上传日期:2011-08-01 19:55:49
上 传 者幽灵之魂
说明:  DDS文件编辑工具主要用与游戏客服端文件编辑
(DDS files and game editing tools with the customer service end of the main document editing)

KANTUdds\Test.dds (32896, 2002-08-12)
KANTUdds\WTV.exe (143360, 2008-05-16)
KANTUdds (0, 2011-07-15)

WTV - DDS file viewer Overview -------- WTV was developed for simple and fast DDS viewing, escpecially for those DDS files with alpha channel, because there where no free or even commercial viewers/browsers which could show an image modulated by it's alpha channel. Supported DDS pixel formats --------------------------- * 8888 * 888 * 565 * 555 * 1555 * 4444 * DXT1/A * DXT3 * DXT5 * DXT5_NM * V8U8 * x8 ( G8, B8 not tested yet ) * R16F * G16R16F * A16B16G16R16F * R32F * G32R32F * A32B32G32R32F * ATI1N, ATI2N * G16R16 Supported map types ------------------- * 2D * Cube * Volume Installation ----------- Copy WTV.EXE to a permanent destination (e.g. C:\Utils\Wtv\ in my case) From version 0.58b, you can associate WTV with DDS files through the menu option "Help->Associate DDS file with WTV" If it doesn't work, try manual association. This way has been tested with WinXP: - right click on any DDS file - select "Open With" - select "Choose program..." - click on "Browse" button and find the WTV app. - click on "Open" button - check "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" - click on "OK" button How to use WTV -------------- The fastest way of using WTV is to associate it with DDS files. Then, simply double-click or press enter on any DDS file to view it. Another way is to use Drag&Drop or the good old "File->Open..." By default, the image will be modulated by it's alpha channel ( if there is one ). If you want to disable that function, press "U" or click on menu->options->Use alpha channel. Background color is pink by default ( can be changed ), so transparent pixels will be pink. To view alpha channel only press "A" or click on menu->options->Show alpha channel. You can browse through all DDS files in the same folder by the mouse wheel rotation, up/down or pgup/pgdn keys. +/- keys or mouse wheel zooms the image. When the mouse cursor is changed to drag, the image is bigger than window and can be moved by right-mouse button + mouse move. Left/right keys change current mipmap and Z/X keys change current side/layer for cube/volume maps. Control keys overview --------------------- Up/Down, PgUp/PgDn -> previous/next picture Home -> first picture in the folder End -> last picture in the folder Delete -> deletes current file and move to the next one Mouse wheel -> previous/next picture or zoom. Depends on settings Left/Right -> change mipmap +/- -> zoom in / zoom out * -> reset zoom to 100% A -> show/hide alpha channel. Use alpha to blend if any other channel is shown. R -> show/hide red channel G -> show/hide green channel B -> show/hide blue channel U -> show just alpha or RGB B -> specify background color C -> ON/OFF window clipping to nearest monitor work area Z/X -> change side (cube maps) or change layer (volume maps) Right mouse button press + mouse move -> move image which is bigger than the window Status bar information ---------------------- Type - is fixed to DDS in current version. I plan at least TGA support. Format - pixel format of the current DDS file Size - size of the current file mipmap Layer/Side - LAYER = current volume layer / layer count, SIDE = current cube map side / sides used MipMap - current mipmap / mipmap count Mem - memory taken by current mipmap / memory taken by all mipmaps together Contact ------- Tomas (Woody) Blaho Illusion Softworks tomas.blaho@illusionsoftworks.com 2KCzech tomas.blaho@2kczech.com !! Any suggestions will be appreciated. !! Version history --------------- 0.86b - Fixed hang in overlapped file handling on Windows XP ***bit - Fixed damaged DXT5 image after ATI2N image was viewed 0.85b - Changed format name generation to support more than 8bits per channel. - Added support for G16R16 format. - Fixed blending of A8L8 format. - Fixed menu channel selection. 0.84b - Fixed ATI2N format decompression. - Added support for ATI1N format 0.83b - Any single channel is shown as gray scale - shortcuts added for forced single channel view. It is shift or ctrl + R or G or B or A. - all channels are shown after shift or ctrl + U. The U alone switches between A and RGB channels. 