
上传日期:2020-11-16 22:10:22
上 传 者莱尼
说明:  用市面上的摄像头,可以实现实时人脸识别功能。
(The algorithm model of facenet face recognition is obtained through deep learning, and the backbone network of feature extraction is concept-resnetv1, which is developed from concept network and RESNET, with more channels and network layers, so that each layer can learn more features and greatly improve the generalization ability. The network is deeper, the amount of calculation in each layer is reduced, and the ability of feature extraction is strengthened, so as to improve the accuracy of target classification. On the LFW data set, the accuracy of face recognition reaches 98.40%. In this experiment, mtcnn is introduced into the face detection algorithm. Its backbone network is divided into three convolutional neural networks: p-net, R-Net and o-net. Among them, o-net is the most strict in screening candidate face frames. It will output the coordinates of a human face detection frame and five facial feature points (left eye, right eye, nose, left mouth corner, right mouth corner).)

LICENSE (1065, 2020-03-26)
detect.py (1035, 2020-03-26)
img (0, 2020-03-26)
img\out.jpg (413467, 2020-03-26)
img\timg.jpg (173231, 2020-03-26)
model_data (0, 2020-03-26)
model_data\onet.h5 (1604296, 2020-03-26)
model_data\pnet.h5 (57184, 2020-03-26)
model_data\rnet.h5 (438312, 2020-03-26)
mtcnn.py (7134, 2020-03-26)
utils.py (6707, 2020-03-26)

# Mtcnn人脸检测算法在Keras当中的实现 --- ### 目录 1. [所需环境 Environment](#所需环境) 2. [使用方法 Usage](#使用方法) 3. [参考资料 Reference](#Reference) ### 所需环境 tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 keras==2.1.5 ### 使用方法 下来过来直接运行即可,运行其中的detect.py,所用模型就是model_data中的onet.h5、pnet.h5、rnet.h5。 如果有机会的话我会试着训练一下啊。 ![原图Before](/img/timg.jpg) ![处理后的图](/img/out.jpg) ### Reference [https://github.com/xiangrufan/keras-mtcnn](https://github.com/xiangrufan/keras-mtcnn)


