
上传日期:2011-07-06 13:16:27
上 传 者yuwin136
说明:  JBOX2D 是一款很好的JAVA 物理引擎。用于解决java 使用物理引擎的问题。
(JBox2D is a close Java port of Erin Catto s excellent C++ Box2D physics engine. Check out the demos to see what it can do.This project has been led by dmurphy (toucansam in the forums) since mid 2010. It was started in late 2007 by quixote_arg and ewjordan, and is released under the permissive and commercial-friendly open source zlib license (as is the original Box2D engine).Documentation is available primarily in the Javadocs within the source distribution. For the moment, the best thing to do is look at the source code of the demos and see how things are constructed. Alternatively, there is extensive documentation on the C++ version of this engine at Box2D.org which, apart from minor name changes (b2Body-> Body, for instance, and in the Java port methods are camel-cased instead of capitalized), should apply equally well to JBox2D.)

JBox2D\IF YOU USE PIXEL UNITS YOU WILL BE SHOT.txt (1086, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\Profiling.txt (20556, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\TODO.txt (4321, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\core.jar (205894, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\jbox2d.jar (260464, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\CourierNew36.vlw (114920, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\LucidaGrande-Bold-14.vlw (33647, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\java.policy.applet (141, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\noise.png (16123, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\AABB.class (1670, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Bound.class (1415, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\BoundValues.class (394, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\BroadPhase.class (12933, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\BufferedPair.class (1044, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\CircleDef.class (599, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\CircleShape.class (3473, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\CollideCircle.class (4608, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\CollidePoly$ClipVertex.class (619, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\CollidePoly.class (7418, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Collision.class (416, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\ContactID$Features.class (1625, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\ContactID.class (975, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Distance.class (7843, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Manifold.class (934, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\ManifoldPoint.class (999, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\MassData.class (462, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\MaxSeparation.class (361, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\OBB.class (1247, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Pair.class (1735, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\PairCallback.class (464, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\PairManager.class (6797, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Point.class (870, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\PolygonDef.class (1724, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\PolygonShape.class (10293, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Proxy.class (873, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Segment.class (341, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\Shape.class (4490, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\ShapeDef.class (785, 2008-03-31)
JBox2D\bin\org\jbox2d\collision\ShapeType.class (1257, 2008-03-31)
... ...

------------- JBox2d README ------------- [This is an SVN pre-2.0 release version. Try running org.jbox2d.testbed.TestbedMain.java to see the demos] JBox2d (http://www.sf.net/projects/jbox2d) is a Java port of Box2d (http://www.box2d.org), a 2D rigid body physics engine written in C++. Box2d is maintained by Erin Catto. JBox2d is maintained by quixote_arg and ewjordan. There is also an Actionscript 3 version of this engine for Flash programmers, maintained by skatehead. Issues can be discussed at the Box2d forums at http://www.box2d.org/forum/ Current release version: 1.4.3 Current SVN version: 2.0.0 ---- Docs ---- Currently JBox2d has no documentation of its own (we're planning on it, but for now we're focusing on keeping the engine up to date). Please refer to the Box2d manual for the time being, keeping in mind the following syntax differences between Box2d and JBox2d: - Class names generally lack the b2 prefix in JBox2d. For instance: [C++] [Java] b2Shape -> Shape b2Vec2 -> Vec2 etc. - Method names are camel-cased in JBox2d: myb2Vec2.Dot(otherb2Vec2) -> myVec2.dot(otherVec2) ThisIsAMethod(parameter) -> thisIsAMethod(parameter) - Built-in types don't have bit-length modifiers: float32 -> float int32 -> int uint8 -> int (nothing is gained by using smaller data types in Java) - Generally speaking, pointers turn into references in JBox2d: m_vehicle->CreateShape(&poly1); -> m_vehicle.createShape(poly1); As a rule of thumb, you can usually start by just deleting any *s and &s that you see in the C++ code, and resolve any problems as they arise. - Polygon definitions use a List instead of a preallocated array: Box2d (C++): b2PolygonDef sd; sd.vertexCount = 3; sd.vertices[0].Set(-0.5f, 0.0f); sd.vertices[1].Set(0.5f, 0.0f); sd.vertices[2].Set(0.0f, 1.5f); JBox2d (Java): PolygonDef sd = new PolygonDef(); sd.vertices.add(new Vec2(-0.5f, 0.0f)); sd.vertices.add(new Vec2(0.5f, 0.0f)); sd.vertices.add(new Vec2(0.0f, 1.5f)); - Global methods in the C++ version had to be put into classes for the Java one. The choices as to where to put these were largely arbitrary, though they usually correspond loosely to whatever .cpp/.h file they were declared within in the C++ version. These functions are mostly for internal use only, so it shouldn't affect you too much. - No operator overloading for Vec2/Mat22 methods: myb2VecA = vecb + vecc -> myVecA = vecb.add(vecc); - Math-related b2* methods are added to the relevant classes, unless they are already present in Math: b2Dot(veca, vecb) -> Vec2.dot(veca, vecb) b2Mul(matrixa, vecb) -> Mat22.mul(matrixa, vecb) b2Max(floata, floatb) -> Math.max(floata, floatb) We strongly recommend using Eclipse, NetBeans, or some other Java IDE that has syntax highlighting and code hints, as this will help you ensure that you are using the appropriate methods. It's also good for your productivity overall. ------ Issues ------ .jar distribution: Right now JBox2d is distributed as source, and there's no engine-only .jar file. We'll fix this, we promise! Performance: We're aware that JBox2d does not achieve the same impressive performance as Box2d. Some of this is an unavoidable limitation of Java, some of it is due to lack of Java-specific optimizations. This should improve a bit as we further optimize, but we're not expecting miracles. Lack of Java-ness: This is a difficult issue for us. We would love to make all the fields private, and refactor everything like mad until it actually looks like Java code. But we are trying to balance Java-ness, maintainability, and performance, and until the C++ version stabilizes a bit more we need to keep very close to its organizational structure, which means public fields all over the place. We're aware of this issue, and we take it seriously, but for now it will have to wait if we want to have any chance of keeping up to date. Javadocs: Yup, we know, this would be very useful. It just takes some time, and the API has been so unstable that it hasn't been worth it yet. At least now there is a bit of internal documentation carried over from the C++ engine, which we will convert to Javadoc soon. Dependencies in testbed: Right now the testbed code depends on the Processing core library (http://www.processing.org) for drawing. A lot of people have asked for a plain old AWT version of the tests, which we will do if we have time. We also plan to add Slick and/or JMonkeyEngine demos. Ultimately, though, it's up to the end user to figure out their own drawing code - it's really not that tough if you look at the way we do it with Processing, the methods are pretty transparent (drawLine(x0,y0,x1,y1) is easy to translate to any engine, no?). Other bugs: JBox2d should produce roughly the same output as Box2d. The exact numerical values may be off by a little bit due to different floating point handling, but we're really shooting for identical large-scale behavior. If you see any problems, please tell us about them!