0.81b - More normal map formats shown through the new PostProcess option. - fixed name and presentation of A8L8 format. 0.80b - Fixed path to the current, when file name used as a parametr desn't have path included. - Added support for ATI2N format - Added support for a separate channel view. Shortcuts slightly redesigned. - Delete key deletes current file and move to next one. 0.70b - Fixed image movement outside the main monitor 0.69b - Added chance to remove DDS file association (menu Help->Remove association of DDS files with WTV) 0.68b - Fixed float CUBE/VOLUME maps. - float format pixels drawing bound to (0.0f .. 1.0f) range. 0.67b - Added conversion to long file name in case the system calls WTV with the short filename as parameter. 0.66b - Added "Treat DXT5 as DXT5_NM" possibility (menu item or 'n' key) - Fixed alpha usage status after WTV starts 0.65b - HOME key leads to the first picture in the current folder, END key leads to last picture in the current folder - zoom by keys '+' and '-' is now in predefined way: 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 300%, 500%, 700%, 1000%, 2000%, 3000%, 5000% and 10000%. So when the zoom is 110% and the '+' is pressed, it jumps to 200% and not to (2 * currentZoom) = 220%. When the '-' is pressed, it jumps to 100% and not to (0.5 * currentZoom) = 60% - Fixed the rounding bug in the current percentual zoom level information in the caption bar. 0.***b - A8 (or others "just 8bit per pixel" formats) now works well also in "A" and "ARGB" modes. Not only in "RGB" mode. - Fixed pixel format description for formats with an alpha channel ("32bit - X8R8G8B8" instead of "32bit - R8G8B8" etc.) 0.63b - Fixed background cleaning on some situations. - Added "Always on top" possibility - Added "Filter image" settings for shrinking and enlarging - Fixed "Clip to work area" for multi-monitor systems. It's now renamed to "Clip to nearest monitor" - Added "Always in center of nearest monitor" possibility - Added "Auto zoom" possibility, which ensure that the full image is always displayed. Not just it's part. - Added "Wrap arround while changing files" possibility - Fixed progress bar visibility when just alpha channel has been displayed. 0.62b - ESC evokes exit on press, not on release. - Fixed ESC while open or color dialog is visible. It also closed whole WTV. - Zoom possibility for mouse wheel added in menu "Options" -> "Mouse wheel behaviour" (thx to Doane Rhoag) - Progress bar now appears after 250ms instead of 500ms - Progress bar now shows not only loading progress. It is still only one per image, but it has three parts. 0 -> 33% file loading, 33% -> 66% decompression (skipped for uncompressed images) 66% -> 100% blending alpha with color + swapping lines - small registry saving fixies 0.61b - Fixed program hang after the file of given file name was not found. - Fixed rare problem in listing files. - Fixed loading of non-standard mimmaps in old DDS files - DDS files with unsupported pixel format do not create message box. There is just cleared window and "Format Unknown" text in status bar. 0.60b - asynchronous loading implemented, so very large textures can be skipped during loading. Also mipmap/vol.layer/cube-side can be changed, instead of waiting until the end of current loading. - loading progress bar added. It appears automatically after 500ms of loading, so it doesn't disturb for short loadings. 0.59b - fixed cube maps without mipmaps - minor fix in window size computation 0.58b - automatic DDS file association added (menu Help->Associate DDS files with WTV) 0.57b - volume/cube maps support ('z'/'x' key changes "depth layer"/"cube side") - fixed crash for folders with thousands of DDS files (thx to Doane Rhoag) - fixed memory size indicator for current mipmap 0.56b - DDS decoder improved (very small mipmaps, different DDS headers) 0.55b - 16bit and 32bit floating point DDS pixel format support added. - backgroud color can be chosen through the dialog - channel usage/visibility information added to menu - last window pos, background color, use/show alpha, window clipping and used path are saved to the registry - key '*' resets zoom to 100% 0.52b - 8bit DDS pixel format support added. Only A8 and R8 were tested. 0.5b - "File->Open..." and Drag & Drop method implemented (thx to Doug Rogers) - minor bug fixes 0.03b - First usable version.


