上传日期:2020-11-23 16:52:26
上 传 者tianli37
说明:  APM32单片机SPI程序;替代STM32F030系列
(Apm32 MCU SPI program; replace stm32f030 series)

SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Project\MDK\SPI_FullDuplex.uvprojx (16929, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Source\apm32f0xx_int.c (2852, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Source\main.c (8028, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Project\MDK\SPI_TwoBoards_Master.uvprojx (16878, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Source\apm32f0xx_int.c (2646, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Source\main.c (6168, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Project\MDK\SPI_TwoBoards_Slave.uvprojx (16877, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Source\apm32f0xx_int.c (2688, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Source\main.c (5937, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Project\MDK (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Project\MDK (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Project\MDK (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Include (0, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Project (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master\Source (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Include (0, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Project (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave\Source (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Include (0, 2020-11-10)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Project (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex\Source (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Master (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards\Slave (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_FullDuplex (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI\SPI_TwoBoards (0, 2020-11-23)
SPI (0, 2020-11-23)

/*! * @file readme.txt * * @brief This file is routine instruction * * @version V1.0.0 * * @date 2020-08-17 * */ &par Example Description This example provides a small application in which system sends and receives data by polling though using SPI firmware library. All received information will be displayed by serial assistant. To use this example, you need to load it on two APM32 boards (let's call them Board A and Board B) then connect these two boards through SPI lines and must A and B to GND. When compare buffer is no difference,The LED2 is on. The phenomenon of data interaction process can be displayed using serial assistant. Master Slave CLK PA5 PA5 NSS PA4 PA4 MISO PA6 PA6 MOSI PA7 PA7 &par Hardware Description using USART2(TX:PA2、RX:PA3) to Master. - USART2 configured as follow: - BaudRate = 115200 - Word Length = USART_WordLength_8b - Stop Bit = USART_StopBits_1 - Parity = USART_Parity_No - Hardware flow control disabled (RTS and CTS signals) - Receive and transmit enabled &par Directory contents - SPI/SPI_TwoBoards/slave/Source/apm32f0xx_int.c Interrupt handlers - SPI/SPI_TwoBoards/slave/Source/main.c Main program - SPI/SPI_TwoBoards/master/Source/apm32f0xx_int.c Interrupt handlers - SPI/SPI_TwoBoards/master/Source/main.c Main program &par Hardware and Software environment - This example runs on APM32F030 MINI Devices.


