
上传日期:2020-09-10 00:23:01
上 传 者乐于助人
说明:  画误差阴影图,里面含有个例,可以参考其使用方法
(It help you plot ShadeErrorBar)

LICENSE (7652, 2020-04-01)
demo_shadedErrorBar.m (2401, 2020-04-01)
exampleImages (0, 2020-04-01)
exampleImages\basic_with_overlay.png (72649, 2020-04-01)
exampleImages\mod-handles.png (42768, 2020-04-01)
exampleImages\multiple_lines.png (46794, 2020-04-01)
shadedErrorBar.m (7012, 2020-04-01)

# shadedErrorBar `shadedErrorBar` is a MATLAB function that creates a continuous shaded error region around a line rather than discrete bars. The error region can either be specified explicitly or calculated on the fly based upon function handles. The appearance of the plot can be modified via input argumets and/or the handles of the returned plot objects. You will need OpenGL to get transparency to work. # Examples ### Basic example with overlaid points ``` % Prepare data y=randn(30,80)*5; x=(1:size(y,2))-40; yP = sin( linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,length(x)) )*20; y = bsxfun(@plus,y,yP)+60; % Make the plot clf shadedErrorBar(x,y,{@mean,@std}); % Overlay the raw data hold on plot(x,y,'.','color',[0.5,0.5,0.95]) grid on ``` ![](./exampleImages/basic_with_overlay.png) ### Overlaying multiple lines ``` % Prepare data for first line y=ones(30,1)*x; y=y+0.06*y.^2+randn(size(y))*10; clf shadedErrorBar(x,y,{@mean,@std},'lineprops','-b','patchSaturation',0.33) % Overlay second line hold on shadedErrorBar(x,2*y+20,{@mean,@std},'lineprops',{'-go','MarkerFaceColor','g'}); %Overlay third line y=randn(30,80)*5; x=(1:size(y,2))-40; yP = sin( linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,length(x)) )*20; y = bsxfun(@plus,y,yP)+60; % Make this line non-transparent shadedErrorBar(x, y, {@mean,@std}, 'lineprops', '-r','transparent',false,'patchSaturation',0.075) grid on ``` ![](./exampleImages/multiple_lines.png) ### Modifying plot properties post-hoc ``` % Prepare data y=randn(30,80)*5; x=(1:size(y,2)); yP = sin( linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,length(x)) )*20; y = bsxfun(@plus,y,yP); % Plot clf s = shadedErrorBar(x, y, {@mean,@std}, 'lineprops', '-r'); % Set face and edge properties set(s.edge,'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle',':') s.mainLine.LineWidth = 5; s.patch.FaceColor = [0.5,0.25,0.25]; % Overlay data points post-hoc hold on plot(s.mainLine.XData, s.mainLine.YData,'or','MarkerFaceColor','w') grid on set(gca,'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[]) ``` ![](./exampleImages/mod-handles.png) # Change Log 8th Novemeber 2019 * Merge Octave support from [JarlPed]( 24th November 2017 * Add `patchSaturation` as an optional argument. 6th August 2017 * Parameter/value pairs for input arguments greater than 3. * Transparency on by default. * No longer changes the renderer. # Contributing If you wish to contribute please fork the repo, check out the `dev` branch and make your changes there, then file a pull request describing what you did. # Licensing This code is licensed under the lesser GPL v3. See `LICENSE` file in the repository.


