
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2020-08-29 19:33:31
上 传 者clonetest1
说明:  this is the test fine of logging data to server to client.

bootstrap-table-develop (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\.eslintrc.js (110, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\.travis.yml (41, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\ (21138, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\ (12624, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\ (1998, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\Gruntfile.js (4931, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\LICENSE (1104, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\_config.yml (721, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\bootstrap-table.jquery.json (860, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\bower.json (639, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\composer.json (519, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table-locale-all.js (62652, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table-locale-all.min.js (36028, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table.css (7234, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table.js (117471, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table.min.css (5768, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\bootstrap-table.min.js (58939, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\accent-neutralise (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\accent-neutralise\bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise.js (11701, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\accent-neutralise\bootstrap-table-accent-neutralise.min.js (5631, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\angular (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\angular\bootstrap-table-angular.js (4067, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\angular\bootstrap-table-angular.min.js (2122, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\auto-refresh (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\auto-refresh\bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.css (48, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\auto-refresh\bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.js (3054, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\auto-refresh\bootstrap-table-auto-refresh.min.js (2058, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\click-edit-row (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\click-edit-row\bootstrap-table-click-edit-row.css (287, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\click-edit-row\bootstrap-table-click-edit-row.js (5516, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\click-edit-row\bootstrap-table-click-edit-row.min.js (2845, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\cookie (0, 2018-04-19)
bootstrap-table-develop\dist\extensions\cookie\bootstrap-table-cookie.js (15456, 2018-04-19)
... ...

# [Bootstrap Table]( [![Build Status](]( [![GitHub version](]( [![Bower version](]( [![jsDelivr Hits](]( [![Donate](]( [![Backers on Open Collective](](#backers) [![Sponsors on Open Collective](](#sponsors) [![](]( An extended Bootstrap table with radio, checkbox, sort, pagination, extensions and other added features. To get started, check out: * [Docs]( * [Examples]( * [Questions/Helps]( * [é—é/]( [**List of donators**]( ## LICENSE **NOTE:** Bootstrap Table is licensed under the [The MIT License]( Completely free, you can arbitrarily use and modify this plugin. If this plugin is useful to you, you can **Star** this repo, your support is my biggest motive force, thanks. ## Features * Created for Bootstrap 3 (Bootstrap 2 supported) * Responsive web design * Scrollable Table with fixed headers * Fully configurable * Via data attributes * Show/Hide columns * Show/Hide headers * Show/Hide footers * Get data in JSON format using AJAX * Simple column sorting with a click * Format column * Single or multiple row selection * Powerful pagination * Card view * Detail view * Localization * Extensions ## How to get it ### Manual download Use [Releases page]( or [the source]( ### Bower ``` bower install bootstrap-table ``` ### Npm ``` npm install bootstrap-table ``` ### CDN You can source bootstrap-table directly from a CDN like [CDNJS]( or [bootcss]( or [jsdelivr](!bootstrap.table). ## Contributing For feature requests, bug reports or submitting pull requests, please ensure you first read []( ## Reporting Issues As stated above, please read [](, especially [Bug Reports]( And as stated there, please provide jsFiddle when creating issues! It's really saves much time. You can also use these for templates: [jsFiddle Bootstrap Table]( Your feedback is very appreciated! ## Acknowledgements Thanks to everyone who have given feedback and submitted pull requests. A list of all the contributors can be found [here]( This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](]. ## Release History Look at the [Change Log]( ## Local build To build bootstrap-table locally please run: ``` npm run grunt ``` Result will appear in `dist` directory. ## Backers Thank you to all our backers! [[Become a backer](] ## Sponsors Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]


