
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2006-03-26 08:03:06
上 传 者genuisxw
说明:  基于OPENGL的三维衣物控制生成程序 实现虚拟衣服的真是模拟 高效和动感的3D效果 非常
(based on the OpenGL 3D clothing control procedures generated virtual clothes are really efficient and dynamic simulation of the 3D effect )

Cloth_source (0, 2002-06-11)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth (0, 2002-06-11)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\3DMath.cpp (41041, 2002-05-12)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\3DMath.h (7079, 2002-05-11)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\3ds.cpp (31861, 2002-05-18)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\3ds.h (7682, 2002-05-20)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\bass.dll (81340, 2001-06-22)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\BASS.H (45732, 2001-06-18)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\BASS.LIB (59290, 2001-06-20)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\camera.cpp (9260, 2002-05-15)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\camera.h (1568, 2002-05-15)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\cDTC.cpp (6244, 2002-05-27)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\cDTC.h (3289, 2002-05-24)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\cloth.cpp (22585, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\cloth.h (3665, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Data (0, 2002-06-11)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Data.rar (27150, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Data\cloth.jpg (32627, 2002-05-27)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\debug.cpp (5969, 2002-05-19)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\debug.h (223, 2002-05-20)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Debug.txt (46, 2002-06-19)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\dinput.h (94972, 1999-09-08)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\dinput.lib (19022, 1999-09-08)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\dxguid.lib (78714, 1999-09-08)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\files.cpp (953, 2002-05-04)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\files.h (83, 2002-05-20)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Fonts.cpp (4759, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Fonts.h (1058, 2002-05-20)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Framework.dsp (7751, 2002-05-28)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Framework.dsw (543, 2002-04-21)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Framework.exe (126464, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\FreeImage.dll (252928, 2002-05-02)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\FreeImage.h (34682, 2002-03-16)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\FreeImage.lib (41588, 2002-05-02)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Glext.h (12794, 2000-06-14)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Global.cpp (7794, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\Global.h (3770, 2002-05-29)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\GLTexture.cpp (12272, 2001-02-16)
Cloth_source\Strings02 - Cloth\GLTexture.h (2536, 2002-05-20)
... ...

Cloth demo version 0.000001 Written in MS Visual C 6.0 All the libraries needed to compile are included. The cloth specific code is in CLOTH.CPP and STRING.CPP Look in SCENE03.CPP to see how everything is controlled. All the other files contain various stuff, cDTC .... Dave's Texture Class RARX .... Decompression of files from RAR archives WINMAIN .... Guess :) TerraX dave91@btinternet.com www.DavesProgramming.cjb.net


