android makefiles are available only for Caverns of Fire and Ogrotron: ./examples/cavernsoffire/make-android ./examples/ogrotron/make-android This compiles the APKs to classes-android/bin/. The Android base classes are not compiled separately. The makefiles are Unix only, I haven't had time to convert them to DOS. Javadoc ------- * javadoc/: the API documentation To re-generate the javadocs, use: ./make-docs Gen-skeleton ------------ There is now a skeleton generation (unix/bash) script that generates a directory with a minimal JGame app in it, with makefiles, a media table, etc. Note that it does not require any of the platform SDKs to be installed. Run it like this: cd skeleton/ ./gen-skeleton.sh [path_to_app_dir] [package_name] [main_class_name] It requires sed, so there is a unix/bash script only and no windows bat file. Now, ensure that the JGame classes can be found in the root directory where you run the make scripts. You need the following: classes-jre, classes-midp, src-base, and src-android. Complete example usage: cd skeleton/ ./gen-skeleton.sh examples/mygame examples.mygame MyGame mv examples ../my_directory cd .. cp -R classes-jre my_directory cp -R classes-midp my_directory cp -R src-base my_directory cp -R src-android my_directory cd my_directory # build JRE version to MyGame.jar sh examples/mygame/make-jre # build the MIDP version to MyGameMidlet.jar / jad export WTK_HOME=/path/to/WTK_root sh examples/mygame/make-midp # build the Android version to classes-android/bin/*.apk export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android sh examples/mygame/make-android This will create a skeleton and compile it for JRE, MIDP, and Android. Two JARs named MyGame.jar and MyGameMidlet.jar will be created, plus a Jad. An APK classes-android/bin/MyGame-release.apk will also be created. Applet and Webstart are not yet supported (instead, use the instructions below to create a HTML and JNLP file). Optionally shrink the Midlet Jar using doshinkjar. -------------------- Software development -------------------- JGame offers several platform and deployment options which are explained in this section. Basically, there is the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) platform, both with and without OpenGL (JOGL) extension, meant for regular PCs, the J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) for mobile phones, and Android for smartphones. If you want to develop in JRE, you must get the JDK (Java Development Kit). This includes the javac compiler, the jar tool, etc. You have to install the JOGL extension separately, if you want to use it (see above). If you want to develop for J2ME, you must also get the WTK (Wireless Toolkit), which contains the J2ME base classes, an emulator, the preverify tool, etc. To run JGame, mobiles need to be CLDC1.1/MIDP2.0 capable. If you want to develop for Android, you need to get the Android SDK. The next sections explain how to work with each of the platforms. Full API documentation is found in the javadoc/ directory; general documentation about game development and practical issues of working with JGame are found in the MANUAL file; a tutorial introducing the JGame features step by step by means of example code is found in the tutorial/ directory. The example games should also illustrate well how a game may be built with JGame. More general information about java, games, graphics, etc. you can find on the JGame website. For people who want to port their JGame 1 or 2 app to JGame 3, read the section on porting below. JRE applications ---------------- Most Java developers are particularly familiar with JRE, and starting software development should be easy. If you are new to Java, here are some suggestions. You can start writing your own JGame games by first putting the jgame package in your classpath. You can do it by adapting the CLASSPATH variable, so that it points to the JGame classes. You can either point to the JGame main directory, or point to jgame-jre.jar. For example, using BASH, stand in the JGame main directory and use: export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`pwd`/jgame-jre.jar In Windows, try: set CLASSPATH=.; ... ...


