开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2011-07-21 00:51:18
上 传 者emily11p
说明:  dijkstra第k条最短路径算法 Dijkstra(迪杰斯特拉)算法是典型的最短路径路由算法,用于计算一个节点到其他所有节点的最短路径。
(dijkstra Kth shortest path algorithm)

KSP\ksp (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\bin (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\include (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\include\Graph.h (3464, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\KSP.ncb (35840, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\KSP.sln (895, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\KSP.suo (8704, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\KSP.vcproj (3552, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\lib (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\Makefile (545, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\source (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Debug (0, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Debug\vc60.idb (33792, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Debug\vc60.pdb (28672, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.cpp (10572, 2006-05-27)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.dsp (3389, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.dsw (533, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.ncb (33792, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.opt (48640, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\source\Graph.plg (827, 2011-07-20)
KSP\ksp\Test.cpp (1286, 2006-05-27)

ksp is a implementations of finding the k shortest paths algorithm. It is also a C/C++ library including some classical graph relative algrithm implementations. More information about ksp as well as the latest official release of flex can be found at: http://ksp.sourceforge.net/ The ksp distribution contains the following directories and files which may be of interest: README - This file. Makefile - making file under linux KSP.vcproj - vc project file include/ - containing header files. source/ - containing cpp source files lib/ - containing library file compiled by Makefile bin/ - containing executable file compiled by Makefile Please send bug reports and feedback to sharperdavid@hotmail.com


