
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2020-11-10 17:40:35
上 传 者tuan.bka
说明:  SDK for Smartcard Reader using pcsc

pcsc-sdk_2017-01 (0, 2017-01-06)
bin (0, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners (0, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp (0, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\desfireInformation.exe (15360, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\desfireInformation.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\getCardUid.exe (19968, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\getCardUid.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\getReaderInformation.exe (12800, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\getReaderInformation.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\listReaders.exe (9216, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\listReaders.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\readMifareClassic.exe (15872, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\readMifareClassic.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\readMifareUltralight.exe (16384, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\readMifareUltralight.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\SpringCardPCSC.dll (47616, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\writeMifareClassic.exe (16896, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\writeMifareClassic.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\writeMifareUltralight.exe (18944, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\csharp\writeMifareUltralight.exe.config (189, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\vb (0, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\vb\getCardUid.exe (20992, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\vb\getCardUid.exe.config (188, 2017-01-06)
bin\beginners\vb\SpringCardPCSC.dll (40448, 2017-01-06)
bin\commands.ini (794, 2017-01-06)
bin\controls.ini (73, 2017-01-06)
bin\MemoryCardTool.exe (311296, 2017-01-06)
bin\NfcBeam.exe (380928, 2017-01-06)
bin\NfcTagEmul.exe (294912, 2017-01-06)
bin\NfcTool.exe (348160, 2017-01-06)
bin\NfcTool.exe.config (173, 2017-01-06)
bin\PcscDiag2.exe (303104, 2017-01-06)
bin\pix_values.ini (2475, 2017-01-06)
bin\scscriptorxv.exe (368640, 2017-01-06)
bin\scscriptorxv.exe.config (173, 2017-01-06)
bin\smartcard_list.txt (229052, 2017-01-06)
bin\uid_values.ini (355, 2017-01-06)
bin\win32 (0, 2017-01-06)
... ...

# SpringCard PC/SC SDK ## About this SDK The PC/SC SDK is developed by SpringCard and is available for free to all Springcard’s customers, and helps to use with SpringCard’s PC/SC products. ## Legal disclaimer THE SDK IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ## What is PC/SC? PC/SC is the de-facto standard to interface Personal Computers with SmartCards. PCSC is implemented by Winscard.dll on Windows and PCSC-lite on Linux and Mac OS. ## What are the supported devices? Every SpringCard PC/SC couplers may be used with this SDK. The SDK was developed with a Prox’n’roll PC/SC HSP and a CSB-HSP Ultimate. This page contains a complete list of SpringCard’s PC/SC couplers: [http://www.springcard.com/en/products.html](http://www.springcard.com/en/products.html) This other page describes how to upgrade SpringCard PC/SC couplers: http://tech.springcard.com/firmware-upgrade/ ## Introduction to SpringCardPCSC.dll SpringCard provides a helper for Winscard.dll targeted to the .Net environment. ## Physical organisation of the SDK The zip contains, at its root : * A *bin* folder with all programs compiled * A *redist* folder with the libraries compiled * An *src* folder, with all the library source files * A *project* folder, with the different programs / examples with their source code ## Mandatory tools This SDK requires a standard C compiler and a .Net environment. The .Net examples and projects can be used with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition or SharpDevelop. Both are respectively available here: * [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48146](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48146) * [http://www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/](http://www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/) To work with the beginners examples (see below), a MIFARE Ultralight card, a MIFARE Classic card and a MIFARE DESFire card are required. Please contact our sales team, should you need to purchase some cards: [sales@springcard.com](mailto:sales@springcard.com) ## General principle Using SpringCardPCSC.dll to talk to a card is straightforward: 1. Create a reader object with the reader’s name (as returned by Windows) 2. Start to monitor it (whenever something happens, a callback is called) 3. In the callback it is possible to check for the reader’s state and the card’s ATR 4. If the card’s ATR is not null an SCardChannel object can be created to talk to the card and to send it some APDUs 5. Each command sent to the card returns a response that must be interpreted. It is highly recommended to use some threads to deal with the reader and it is highly recommended to handle PC/SC errors and .Net exceptions. ## The beginners The *project/beginners* folder contains a serie of very basic examples in C# and in Visual Basic. There is a solution with 9 projects: * SpringCardPCSC: It’s a shared project with all the other projects and it contains the source of our PC/SC helper. This project is compatible with Linux and Mac OS X, see the [relative article on the blog](http://tech.springcard.com/2016/pcsc-on-linux-and-mac-os-x-with-mono/) for more informations. However for the moment only this project is cross-platforms, none of the others have been ported, you have to create your own projects to use SpringCardPCSC on a different platform. * listReaders: It’s the most basic example, it lists all the PC/SC readers installed on the computer. That’s the project to start with. * getCardUid: This program builded on the listReaders example, retrieves the readers but also retrieves some data from the inserted card as the ATR, UID, protocol and type. * readMifareUltralight: This project reads all the content of a Mifare Ultralight card. * writeMifareUltralight: This project writes some ASCII (text) data to a Mifare Ultralight card. It only write textual data but it’s not a limitation of the card. * readMifareClassic: Reads data (only textual data) from a Mifare Classic card. * writeMifareClassic: Writes (textual) data in the card to a specific address. * desfireInformation: Retrieves information from a desFire card. It reads the card’s version and lists the available applications. * getReaderInformation: This project get some information from the reader: * Vendor's Name * Product's name * Product's Serial number * USB vendor ID and product ID * Product's version * etc This program differs from the preceding ones, in that it shows how to communicate with the reader instead of communicating with the card. Please note that when dealing with PC/SC, it is highly recommended to use threads, in order not to block the user interface. It is also mandatory to handle all possible exceptions. All those examples don’t necessary use threads nor handle exceptions because the goal is to demonstrate how to deal with PC/SC, cards and readers. ## Other tools included in this SDK ### memorycardtool This Windows project is used to "explore" memory cards (show data and modify them). It shows data in raw mode. ### pcscdiag2 This Windows program is used to send commands to memory cards and smartcards. ### scriptorxv This is a Windows program to send commands to a smartcard -from a batch file or manual entry- through a PC/SC reader. ### pcsc_no_minidriver Command line utility to disable the 'driver not found' message on Windows Seven for smartcards. It may also make NFCBeam work when you have the message "Failed to instantiate LLCP layer on the newly inserted card." ### c_reference The folder contains some examples in the C language to talk with cards. ### pcscmon This sample program shows how to use SCardGetStatusChange to track smartcard events. ### NfcBeam Implementation of a SNEP Server, i.e. the application is able to send NFC beams to a smartphone supporting the SNEP system. ### NfcTool NfcTool is a basic NFC Forum Tag read/write application. It is able to encode and decode NFC Forum messages (NDEF) and read and wrtite NFC Forum Tags (type 2 and type 4). ### NfcTagEmul NfcTagEmul is built on the same roots as NfcTool, but instead of writing data into a Tag, NfcTagEmul just turn the H512 itself into a Tag. ## Other Free software On most Linux's distribution you can find the package pcsc-tools which provides some free software tools to send APDU commands to a card on Linux. * [Official website](http://ludovic.rousseau.free.fr/softwares/pcsc-tools/) * [Git repository](https://github.com/LudovicRousseau/pcsc-tools) Otherwise, there is CardPeek which can read cards' data, and is extensible with a scripting language (LUA). CardPeek can be installed on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. * [Official website](http://pannetrat.com/Cardpeek) * [Git repository](https://github.com/L1L1/cardpeek) ## Other readings The "*CSB6 Developer's reference manual*" is a good reading to understand what SpringCard readers can do and how to use the different cards: http://www.springcard.com/en/download/find/file/pmd841p The *SPRINGCARD PC/SC COUPLERS - H663 GROUP - Developer's reference manual* is also a good reading for our H663 family products http://www.springcard.com/en/download/find/file/pmd2271 And for our H512 family products, you can consult this other documentation, "SPRINGCARD PC/SC READERS - H512 GROUP - Developer's reference manual": http://www.springcard.com/en/download/find/file/pmd2176 ## How to contact us For technical information, this form is available: [http://www.springcard.com/en/support/contact](http://www.springcard.com/en/support/contact) For any commercial request, please use this other form: [http://www.springcard.com/en/contact](http://www.springcard.com/en/contact)


